Monday, June 18, 2018

Anyone watching the Union of South Africa?

The usual cycle has started there and I do believe that a lot of liberals here share some blame in it by sticking their noses in like Carter did to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) years ago.

Right now the big cheese what's in charge of the Union of South Africa is babbling that there is not enough land in the hands of blacks and demands it change hands. Expect a blood bath soon.

What is going to happen there is that the land is going to change hands and blacks will be running things. The Union of South Africa, presently the breadbasket of Africa will become yet another poorly run African sewer. They will start demanding that we send aid to it. Needless to say Uncle Sam will probably send money over there to be stolen and make the fat corrupt officials there fatter.

Of course nobody bothers to look at the late great country of Rhodesia that was run by a white minority and treated the blacks there very well. It's presently Zimbabwe and and older black Zimbabwean can tell you that it was a lot better place to live when it was Rhodesia.

A part of what happened we can thank Jimmy Carter for because he thought things there were not fair and threw in with the rebels. Robert Mugabe took charge and things went rapidly downhill from there.

Same thing is in the process of happening in South Africa under promises of socialism and 'land reform'. Land reform generally means taking land from someone and giving it to someone else. More often than not the land will be given to someone that isn't as capable as the original owner of working it and things will go rapidly downhill.

Expect South Africa to be a sewer of starvation inside a few years.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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