Monday, February 4, 2019

I suppose what I have for professional sports is worse than hate.

I just heard who won the Superbowl. I didn't ask, someone just told me. I'm indifferent.

The opposite of love is not hate. It's indifference.

I've been indifferent to professional sports for decades. About the only mainstream sport I have watched in years was when I watched a pretty good Pony League baseball game a couple of years back.

I brown-bagged a beer and ate a couple of $1.50 hot dogs in the bleachers. Someone's mom gave me the ins and outs of who was who and so on. It was a pretty good game.

Truth is I watched those kids play their hearts out for love of the game instead of some huge contract.

Someone said that Pete Rose would have played for $20,000 a season and a case of beer. I do believe he was right but Pete Rose was an exception.

We idolize these people and cover for them when they misbehave. We listen to their opinions just the way we do with Hollywood celebrities. Actually this makes sense in a way because professional sports is just another form of entertainment.

If some hotshot football player gets into a brawl somewhere and tossed in the can for an overnight you can bet that the following day the sportswriters are going to make all sorts of excuses for him. He'll be playing come Monday Night football.

What bull$hit!

And, of course, I am expected to buy it. I may be crazy but I am NOT stupid. I don't buy that crap for one minute.


I just read an article about ''White flight from football". It was an interesting piece. Actually while a lot of whites are not playing the sport, a lot of minorities are not playing it either.

They pointed out that a lot of the young people,admittedly mainly white, are opting to play lacrosse and soccer instead of high school football.

Actually this tells me that a lot of people in general are starting to smarten up a bit. There are any number of old men limping around that have suffered their entire lives with injuries they got playing high school football.

Incidentally I went food shopping yesterday during the game because I figured everyone would be watching it and the stores would be empty. I was wrong. The stores were somewhat busier than usual. I guess a lot of people thought the same way I did.


Several years ago someone wondered why I didn't have a Steelers shirt. I told them I didn't want one. I also told them if someone was stupid enough to give me one I would throw it away.

Several days later they came by and handed me a Steelers jersey and I took it from him and immediately walked over and threw it in the trash can and watched him go into shock.

If course he was all offended but I pointed out to him that I told him I didn't want one and that if I was given one I would trash it. Apparently he didn't seem to get it.

I live in a town with a serious football problem and pretty much find myself staying quiet about things related to football because a lot of people take it far too seriously.

Wearing a non Steelers shirt here during the regular season is likely to get someone beaten senseless...over a stupid game.


While I am not a football fan I do have to say that the Patriots will likely be invited to the White House and they will accept and the team will conduct themselves with dignity. Any player that doesn't will be thrown out on his ass.

Something to be said here about how they run that team.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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