Thursday, June 28, 2018

The lapdance is so much better when the stripper is crying.

They say scent is the greatest trigger of memories. 

Now, I wear Old Spice. I like the idea that the stripper is grinding away on me for money for her kid's formula, gets a whiff of my Old Spice, and starts thinking of her stepdad's wandering hands. It's like a bonus for me and my old boy down there.

I stole this from somewhere else and just had to post it because it's just so damned sick. (and funny)

I was thinking  of posting it on Facebook and still may just to watch the schism. Half will believe it the rest will laugh like hell.

That's because half of us have not had sarcasm meters installed.

Actually what sailormen often do is say something like that in front of a boy on his first day at sea. Generally he blushes and wonders what he has gotten himself into.

What's funny about it is that for the most part sailors are family man types and most of them don't hand out in strip clubs. They go home to their wives and kids. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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