Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I just got word a guy I know almost got into some fairly hot water and it ain't fair.

Seems he and his significant other got into it and  he walked out. In short he broke off the fight. He retreated. 

When one party breaks it off it's done. Over. Finished. Both go somewhere to cool off or maybe even leave permanently.

Many years ago I figured out early on I was dating a drama queen run completely by emotion and the first time a minor spat got out of hand I left never to return. It later proved to be a wise decision. She was a real mess.

Anyway she followed him which means she was bringing the fight to him and he retreated a couple more times.

Of course needless to say, his retreat enraged her more and she finally tried to hit him with something and he simply defended himself by giving her a good shove that sent her back where she tripped on something and hit her head. 911 got called and for once someone got involved and told the cop what happened. 

There's usually a somebody goes to jail policy when things like this happened. Maybe the cop didn't want to bother with the paperwork or maybe he decided justice was served but the guy I know got off. 

Either way he was damned lucky and if he goes anywhere near her he's just plain stupid.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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