Friday, August 25, 2017

I am getting ready to tell someone off and it won’t be pretty.

This person is fueling the hate with character assassination by blaming the problems we have on the very people that have served us to quell the hate.

I have seen too much character assassination in my time and it is -bullshit. For example the gay community owes the Chick-Fil-A people one hell of an apology for what they did to that business a while back.

Simply because the people running it are Christian and espouse Christian values and were not going to go along with gay marriage the gay community labeled them as homophobic. This is even though Chick-Fil-A’s published mission statement specifically included fair treatment for people no matter of race, color, religion or sexual orientation.

They have also opened their restaurants during times of bad weather and sheltered and fed travelers at no cost. Sounds pretty generous to me. They didn't ask about someone's sexuality, they just fed and sheltered them.

Sometime around then I got a few potshots taken at me because I said that I didn’t believe the government should be in the marriage business. That is something that should be left to the churches. I believe government should allow civil unions to any two people that want one.

However, the twisted little bastard tried to logic that because I was opposed to government issued marriage for ANYONE including gays that I had to be homophobic. What bullshit!

While I am certainly not a believer in white supremacy, I have a pretty hard time with the fact that everyone BUT whites can have a pride organization. Yet a white pride organization is racist. Things are truly two faced.

The truth is the left WANTS to keep us apart. They WANT to keep us fighting among ourselves and they don’t care over what. They will do what it takes to create disharmony and fighting.

I do not want to play that game but if I am forced to I will not be kind.


I just saw where the BLM people want whites to will their homes to black or brown people that have been in generational poverty.
First of all I read what they wrote and it sounds like not only poor, uneducated English but a total lack of understanding of home ownership. I am beginning to realize that the BLM people are probably not really representative of successful blacks. They represent the unsuccessful portion of the race. The successful people buy their own stuff and take care of it.

The generational poor are not going to be lifted out of poverty by being given a nice home in a good neighborhood. The truth is that poor people have poor ways to begin with. If they are given a nice home then inside a couple of years it will become an eyesore. Most poor people do not understand maintenance. It is a big part of the cycle of poverty. Poor people generally do not know how to take care of things.

The lawn will go un-mowed, the house will go unpainted, the woodwork will rot and things will get just plain tumbledown. In time the roof will leak and the place will become uninhabitable.

In the meantime there will have been money for smokes, drugs, booze, spinners and fancy duds and other frivolities as the house falls apart.

Of course, the neighbors are going to be the ones to suffer as they will lose a lot of property value as the house in question deteriorates.

I suppose if I had lousy neighbors it would be a cool way of getting even with them, though. Fortunately I am blessed with good neighbors so it makes no sense to pass the home on to someone that has lived in generational poverty.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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