Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Something I did NOT post on Nextdoor.

You know who you are. I am only building a shoe It may not fit you. If it does fit, wear it.

 One of the things you do not seem to mention or see it for what it is. We are transitioning from capitalism to socialism and FAST. Battle lines are being drawn and it's damned scary.

Recently at a rifle range I saw a pair of suburban housewives practicing with rifles. They were talking about interlocking fields of fire. What's WRONG with this picture? They should have been somewhere else talking about gardening instead of infantry tactics.

I personally know four middle aged women that have just purchased handguns. All of these women are professionals, not some kind of off brand hillbillies. We are talking about nurses, a small business owner, an insurance salesperson, those type of people. Self-defense classes are mobbed, especially women's classes.

Ask the next county sheriff deputy you see and he'll tell you that the busiest people in the Sheriff's office are the guys that issue concealed carry permits. The line is endless. As of last July they reported being stacked up until November.

Antifa/BLM has said repeatedly they are coming to the suburbs. The graffiti left behind says 'Liberals get the bullet, too.' so I don't think your Biden/Harris sign is going to help you very much. 

It actually wouldn't take very much to subdue the 'burbs. Put a dot in the center of the city and swing a 20 mile radius and a handful of people could bring the suburbs to their knees in well under a week.

Terrorism works. All it would take is a handful of people determined to cause unrest and panic. A single shot through a window, a house burned here and there and suburbia would go into a complete panic. 

Burning a few houses in a neighborhood would overlaod the fire department. It doesn't take a whole lot. Same holds true for the police department. Most people have no idea how fragile their life in the protected suburbs really is.

In fact they have little clue how fragile their life in itself is. 

For what it's worth, an awful lot of suburban women seem to think that if anything happens then Officer Friendly will come to the rescue. Fat chance. Officer Friendly has a family, too and if things go truly sideways he will be staying with his family. 

The Chief may tell you otherwise but candid conversations with rank and file officers say otherwise. In the event of a major event you are strictly on your own.

All of this sounds like I don't respect First Responders. That's wrong. I do. I simply understand their limitations. When push comes to shove you're on your own. Four fire truck can't put out six fires burning at the same time.

Actually there are two good reasons why BLM has stayed out of the 'burbs. First there is an election coming up and the first time they hit the suburbs an awful lot of Biden signs will come up and be replaced. The other is that they are pretty aware that an awful lot of money and power comes out in of burbs. The outcry would force the powers that be to react. Liberals would become conservatives overnight.

It's OK for them to burn down someone else's place in the city but it most certainly isn't OK to burn down OURS!

Don't worry, it'll probably come in time. 

While we are on the subject of rioting and chaos, let's take a look at BLM. Alice Garza is a trained Marxist. BLM has also raised over a billion dollars and it doesn't seem to have improved any black lives I have heard of. I have not heard of one child getting a meal out of them nor one single youngster getting one cent towards college or trade school tuition. Where's the money going?

I have no idea but it's going somewhere. The cynic in me says some of it is going into guns and ammunition.

A trip to a sporting goods store for a box of deer hunting rounds was a wasted trip. All of the common calibers are sold out and if there is any out there it's well over a dollar a round and rising. I finally found someone to sell me five rounds so I can make opening day. Actually I probably won't do any shooting, anyway. Opening day to me is an excuse to take an old rifle for a walk in the woods. I would go without ammo. I have before. One year I went with a rifle incapable of firing. It was the best year I ever had I the field. No pressure to kill an animal and have to drag him to my vehicle.

Opening day is a great place to catch a wonderful refreshing nap under a tree.

At the store I spoke with one of the clerks. They are playing hell to keep merchandise in stock and he reported that well over half of the people buying were first time gun owners and on top of that over half of the new buyers are women. If you don't believe me take a trip to the firearms section of any sporting goods store and ask them yourself.

The clerk I spoke with said this isn't at all like the panics that takes place after a tragic event. People buy after such an event because they are trying to purchase something that will become outlawed. People are buying now because they are scared. 

The perception to many is that this election isn't over Donald Trump and Joe Biden, it's over socialism. The election itself is a shit show. It's battle of the losers. Donald Trump? Joe Biden? This country can do better than that. 

The belief is that Biden will be retired shortly after the election and Harris (a socialist) will take over. True or false, that's what a lot of people believe and you'll play hell telling them otherwise. Judging from Biden it's a reasonable bet. Joe is on his last legs.

