Friday, March 6, 2015

The m855 ammo ban isn't about police safety.

It's about power in Washington and eroding freedom.

If you believe for a nanosecond that anything anyone in Washington does is for the average guy then guess again.

This ban has nothing to do with protecting police officers or anyone for that matter except for the sorry asses of our elected officials that fear an armed populace. This means a pretty good sized chunk of them.

The M855 ammunition in question is pretty much ball ammunition. It is not designed to expand on impact and create a larger wound channel like hunting ammunition does.

M855 ammo on the surplus market is plentiful and fairly cheap. It has kept responsible shooters in ammunition for years.

This attempt to ban this ammunition is nothing more than a mean, petty way of the present administration to take a cheap shot at the shooting community that they so despise.

Even the police have gone on record to say this ammunition is no problem and the ban is not needed for officer protection.

The only people it hurts is responsible gun owners because they are responsible. Criminals simply do not obey the law.

I simply wish the clowns in Washington would leave us the hell alone.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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