Saturday, March 20, 2021

Divorced. Will work for sex.

This goes way back a number of years with a bunch of guys that were rather bored.

We were talking about the local panhandlers and arguing about if they were really poor or had figured out a way to scam six figures.

Then the subject of the various signs they panhandlers used came up. Most made the panhandler look pathetic and seemed to be real heart string tuggers,

One of the recently divorced guys dryly suggested he stand on a corner with a sign reading "Divorced. Will work for sex."

'That's a great idea!" said another one and the BS started flowing. Inside a minute the various ideas came pouring out followed by the inevitible bets.

I don't remember all the details but what the end result is that the wag was offered a pretty good chunk of change if he lasted an hour standing on a downtown Philly street corner without being run off by a cop. It paid double if someone offered to take him up on the offer.

If he failed to last an hour he was supposed to buy a couple of pizzas or some damned thing.

So we all piled into someone's car and off we went to Center City.

We picked out a likely looking corner and parked within sight of him. We sat in the car laughing at him standing on the sidewalk with the sign and a big dopey grin on his face.

A Philly cop ambled by almost instantly. we say him say something to Dave and walk on by. We later found out the cop smiled at him and said, "Good luck, Pal."

It wasn't fifteen minutes before we saw a fairly now expensive car stop with an attractive woman in it. A brief conversation took place. The door opened, Dave hopped into the car and off they went. 

We went back to our work stations laughing ourselves silly and wondering what was going to happen to him. A few hours later the phone rang and it was Dave. He wanted someone to pick him up.

Needless to say, we all piled into the same dilapidated old japoly we had dropped him off in and took off. We found Dave where he said he'd be with the a typically dopey looking grin on his face.

He hopped in and needless to say, we wanted the details.

Dave said, "She pulled up and asked me if I knew how to clean out the trap under her kitchen sink. I said I did so she told me to hop in. The rest is my business."

That was over 20 years ago and from time to time the story still comes up over coffee in various tug and barges.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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