Monday, June 26, 2023

I just snagged a pretty good couch for fifty bucks.

which ain't bad at all.

The other one we had brought new got too damned smoked up after the fire to keep and besides it had been through the mill with a half dozen cats through the years so we pitched it.

Things are slowly coming back to normal and at a match I mentioned to a couple of the guys I was probably going to buy a leather couch because the cat has left the leather Lazy Boy unscathed. I was looking at probably paying about $1500 to maybe $2000 for one.

Last night I got a call from a friend who told me to call one of the guys which I did. Seems his girlfriend's cousin's drinking buddy's uncle's niece had a girlfriend that wanted to get rid of a leather sofa and that an hour earlier she had posted it on Craigslist.

I looked at the ad and it looked pretty good so I made contact and said I wanted to check it out. I was told to come by at noon and was given an address.

I called the kid down the street and told him to meet me at 11 and off we went.

I was really rather dubious but figured WTF why not? I'll check out a couch for $50. Frankly I imagined having to enter a rat trap apartment and step on dog $hit but it was worth taking a chance.

Either way, I'd get to have lunch with the kid who really isn't a kid. He's a scientist. 

When I arrived the apartment was meticulously clean and neat. I examined it, pulled the cushions and it was clean as a hound's tooth. I figured on getting a can of bug spray on the way home because I bought it. Fifty bucks.

We managed to get the damned thing down three flights of stair and into the pickup OK and on the way home I told him the story of how I won the Legion of Honor at Ft. Zindernauf for shooting 38 A-rabs* off the back of a camel. 

On the way back I stopped at a drugstore and grabbed a spray can of cootie killer just in case. While I was in the store my friend the scientist did some calculating. As I got back into the pickup he explained to me that the average camel could carry about 500 pounds and average weight of the 38 A-rabs was about 13.1578 pounds each which was good to know. If I remember, them A-rabs did look a bit on the skinny side.

While we were on the home stretch I asked him the rate of flight of an unladen swallow and he gave me the rates for both an African and a European. No flies on that kid! But then again what do you expect of an aeronautical engineering student entering his junior year at Embry-Riddle with a 4.0 average.

When we got home we brought it into the living room and I gave it a quick spray down and let it rest a while. After it dried out the cat jumped up on it and seems to rather like it. If it's OK by Kitty it's OK by me and is pretty damned comfortable.

It's not brand new by any stretch but is nicely worn in. I like broken in leather, myself. The worst part of getting anything made of leather is breaking it in and this one is comfortably broken in which is a BIG plus.

The floors need redoing but as long as I have a cat they're going to stay distressed which I kind of like.

*A-rabs are not to be mistaken for Arabs. The latter are real people of Middle East extraction while A-rabs are a creation of Hollywood.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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