Wednesday, October 2, 2024

This is the transition time for sleep

Right about now, a little before Halloween. 

The days are getting shorter and the nights longer and I sleep more because it's dark earlier. I do think I sleep a little better, too. The numbers from my CPAP seem to be better, too.

We're getting on to my favorite time of the year which, of course, is followed by my least favorite time of the year. I am old and winters are hard on me. Still, winter has the advantage of being good sleeping weather.

I do believe that a 50/50 split of daylight and darkness is probably the heathiest situation for people as far as getting sleep goes. 

Anyway, I have found that I am sleeping longer now and my CPAP numbers are a little better. This morning I woke up feeling rather refreshed and recently I have felt pretty good.

Oh, well.


I see where we are changing back to Standard Time on 3 November. 

This means I am going to be cutting it pretty close to get to England to reset the stones at Stonehenge. I have a ticket for 0001 out of here and as soon as I shut down Halloween it's off the the airport.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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