Thursday, October 17, 2024

Another day at home but maybe not.

Actually this morning started off pretty good with a chuckle. I was running my PRC320 military rig in the driveway and apparently some dog walker (best guess) saw me and called the police. It's happened before and eventually will likely happen again. Still, it's a very rare event because I've been doing this on nice days for about 15 years or so.

If anybody asked (and nobody did this morning) I usually tell them I am checking in with the Moose and Squirrel net to report the area is secure and ask them if they've seen Boris and Natasha recently. 

Anyway, the officer pulled up, rolled down his window and with a grin asked if I was still keeping an eye on Rocky and Bullwinkle. I said that I was and asked him if someone had called in. Someone had and the cop grinned, told me to have a good day and was ready to leave but had a thought.

He asked me what the furthest distance I had ever gotten on the little rig and I told him Australia a few time. 

"I'm impressed," he said and drove off.

It was pretty much a non event.

Morning is over and I am looking into working at the sportsman club a couple days a week as a volunteer. I spent a couple hours there today and watched a couple of younger guys sight in in-line muzzleloaders for the season that starts in a few days.

It was fun because I took the Miata through the backroads. 

I really love driving a 33 YO Old School sports car.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I just got word a guy I know almost got into some fairly hot water and it ain't fair.

Seems he and his significant other got into it and  he walked out. In short he broke off the fight. He retreated. 

When one party breaks it off it's done. Over. Finished. Both go somewhere to cool off or maybe even leave permanently.

Many years ago I figured out early on I was dating a drama queen run completely by emotion and the first time a minor spat got out of hand I left never to return. It later proved to be a wise decision. She was a real mess.

Anyway she followed him which means she was bringing the fight to him and he retreated a couple more times.

Of course needless to say, his retreat enraged her more and she finally tried to hit him with something and he simply defended himself by giving her a good shove that sent her back where she tripped on something and hit her head. 911 got called and for once someone got involved and told the cop what happened. 

There's usually a somebody goes to jail policy when things like this happened. Maybe the cop didn't want to bother with the paperwork or maybe he decided justice was served but the guy I know got off. 

Either way he was damned lucky and if he goes anywhere near her he's just plain stupid.


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Monday, October 14, 2024

What if governance sets up intolerable guard rails?

I tend to agree that humans collectively need guard rails. It's not OK to hack each other up or steal from each other. That's a given.

Still, the question is how much space is there between the guardrails?

I have lived by a moral code that guides me. I must be doing something right because I have not gotten into any real trouble in my life. (That and the fact that I have never been caught.)

The law only goes so far. When it goes too far it is the duty of the people to break said law and just plain ignore it.

An example of that is the ownership of certain firearms in certain places. Compliance with laws banning them runs well under 10% in these places and that disgusts me because it SHOULD run zero.

There are a few other rules that should be ignored. 

Right now in Michigan the governor signed a safe storage act and has instructed teachers to ask students what goes on at home which is clearly none of their business.

As far as I'm concerned any teacher that asks kids anything about their home life should be dragged out of the classroom and be beaten senseless by the parents.

The ONLY thing the teachers should be interested in are obvious signs of malnutrition or abuse. That's it. 

Of course a group of fathers beating up a 23 year old woman schoolteacher would result in them being called cowardly woman beaters so she should be handed over to the mothers to dispense justice to.

I pity the schoolmarm that has to deal with six or eight angry mothers. They can be worse than men.

When the guide rails get to narrow it's the duty of We, the People to stretch them out a bit.

I've said this before, and it bears repeating. Anne Frank was hidden by outlaws and ratted out by law abiding citizens.

While I am on topic, most governors are heavily guarded, usually by the state police. I wonder what they would act like if they were not given such protection. Maybe they would be far more apt to leave us alone.

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Wowee kazowie! A black owned pizza place!

Which means I will likely check it out because I like pizza.

If he makes a good pie than likely he will have a repeat customer. If he makes a great pie he can bet on having a regular customer.

If he makes a lousy pie he will never see me again.

It's not about color. It's about pizza.


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Saturday, October 12, 2024

One of my pet peeves is attempted do good upgraders.

I remember being taken to dinner once and ordering the meat loaf and my host suggested I try one of the steaks. He actually tried to upsell me on it. My host, a company supervisor was trying to impress is over some damned thing and thought I was crazy not to take a steak dinner as a company freebie.

Over the years a few times when someone buys the drinks I've had my host get me Knob Creek or Maker's Mark when I asked for Jim Beam. Usually I quietly choke it down so as not to embarrass my host but not always.

A couple of times I've picked up my drink, gone over to the bar and handed it to the bartender and ordered a Jim Beam and returned.

Once the host asks what's wrong and I simply say that I don't like expensive bourbons. As usual, they say, "I don't understand. Knob Creek is a better bourbon than Jim Beam."

"No. It's a more expensive bourbon than Jim Beam. I really don't care for it."

It's that simple.

One time someone offered to take me to some damned hifalutin' fancy restaurant for dinner and I told him to "Save your money. I won't be impressed. Go find a nice truck stop or basic diner that makes a pretty good meat loaf and REALLY impress me."

He did and we had a really relaxed meal together.

I remember at work occasionally when they ran a class or something they'd tell us to save our dinner receipts. I had maybe 4 nights worth and while most of the other guys gorged themselves on steak and lobster, 

I turned in two from a diner, one from a fish place that made a pretty good fried cod and a supermarket receipt for a couple of pork chops, some potato salad, cole slaw and some lemonade.  

When he asked what the supermarket receipt was for I told him that there was a fire pit behind the motel and it looked like a pretty good night for a barbecue. He shook his head and laughed.

At a later three day and nights overnight class I turned in a receipt for a damned expensive dinner and a diner meal and my port captain laughed and commented that I didn't take advantage of things.

There's a 1991 Miata NA in the garage and if some rich guy destroyed it in an accident and offered to buy his way out of it by offering me a new one straight off the showroom floor I'd probably agree, sell it and go hunting for another low mileage, garage kept 1991 NA. Screw the upgrade. I like what I like.


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Friday, October 11, 2024

I keep getting dismal reports out of NC/TN regarding FEMA relief.

I would love to see just one report from a non governmental/biased media source that says something positive.

Even if it's some dumb local yokel kid saying something like "Hey! This is pretty cool! They're giving me 25 bucks an hour for me to sit here and make sure the proper forms are filled out before anything gets handed out!"

I just Googled 'Any good news about FEMA in NC?"

I went through the first 6 pages of what came up and it was nothing but denials of the accusations made by Trump and others.

However, it you look at the sources, they are the usual gang of culprits. On the other hand, what else would you expect Google to post? Over time I have watched Google go down the woke rabbit hole.

Wikipedia is no prize, either.


On J5 I was in DTW and CNN was still the airport TV channel before they stopped using it there.

I had my tablet out and watched a bunch of videos made by people that were in DC nearby and got a 100% different picture of things than CNN gave.


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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Figured I'd share one of my Facebook posts with you

One time some screeching impassioned mother asked me if I'd give a child a rifle. 

My reply was "Certainly not. Rifles are too heavy for small children to use. They are better suited for crew served weapons like machine guns and mortars because they learn how to work together and build teamwork. Just the other day I taught my grand daughter how to change a hot barrel on an M-60 machine gun and she's pretty good at it now. When she get a little bigger in a few years I'll teach her rifle marksmanship but until then she's going to be a machine gunner or maybe work a mortar." 

I was proud of the panic attack I gave her.

Protip. Always slip an extra asbestos mitt into your small child's spare barrel bag because little kids need both hands to swap out a hot barrel.

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