Friday, December 3, 2021

Cup size registration doesn't sound good to a lot of women.

But vaccination records do, huh?

I see where a pack of Democrats are trying to force a national vaccine registration on us so people can look up who and who was not vaxxed.

Some woman thought it was a pretty good idea.

I countered by proposing a cup size registration for women so guys could look up their cup size and if they've had a boob job or not. I said it sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

Of course she screeched to high heaven that her boobs were nobody's business. 

I replied that if you give the government the authority to make a registration of someone's medical records you give them the authority to make a registration of woman's boob sizes.

She looked stunned.

Of course if they did that the woman would have a right to demand a junk size registration which would lead to taxation of a man's junk.


I just had a telemarketer start asking me personal questions. Of course I fed her bullshit for a minute and then responded with, "What's your cup size?"

A short amount of hilarity ensued before she hung up.

I think I'm going to go this route with telemarketers for a while and see what happens.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. And if it is a man are you going to ask him the size of his penis?

  2. I'm certainly not going to but woman absolutely SHOULD ask that of nosy men.

    I'm fair.

  3. Love the penis tax proposal. A lot of Dems are licking their chops now seeing a new source of income, so to speak!
