Friday, August 30, 2019

An open apology to my niece and nephew.

I did what I could but I guess I failed.

I attended Reunion 50 and quite frankly I was appalled and felt the bile rising in my throat. I kept getting angrier and angrier with some of the things I heard.

Some had done well and I respect that and in the process of getting wealthy they created jobs for others and put food on tables and actually created wealth. If these people want to sit around at a Florida pool drinking 20 year old scotch surrounded by babes in bikinis and heels that's their business. They damned well earned it.

My beef was with those that went into government and got their unions to beat the voters into over sized paychecks, early retirement AND unsustainable pensions. The teachers seemed to be the biggest culprits of this.

Guess who's going to be paying for that crap when I'm dead and gone? Sucks to be you.

Our generation could have done a lot but we didn't. We could have fixed social security. We could have done a lot. Our parents plundered social security to be able to send us to Vietnam and get chewed up. That was the big hit. Still, we could have found a way to fix it. We didn't.

Instead we kicked the can down the road and there will probably be nothing there for you when it's your turn to retire.

We COULD have worked with the various colleges and figured a way to make college affordable. Instead we fattened up the teachers and staff and offered the student loan program designed to keep a college bound person in debt up to his ears for twenty years after they graduated.

Of course while you guys are slaving away to pay off college debt well into your fifties a bunch of overpaid academics are going to be sitting pretty next to a swimming pool in Florida checking out the dental floss the babes are wearing...on your nickel.

We have created a series of humongous social programs we really couldn't afford to pay for, all of which encourage failure and discourage success.  Instead we borrowed money and more money and more money yet to pay for them. Then we kicked that can down the road and it looks like you and your kids are going to foot the bill. 

Debt is slavery and it looks like you younger people are going to be forced to slave away to pay the debts incurred by you lazy, inconsiderate parents that set themselves up with early retirements, unsustainable pensions and fat paychecks unlike the previous generations.

People used to work for the government and take less money in exchange for a modest pension they could draw when they became too old to work anymore. The pensions were just enough so they could live with a little dignity in their old age.

I know of one private union that offered a 20 years and out pension but they have had to put a lot of stipulations on it when they found out that it wasn't going to work. Still, that's private and it doesn't involve you. The fact is that it proves that early retirements are unsustainable.

Of course this means you, the younger generation, are going to wind up paying our bills.

It gets worse.

We've damaged the Bill of Rights.

I won't bore you with what is happening to the Second Amendment. You can see that daily as the government tries to force more and more gun control down out throats. It's not about guns, it's about government power. Much of it is done under the false flag of safety.

What I do see is the First Amendment being eroded by people trying to outlaw so-called hate speech. Hate speech being defined as anything that one side or the other disagrees with. I see that one being eroded in the name of political correctness. The days where anyone can speak out are slowly being dwindled through the passage of time. 

I've also seen bits and pieces of the other amendments being chipped away at from time to time and of course the results are being passed on to you. It's not the same Bill of rights I enjoyed.

I had hoped to pass the Bill of Rights on to you intact but I guess that isn't going to happen.

The real thing that irks me is that as a nation we're headed in the direction of socialism. Big government isn't the solution. It's the problem. I see trouble on the horizon and I am going to be too damned old to do anything about it.

I see trouble coming and for the past few decades I have prayed that if there was trouble coming that it would come in my time rather than yours. I'm the one with no kids and less to lose.

I hate leaving behind this mess and even though I have tried to keep things right it is not to be. I blame my generation for it because they simply took advantage of and abused a wonderful way of life.

You young people have full plates to deal with in your lifetimes and I do not envy  you, even a little bit.

We're rapidly turning the country into a Third World $hit hole and you're going to have to deal with it. You are being handed a pile of $hit thanks to the laziness, selfishness, inconsideration and cowardice of my generation.

Accept my apologies and please have the kindness to realize I was one of the people that tried to pass the world on to you as intact as I found it as a kid. 


Your pissed off and disgusted off Uncle.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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