Saturday, January 19, 2019

There are things that are a waste of my time and someone else's money.

So called fine dining is one and oversized homes are another.

A while back at work we went along the coast somewhere and saw all sorts of gazillion dollar homes. They were huge and very expensive, of course. While we were looking at them someone pointed out that this humongous mansion was inhabited by one older woman. It struck me as a waste of just about everything.

Personally I think that a 1.5 story Cape is way too much house for me but I am what I am. Sometimes I don't go upstairs for months at a time.

Still, I am not some kind of communist. I figure if you have that kind of money and want to spend it on a 63 bedroom home that's your business. 

Anyway, the other thing that is wasted on me is so-called fine dining. A couple of years ago I got invited to eat at one of those expensive restaurants and it practically turned into a melee.

I tried to beg off politely and it became the old game of they didn't seem to understand I just didn't want to go so they insisted and I politely tried again to beg off. This went round and round a while until I lost my temper and dug my heels in. It got ugly. 

I asked him when the last time there had been a food fight in the place. He said he had never heard of one.

I told him that tomorrow morning the answer was going to be 'last night' if he insisted on taking me there because I would start one. 

He looked confused and said he didn't understand why I didn't want to go to such a place. I told him I thought it was a complete waste of money because I simply have no desire to eat at a place like that.

I got the usual confused ''Well...well...well..." out of him and he asked me why. I simply gave him a 'Because I don't'. Truth is, I don't eat at places where a tie is required.

"Well, couldn't you just..." he started.

"NO!" I interrupted.

I just don't like pretentious places like that. If you want to impress me then take me someplace that serves down home cooking.

Hmm....Now that I have been thinking about this, I ought to go check out the meat loaf at the diner that opened up on the highway last year. I tried breakfast there several months ago and it was okay.

Wonder what the meat loaf is like.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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