Sunday, June 9, 2013

I wish the NAACP would just simply go away

 because it has done it's job and is now just being a pain in the ass.

Call me whatever you want. I don't care anymore.

The organization was started with a pretty noble purpose.

"To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination" is the mission statement I just got out of the Wikipedia people and I have no reason to doubt it.

I would have to say it has suceeded and should fold up, say "Mission accomplished" and dissolve leaving a pretty good legacy behind to be looked at by historical scholars.

Until somewhat recently they have done the black community a great service of busting through an awful lot and maybe we wouldn't be where we are without them. Historiaclly they have accomplished a lot.

But I guess that would mean that the leadership would have to go back to being anybodies again and once you have had a place of power you simply don't want to quit.

These days the organization seems not to have anyone out there in any numbers to say is persecuting blacks. Proof is that we now have a black man in the White House.

If all of this bigotry was still there we wouldn't have a black president. 

OK, yes. There are still a few bigots out there and there will always be until we do away with stupid which isn't going to happen in the forseeable future. If we outlaw it the jails will be so full there will be nobody aavailable to guard them.

When a group forms to accomplish a mission and does there are generally a lot of people left over that stand around looking at each other asking 'what's next?'. The next step is what is popularly called a re-invention. The NAACP seems to have started in on this and the reinvention doesn't look very good.

A group that was fighting for equal rights and dignity in the workplace seems now to have embraced the Free $hit Army and seems more interested in taking from the populace that adding to it.

It wasn't very long ago that the group was supporting the dignity of work and being justly and equally rewarded for it and that in itself is a noble thing. It also extolled to their membership the need for being responsible in their daily lives and the need to set an example by contributing to the nation as a whole so as to be noticed as good people.

Over the past decade or so they seem to have changed and made somewhat of a point to make sure their membership gets their free $hit  from government. In short it appears to me that they have stopped contributing and started collecting.

A decade or so ago I would watch the NAACP take on the cause of a person that had truly been treated unfairly. Generally the person was clearly in the right and was a decent human being with no impeachability. He or she would have all of the proper credentials and a pretty clean record.

Ever since they let Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton darken their door they seem to have been supporting some runny-nosed little hype or another. I haven't seen too many good people that have been shafted being defended recently.

Actually the NAACP isn't the only one that has accomplished their mission. There are a lot of them.

MADD is another one. They campaigned for passage and enforcement of drunk driver laws. The purpose, of course, being to make the streets safer. Founded in 1980 by Candice Lightner it grew and in short order it managed to get the mission accomplished.

Drunk driving laws were enacted and strongly enforced. They still are, yet after it had done what it set out to do it became much closer to a neo prohibitionist group that really does little to make the public any safer. In fact, Lightner-the very founder of the group- left the organization after its mission was accomplished after the organization reinvented itself.

The NAACP seems to be paralleling this because instead of folding itself up they have shifted focus and are now supporting causes designed to create what they wanted to stop in the first place.

Recently they have taken up the cause of justice for Treyvon Martin, a black teenager that was shot after apparently assaulting a Hispanic male. The initial investigation cleared the shooter, George Zimmerman who was brought up on charges after pressure from the NAACP and Al Sharpton among others.

The NAAACP should not have touched that case with a ten foot pole. Martin wasn't clean to begin with, but since the case crossed racial lines  they jumped right in.

They ought to simply sit down, shut up and either shut down or go on standby mode instead of looking for problems or creating them where they do not exist.

People are getting pretty tired of them whipping out the race card and all they are doing is creating what they were designed to stop.

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