Wednesday, March 6, 2019

One of the things that makes me laugh is when

I place an ad for something and someone wants to try and sell me what they have and not what I want. Surprise!

A while back I advertised that I was looking for a beat up old rifle to use as a truck gun. Actually I wanted to put it in someone's cabin and didn't want anything nice in case the cabin got broken into and the rifle was stolen. 

Now I specified that I was not looking for something new and improved and even explained why I did not want anything collectable unless they wanted to give it away.

OK, fine. 

The first four emails I got were from people trying to sell me exactly what I wasn't looking for. They had either brand new or  decorative gold plated commemorative models the wanted to sell me.

All four of them sent me back indignant accusations of being a lowballer after I told them what I was willing to pay. I told all four of them to go back and re read the original ad where I specifically said  I was not looking for a fancy rifle.

One guy answered and said he understood what I wanted and apologized for wasting my time.

Eventually someone came along with what I wanted and I picked it up. The seller obviously didn't have a good formal education but had native wisdom. When we met he smiled and said that he knew I was looking for something that I would not get upset about if it got stolen. As last someone understood!

The rifle is still at my friend's cabin and he reports the cabin has been broken into and the rifle is still there. Looks to me like I picked the right model to use as a truck/cabin rifle.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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