Monday, February 18, 2019

I see where they could redistrict and get rid of AOC in 2020.

What interests me is a lot of Democrats seem to want to get rid of her more than the Republicans do.

Seems she's letting the cat out of the bag and showing people what an awful lot of Democrats want to change things into.

Conservatives don't seem to be in as much of a hurry to get rid of her because they know enough never to stop your enemy when they are making a mistake.

After she seemingly singlehandedly ran Amazon out of Long Island City it looks to me like Cuomo and company are not too pleased with her.

I guess Cuomo and company offered Amazon a 3 billion dollar tax break which Amazon says will be compensated for in a couple of years. AOC came charging in and saying the 3 billion could be used for schools and infrastructure.

Wait a minute... What 3 billion? It's a tax break not cash. It's not like NY State wrote the Amazon people a check or made a deposit. Yet AOC is so damned stupid she doesn't understand what's  going on. She wants to spend 3 billion that doesn't even exist.

I can see why the Amazon people decided to go elsewhere. If the NY elected officials are THAT stupid things could get downright dangerous for Amazon.

Then again, that's what liberals have done since Day One. They see money and they want to take it away from whoever has it and give it to someone else.

I'm surprised Bill Gates isn't having to move under a bridge after being robbed by people like AOC. 


Someone asked me what happened to the US Merchant Marine. 

It was an older guy who said he had sailed in the late 40s and saved his money to put himself through college. 

What happened to the Merchant Marine?

Taxation, over regulation and greed made it more profitable for the shipping companies to re flag to another country to evade American taxes and regulations.

Added to that, the guys in the union just got too damned greedy.

In short, look toward the Democrats because they do a wonderful job of screwing up everything they touch.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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