Monday, September 23, 2024

Pea gravel driveways.

are a royal pain in the a$$ because I am constantly tracking pea gravel into the house. 

As usual it was chosen because it 'looks good'. As usual 'looks good' means high maintenance because the damned gravel has to be added to every couple of years and it means an increase in house cleaning.

It's time to start fall cleaning, a deep cleaning process that will take days and all sorts of moving stuff all over hell. As I look at the kitchen floor that was mopped fairly recently I see no real reason to mop it although I will. What it needs more than anything is to be given a good vacuuming to pick up a few onionskins and the accumulated gravel along the edges.

We have a couple of cold air returns that are not seen. One is behind the couch and the other is under the desk I am sitting at and although this one is clear, it is hidden and requires me to move the desk which weighs in at six metric tons or thereabouts. It's heavy. I have done both this desk and the couch but it's going to mean pulling up the area rugs and so on to give the floor a good scrubbing.

My work's cut out for me.


The other thing that I consented to because it 'looks good' is the kitchen sink that I really wanted to be stainless steel but consented to white porcelain. It stains easily and it took me a while until a plumber gave me a tip to making it look new again. 

He told me to use that blue toilet bowl cleaner on it and it certainly works well. Still it's a pain to keep clean. Stainless would have been a whole lot easier to maintain.



To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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