Saturday, November 3, 2018

What a day!

It is raining here and I am with my niece and nephew's kids and it is kind of a zoo. The two older ones are basic teenagers but there are also three toddlers that make mealtimes like a zoo which is OK because when it gets on my nerves I can just walk away and head off to the nearest place that sells liquor.

One of the things about staying in a place with a woman and two teenage girls is that I get pretty good at becoming somewhat invisible.

My lifestyle has been so hit or miss that my entire system adapts to my surroundings. I wake up early, pack up my stuff and stow it and then sneak off to Dunkin for a coffee and return when the girls have either settled down or left for school and then I have the bathroom to myself.

Decades of living rough have made situations like this second nature but I suppose has taken its toll as I look kind of rough for 67 years. I look rough because I have lived rough.

The other day I was talking with my niece and figure that as of 66 years I have spent at least 44 of them living in alternative places.

While I do have a nice home, work takes me away for well over half the time and from the time I was about 8 or 10 I have pretty much lived outside in one way or another.

My niece laughed and suggested I wouldn't have had it any other way and she's probably right.

Still, as an old man I can still take pretty good care of myself. It wasn't too long ago that I showed us and my niece commented that I looked like I had just stepped out of the shower. That's because about 30 minutes before I showed up I had bathed and shaved in the North River.

Yeah, I can still take care of myself.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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