Sunday, May 5, 2019

One of the things people don't think about

are all of the details that go into any major operation, military or otherwise.

I remember my dad one time was talking about how someone griped to him about finding typewriters going ashore on the first wave at Omaha beach. Dad thought it was pretty stupid, too.

Actually it really wasn't stupid. You would think the first wave only needed ammunition, food and water but there's more to it than that.

A lot of radio operators back them were still using code and it was a lot easier and more accurate if they took the messages on a typewriter. It actually made sense to send a number of them in with the first wave. While a radio operator certainly could use a pencil and paper, it was faster and more accurate to use a typewriter.

Of course, there is always someone out there that will point out that typewriters are likely to get clogged with sand. So what? You simply throw it away and grab another. Besides, hopefully the radio operator is not going to be on the beach for long.

While not really a job of such Herculean effort as Operation Overlord, moving is a job that prior planning and organization can make things a whole lot easier. 

Recently I watched a neighbor move out. I also watched someone move in but not to the same house the neighbor moved out of. 

When the neighbor was moving out I noticed that they boxed everything up in an organized manner and labeled all of the boxes by which room they were going to go in and what was in the boxes. When I saw that I knew that it was going to be pretty easy for them to move in. When the van got unloaded the boxes would be put in the appropriate room, opened and their contents put where they went. 

Assuming they had the van unloaded by, say, noon they would probably be able to own bed and wake up and be able to cook breakfast.

The guy that I watched move in had boxes and boxes full of surprise. Every time he opened a box he's have to take something out and go through the entire apartment to put it where he wanted it. The process took forever and a day. Mind you, this was for one guy moving into an apartment. Moving an entire house probably would have taken him straight to the booby hatch.

After a short time of watching him I had to leave. I couldn't help him because I didn't know where he wanted what.

It would not have taken this guy the ability to plan an operation like Overlord to move. In fact it probably would have been easier to organize than to just grab stuff and cram it into boxes but some people never seem to get it.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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