Saturday, July 4, 2020

I have not seen my favortie WW2 vet is some time

Maybe time caught up with him and he's gone. It happens to all of us.

I didn't know him very well but I knew he was a real character. He was a Japanese-American that served with the 442nd RCT and had a truly wonderful deadpan sense of humor.

He told me about how occasionally he would drop in to the VFW and have a drink. Occasionally one of the younger guys would talk to him and ask about his service.

When that happened I would imagine most of the ears would strain because sometimes with a deadpan face he would tell the new guy he served in the Japanese Army as a supply clerk in charge of handing out crash helmets to Kamikaze pilots.

It would often stun the new guy who would ask how he got into the VFW.

He'd reply that they never asked him what side he was on when he joined.

He wasn't getting around too well when I last saw him so I guess Father Time has probably caught up with him.

If he's gone I hope he didn't suffer.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mr. Hash, I would also like to know your military service record?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 3 years United States Army, trained as an 82C got out as a Sp/5

  6. Why only 3 years Hash? Isn't it a minimum of 4 in the army?

    1. Back then they had 3 year enlistments. Actually they had 2 year hitches but no choice of MOS with a 2 year hitch.

    2. Was it an honorable discharge?

  7. Hash,
    Did you see any action when you was in the army?

  8. Piccolo,
    Don't ever change. No doubt some big Hollywood type will soon be waving a contract in front of your face worth millions. The only catch will be to 'tone it down'. Don't take the money, stay true to your fans

  9. What do you think about.....

  10. Yes it was, and I got out as an E-5.

    Also, if you would like to read about my adventures in the French Foreign Legion you can dig back a ways. It's there.
