Tuesday, September 19, 2023

I love what has happened in New Mexico

with the governor trying to become a dictator.

She is a gun control advocate and tried to use health as a way to suspend legal carry in ABQ. Practically everyone pushed back.

She has a DA that won't prosecute, a state police that refuses to arrest and a huge part of her constituency that wants her gone because she overstepped her authority.

I don't know if the NM constitution has an impeachment process but if she keeps doubling down the process may very well be a rope and a tree. Update: They do have an impeachment process that a NM lawmaker described as 'wonky' and articles are being drawn up.

My guess on this is she wanted to get in with the federal powers that be and the gun control set so she decided to show them how it's done and endear herself to the powers that be. She charged right in and abused emergency powers and declared guns to be a health hazard and it backfired. She took a huge step where a small one would have been gotten away with. 

The left has used salami tactics (taking small bites) for decades and she decided to take a wolfish bite. People pushed back and had she backed off she might have gotten away with it. Instead she doubled down.

One of the other things she did was sign a bill removing qualified immunity for the police in civil rights violations. That makes the police loathe to arrest anyone for exercising a Constitutional right lest they be sued for about $2 million bucks.  Ain't no cop wants to be the test case on THAT one!

The beauty of it is she has set gun control back a few squares AND has a lot of people buying guns for protection because people are realizing the police are not required to protect them.

Actually the thing I have said all along about a future AWB is that they'll have one hell of a time enforcing it. Last I heard (some time ago) was that the number of rifles turned in is in the single digits. Residents have simply said they have taken them out of the state and it's up to NJ to prove they didn't.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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