Friday, September 27, 2024

At a match about a month or so ago

the RO showed up with a bunch of these pins and handed them out to anyone that wanted them. Needless to say, I jumped on one because I am that kind of guy. There is nothing I like more than something very important looking that says absolutely nothing.


The pin itself is much smaller than shown here, it's under an inch at its widest point and says absolutely nothing in a very official looking way.

Someone has already seen it and asked me what I was awarded it for and I replied "Achievement."

"What did you achieve?"

"Being awarded this pin." I answered.

"What did you do to be awarded the pin?" he asked.

"I achieved something." I replied.


"Being awarded this pin."

He knows me well so he figured it out then and there. "Well, it sure looks official as hell, but it don't mean nothin'! " he answered.

Most of the guys took one and put them on their shooting stools alongside whatever other odds and ends they have accumulated.

I know I am a sick puppy but I like $hit like that, something that looks official as hell but means nothing.

My Good Conduct medal lapel pin turned up missing after the fire which kinda sucks even though I didn't have the moxie to wear it publicly except for once. I've considered it a couple of times and figured that if anyone asked me I'd tell them it was awarded to me because against overwhelming odds I managed to behave myself for three long years and not murder anyone. 

Do you know hard it is not to hack at least SOMEONE up out of all the stupid people I met in the Army?

Yesterday there was a reduced course state match at my local club and much to my surprise they had a bunch of various awards and medals to award to the winners. 

We have a lot of new blood in the sport and there are only a couple of us old timers still in the game and I have rarely seen any real awards given. The new blood is pretty energetic and it's a breath of fresh air.

Many moons ago I put in for my Sharpshooter's card which I had honestly earned and the Geritol deprived old man with iron poor blood running the show never bothered to send the scores into the NRA.

This young buck asked me why I was not listed as a sharpshooter and I told him. He gave me a determined look and said, "I've got a big box of the old records. I'll fix THAT one!" A couple months later my SS card mysteriously appeared. I have no idea how he pulled it off but I am grateful.

Personally I really didn't and still don't care about medals, plaques and other trinkets. The only one I have is that I bronzed in the Police Olympics back in 199?. There's the medal somewhere that survived the fire and the subsequent cleanup afterwards. To be honest, I am kind of proud of that one simply because it means I outshot every police officer that was in attendance. 

Update. While going through some stuff I found another long forgotten nothing medal. High score Marksman which means absolutely nothing. I got it mainly because Mister Forgot To Take His Geritol didn't send get me my Sharpshooter card so I had to shoot in the Marksman class. In a way it's kind of an insult akin to being a former male professional athlete turned female and winning something as aa woman.   

The Police Olympics match was actually a mid-week club match we opened up to the police that were in town for the 'Olympics' which was really an excuse for the cops statewide to do some networking.

Still, seeing the young blood actually taking the effort to get some kind of physical awards was a nicety that I noticed. It's kind of like getting a few sprinkles on an ice cream cone.



To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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