Monday, October 7, 2024

The older I get the more I believe the federal government should get out of just about everything.

Ever since Jimmy Carter set up the U.S. Department of education we've slipped from being the top of the chart worldwide down to number twelve. We're not even in the top ten anymore.

As I sit here I have been getting horrific reports of the absolutely piss-poor job FEMA is doing in flood torn NC and TN. There are also unconfirmed reports going around that the State Police have threatened to arrest FEMA employees that are trying to block non governmental relief efforts.

I'd just love to watch that one go down.

"You can't arrest me! I'm FEMA!"

Thirty seconds later Mister FEMA is face down, handcuffed in a van headed down 30 miles of bad road.

It seems that everything the feds touch turns into a warm, steaming pile of fresh dung.

FEMA=Funneling Everyone's Money to Aliens. That's another thing that should go away. 

The list of things that should go away is rather long and I don't have forever and a day to list them here but there's a damned long list.

Ronald Reagan was right when he said the most fearful words one could hear are "I'm from the government. I'm here to help."

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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