A fairly large number of the people on the Nextdoor board are suburban woman and many of you live pretty sheltered lives. You get your news from the media, worry about soccer games, whatever. In short most of you are not out and about other than to Target, Giant Eagle and Walmart. A lot of you spend summer evenings with a bottle of white wine watching your kids at the neighborhood pool. You pay little attention to the world outside your general area. And why not?

You've never been in the Chaz/Chop zone in Seattle when it was occupied. I have. It scared the hell out of me. You have never talked with a Portland area person that has seen the damage there firsthand or had coffee with a co worker that just lost everything in a wildfire he believes was caused by leftist arson. 

How many of you have seen a friend's truck vandalized because the vandals didn't like the candidate's bumper sticker he was displaying? Typical in Philly these days.

A couple visits to both left and right websites is an eye opener. On the left the very same people that were screaming for gun control a few short months ago are arming up. On the right it's pretty much the same except many of them are already hunters and trained shooters. 

A lot of the Karens now are screeching about the Proud Boys and are afraid of them but they should be looking at Antifa. If anything the Proud Boys are trying to defend the cities against them. Have any Karens bothered to take a look at their website? They hide nothing. The rioting is caused by BLM and Antifa. Many of you support these rioters. It's easy to spot them. They have BLM signs out front.

Ask them if they support the rioting and you'll get a "Oh, well I..." and they'll hem and haw and try and give you a lecture on oppression or some other nonsense. They'll deny supporting the rioters but they'll send the very group tht is causing it a generous donation to assauge their guilt. (Guilty of what I would like to know)

Maybe it's because Karen gets her news and information from Rumor Control, CNN and the usual other fake news outlets which is par for the course. The bulk of them have no idea what the Constitution is and don't understand it.

To them it's a piece of parchment in Washington. Half of them don't know what the Bill of Rights is or what it means.

What a lot of them only seem to know is 'Orange man bad!' 

What is noticible on both sides is that anyone with even a quarter of a brain is not looking forward to violence, especially those that have experienced it before. They think it is inevitible and cringe. Nobody on either side with any humanity wants to hurt another human being. Still, though, some people have no humanity.

Of course a lot of suburban women scream for gun control. Truth is that toothpaste came out of the tube in 1787 when the Constitution was ratified. A number of the states have outlawed certain classes of firearms with a remarkable lack of success. Those that have demanded firearms be turned in have displayed a truckload of them and declared victory. The truth is that the turn-ins account for about 5% or so. 

The gun laws have made nobody any safer. Actually not too many laws make a citizen safer. There are an awful lot of stupid people out there that can't seem to figure this out. Drugs are illegal yet we certainly have more than our fair share of junkies. Incidentally there is a lot of heroin in the 'burbs these days. Fortunately it's at affordable prices so thefts and burglaries are not skyrocketing...yet. 

These are the same people that will give up their rights for the perception of safety. What's sad is that when you give up your rights you become a lot less safe. You throw yourself at the mercy of a government. Any government that is big enough to give you what you want is big enough to take all you have.

We are getting ready to enter socialism and too many people can't see it even though it is right out there in front of you.

Among gunowners there has been a running joke for years. "I lost my guns in a tragic boating accident." Meaning, of course, they don't plan on turning them in.

It should also be noted that there is a significant number of home built weapons out there. It doesn't take a whole lot to build a firearm in one's shop. Also Three D technology had pretty made and real form of control of practically anything, guns included, moot. 

All any gun control will do is create a black market and where black markets exist there is crime. It won't take any appreciable number of guns off the street.

The other day I had an interesting talk with a Vietnam era Navy Corpsman (Medic). He said back in 1967 that if he ever had to deal with another torn up body it would be too soon. He told me that he was actually packing up the old aid bag he took when he got out of the Navy and said that although it was too soon he would pitch in and do what he had to do. The man is in his early 70s.

About 40 years ago I knew someone just like him. He sewed up a cut I got while working on fishing gear while sitting at a bar in Alaska. He did  pretty good job. 

Personally, where will I be?

I am entering my 70th year soon and have had a good run. I have thoroughly enjoyed life in a Constitutional Republic. I am too old and tired to do much of anything. Ten years ago? Maybe.

Fact is I will be in my home trying to get by as best I can but I seriously do not think I will last very long because I will probably die of a broken heart.

I wanted to pass a constitutional republic on to the younger generation but it looks like it is not to be.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. There is that old saying about 'the tree of liberty needing watered from time to time.' It must be so watered, or it will die. You see the negatives possibilities and it can certainly go that way... But it can rise from the ashes just as well. That, as a young person, is what I hope for.

  2. S'il faut mourir pour elle, je veux être le premier. Le premier nom gravé du monument de victoire.
