Saturday, January 11, 2025

The more I see of the California fire the more I see

the possibility of California turning red.

There are a lot of disgusted pissed off people there now and a LOT of questions are being raised challenging the people currently in high places.

Questions are being asked of where monies were spent that were earmarked for various fire prevention expenditures and people are challenging the DEI policies that appear to have put people in positions of power based on their minority status instead of their competence. 

Accusations of the fire department giving large amounts of equipment to Ukraine are surfacing. Reservoirs were not being kept full and numerous other accusations are being made. 

People are finally finding out what happens if you hire DEI people instead of based on simple merit.

People are rightfully angry and it will be interesting to see if California turns red or they simply double down and vote for a different bunch of Democrats.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. California, the state, will not turn red, but areas within it may.

    We are witnessing a real time realignment of the two major parties, in which the traditionally working class democrats, are becoming the party of the elites, and the traditionally businesses-minded republicans are becoming the party of the working class and rural voters.

    Take a look at any number of election analysts' maps. The urban areas of almost every metro area, swung heavily toward Trump. He still lost them, but a shift from 95-5 to 80-20 has Massive implications for the previous democrat coalition. On the other hand, the republicans are bleeding support in the wealthier suburbs.

    1. I've seen that shift for decades. When I was a kid the Ds were the party of the working class. Not anymore. Pittsburgh is full of working class people that espouse working class values but still vote D because their steelworker daddys did. It is changing slowly but TOO slowly.
