Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am back following technology difficulties.

Sorry, but that is the way the cookie crumbles.

But I am back and that is that.

I am back at work now plying my trade on the Seven Seas, which reminds me of the time years ago I looked at a crewman and asked him to name the Seven Seas. He coulden't, and neither could I.

We had time on our hands and decided to have a little fun. We wrote a number of places letters asking them to name the Seven Seas. We wrote the Defense MApping Agency, the US Navy, and a number of other governmental agencies along with a couple of Matitime organizations.

Over the course of the next few weeks, tha answers came in slowly, and they were pretty much all the same.

They all explained that the term 'Seven Seas' was an old seafaring term that has been around for generations and that it refers to various non-specific bodies of water yada yada yada.

In  short, the governmental agencies fed me a crock of vague answers that said nothing and meant a lot less.

The whole project got no real results and cost the death of a number of good trees that were just sitting there minding their own business when some logger came and chopped them down to make paper for the government to send worthless letters to a bunch of people that meant nothing. It should ba carefully noted that the quality of the paper was so stiff and inabsorbant that it couldn't even be used for sanitary purposes.

A few months later I was sitting at the table in the galley and noticed the salad dressing. It was made by the Seven Seas salad dressing people and curiosity overwhelmed me.

Afterr dinner a letter was written to the Seven Seas salad dressing people and inside a week they had an answer.

They sent me a very nice explaination that the Seven Seas were the original route to China from Arabia, and there was a delightful little explaination of all seven of the seas one would pass through on their way.

Go figure.

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