Friday, September 25, 2020

Yeah I am a swashbuckler. Local 26. Why? You got any buckles you need swashed? I'll give you a good deal.

Someone recently asked me what a swashbuckler was and needless to say I answered that he was a person that swashed buckles. 

I explained the three year apprenticeship program the International Brotherhood of Swashbucklers and Sword Fighters(AFL/CIO) runs and that you need a high school diploma to get into the program.

It's a good deal, I explained. Apprentices start at $28.64 hourly and the pay raises over 3 years to the full journeyman rate with raises every six months up to $41.75.

After five years as a journeyman you can go to the school to become a master swashbuckler and when you become one you are authoried to wear a pencil thin moustache.

He said it sounded interesting and wanted to know more.

He wanted to know more so I told him more. When it comes to out and out bull$hit I'll give them all they can handle.

The trick it to come to the very edge of having the entire pile of BS come crashing down and I started to play a little more carefully because I had a live one.

He wanted to know exactly what a swashbuckler did and I simply told him they swashed buckles. I went on to explain that wealthy people had expensive buckles on their clothing that had to be swashed every so often so they looked their best.

He seemed mollofied so I left it at that. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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