Friday, October 6, 2017

One of the things I reserve the right to do

 to people once in a while is to run a stupidity check. This is usually done by playing the pile the Bravo Sierra on until one of two things happen.

The pile collapses under its own weight or the person swallows the whole thing, hook, line and sinker.

Most recently I played this game with someone that asked me about my grandson while I was walking a young grandnephew. She wanted to know if it was my grandson so I told her it was my son. I explained that I had knocked up a stripper at a bachelor party and went on and on about using massive amounts of alcohol and drugs.

A while back I had someone ask me about how hard mariners party when they hit the beach. I instantly told him a wild tale of a half-case of beer, a quart of Jack Daniels, followed by all sorts of drugs. It was kind of a six or eight of these, six or eight of those, an ounce of coke and on and on. The amount was really enough to outright kill and entire herd of elephants yet I said that if I did any more than that I would need a designated driver!

Now the person that took this hook, line and sinker has been told before more than once that seamen are constantly tested for drugs and alcohol. One would think that halfway through my spiel he would have stopped and said, “Wait a minute! How does he pass his drug tests if he does all of this stuff?”

The time I told someone I served with Colonel Roosevelt in Cuba was epic. It was on a web forum and instantly someone said I was a 'Gun show beef jerky salesman'.

Some wag dug up the picture of the Rough Riders and put an arrow pointing to a hat (just the man's hat showed) and put my name on it.

I instantly got an apology. I wonder if he thought that in order for it to be true I had to be at least 130 years old. 

I would. Most people I know with at least half of an operating brain would. Yet there are so many people that believe everything they are told without question that leave me constantly amazed.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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