Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Hey, how would you like to

I sent an email to a Japanese ham one time that had set up shop on the Pacific island ot Tinian, probably right next to the Enola Gay loading pit.

"Hey, I ran a propagation report and found out that the best time for us to try and make a QSO is noon is about 1600 UTC. (Of course this made it about 0300 in in Tinian.) Would you like to make a sked then? (scheduled attempt to make contact)
It shouldn't be too bad. You will only have to crawl out of bed, wake the kids when you stap on the cat's tail and piss off the wife to make a simple 15 second contact with some guy on the other side of the world whose father bombed the shit out of your country in 1945 and you'll probably never meet. Interested?"

It was a sarcastic fire it and forget it and I didn't think I'd hear about it again.

The next day at the appointed time I was on the 17 meter frequency he was running his little personal DXpedition on and I actually heard him call "CQ Piccolo!"

I answered him and that's how I got Tinian in my log. I about $hit my pants. I was on frequency coincedentally. Like I said, it was a "Fire it and forget" it moment when I emailed him. 

That evening I did get an email asking me if my father had been on the crew of either of the pair of B-29s that dropped The Bomb on Japan and I told him he hadn't. 

In the email he told me he had planned on working well into the early morning so I hadn't really put him out. I was glad to hear that.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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