Friday, September 4, 2020

To the person who stole my friend's political sign from his front yard.

That nasty vile stuff you have on your hands, steering wheel and the upholstery of you car is called Never Seez. Good luck getting  it off.

You also got it all over your steering wheel and the upholstery of your back seat where you threw the sign. The next person to ride back there will likely get it on their clothes.

I suppose you can get it off of your hands with a good scrubbing but you will likely get more on your hands when you take your car anywhere. It's going to take a while to get it off your steering wheel.

As for the upholstery? You might try using gasoline or acetone but I'm not even sure that will work.

Of course you are sitting at home angry at the person the person that got all that nasty stuff all over your hands and car but you are likely directing your anger at the wrong person.

Had you decided not to vandalize someone else's personal property then you would not be in this situation. To see who did this to you go into the bathroom and take a look in the mirror.

You did this to yourself.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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