Friday, March 12, 2021

Most men probably don't know what they are looking for in a woman.

Most men can't explain it but they know it when they see it.

That's why women that ask men what they look for in a women never seem to get a straight answer. 

I have been asked this over the year and the conversation generally sounds like something along these lines:

"Piccolo, what do you look for in a woman?"

"I don't know."

"Come on, what do you look for?"

"Big tits."

"No, really."

"Really big tits."

With any luck they get frustrated then and either change the subject or leave. Of course, many take a stupid pill and try and pursue the issue. It's a losing situation for them.

I went through that very conversation with a woman and much to my surprise and amusement one time a rather busty woman with a pretty good sense of humor stuck her boobs in my face and asked me if they were big enough. It immediately turned into a game of 'You laugh, you lose'.

"They look pretty good," I said. "I'll have to check them out a little more carefully."

She peeled her top off and told me to feel free to examine them which, if course I did, examining them like I was a farmer examining a prospective milking cow coming up on the auction block. She blushed slightly as I examined them mainly because of the calloused attitude I gave the aura of as I checked them out.

After I had examined them carefully I looked at her and said, "Those are magnificent and you should be rightly proud of them but you have something even far more attractive to me."

"What would that be?" she asked.

"A pretty good sense of humor," I answered.

We went out a couple of times but I discovered she had an appetite for cocaine so I threw her back into the pond. It was a shame but I knew where things were headed when you have someone in your life on the cocaine train. 

From time to time I wonder whatever happened to her because other than the cocaine dealbreaker she appeared to have pretty much what I was looking for even though like most men, I can't describe it.

I will say that one thing that goes quite a ways is a woman that has enough sense to accept "I really don't know." as an answer because it is quite often the truth.


I saw a meme once of a couple in bed facing away from each other. The woman was thinking, "He's thinking about other women."

The man was really thinking "If plastic dinosaurs are made out of plastic that is made out of oil that is made out of dead dinosaurs then plastic dinosaurs are made out of real dinosaurs."

Of course that's a fight in the making. She will ask him what's he's thinking and if he tells the truth she will call him a liar, accuse him of thinking about other women and the fight is on. She isn't going to believe the dinosaur business for an instant even though it's the God's honest truth.

If he tries to second guess her and try let her thing she's right and says he IS thinking about other women then the fight is still on.

The way out of that one is probably to tell her you you were making a mental inventory of what is in the refrigerator to make a sandwich with and then invite her to join you.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. How do you think of this stuff? Just remember boobs hold milk but not brains. After the novelty of the boobs wears off what do you have left if you don't have any brains? I was always told anything more than a handful is wasted. I'm a little lucky I have a handful and a half.
