Monday, November 6, 2017

Still wet but the rain stopped.

The cat is fine. He actually let me sleep last night.

These days my sleep pattern has taken an interesting change and when I mentioned it to a friend he says his is similar.

I have a couch and a bed and both are fairly comfy.

I fall asleep in either and when I wake up for a minute in the middle of the night I change over to the other. 

I do not know why I have started doing this but it is what I have been doing lately. God only knows why.


I am considering signing up for a parachutist license class but the problem with it is that everything is about free fall and I want to just hop and pop.

I really don't enjoy getting beaten up by 130 knot winds and having my face all contorted on the way down. Yet I love the parachute ride itself. The instant you deploy your 'chute the wind stops or at least drops to almost nothing and you get to relax and look around as you ride your 'chute to the ground.

I feel like I am too old and brittle for hang gliding but flying a powered ultralight might be OK.


The house now has one less wire coming from the poles.

The other day I saw a phone guy driving past and flagged him down and asked him to unhook the phone pole wire and drop it. I was surprised but he did and was actually cheerful about it. 

I gave him a little something for it and he was grateful.

Then I disconnected it from the house, coiled the wire up an threw it away.

Now we have just power and cable which is fine. The phone service comes through the internet/TV/phone cable.

I really don't like it much when people replace wiring and don't pull out the unused wiring that was replaced.

I had a problem with that in my boat so I simply yanked every single inch of wiring out and rewired the whole damned thing. 

When I was done I had a neat, color coded wiring harness that I could troubleshoot easily if a problem arose.

I remember someone trying to help me and being confused when he saw me change wire colors and told me I could have saved money by getting a big spool of wire instead of several small spools.

I told him the color coding made things a lot easier and was treated to a 'Yeah, but it's more expensive'.

I told him if he could not afford to do the job right he could not afford to do it at all. He sat there in silence and I pointed out that the difference in cost was the same as a couple of beers at the watering hole. He did agree with that.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and a couple months later he had an electrical glitch and got so flustered he yanked all of his wiring in his boat and replaced it the same way I did.

I helped by cheerfully giving him some of my leftovers. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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