Why? Do they plan on taking relief money from the fed and misappropriating it to give away to illegals and waste of more typical Californian DEI plans and other meaningless social experiments?
(Not counting what they plan on stealing and funneling off to their little buddy-pals.)
That's why there should be strings attached. We want a strict accounting of where the money is being spent.
The California record stinks to high heaven because of the record of misappropriation of the funds they have already had raised by California taxation that have been pissed away. They have misappropriated the monies raised for a reservoir that was supposed to have been built years ago that hasn't because they did something else with the funds, probably stupid social justice plans or some damned thing or another and who knows who's pockets the money wound up in. (Not mine, for sure)
There's a lot of other mysteries, too about where funds went that were earmarked for forestry and fire prevention.
In short before we send California one single dime we want a plan to insure that the funds will be used to aid those that have lost everything (even though most of the people in CA are somewhat responsible for their headaches because they voted those incompetents into office) Still, They're Americans, too and they should not all suffer for the misdeeds and stupidity of their elected officials.
There is no reason whatsoever that the rest of us Americans should be sending California our hard earned tax dollars only to find that the elected officials are not getting the funds to where they should be arriving and instead are handed out to illegal immigrants and/or wasted on meaningless social engineering programs that do absolutely nothing.
I suppose if you made me dictator I'd add another condition to sending California aid. I'd have Californians clean house by any means they feel fit and install some competent leadership.
As far as sending aid goes to a lot of the Appalachian dwellers in NC, a lot of those mountain people are pretty self sufficient and would likely benefit by getting building materials delivered to their land instead of a check.
This is not a slight, but if you did that those hillbillies would probably team up, trade skills and inside of a year all have better places to live than they did before the flooding.
They're a pretty amazing sort.
I totally agree! Jail Newsome and BassASAP, and then start handing out money to North Carolina.