Sunday, September 29, 2024

Someone challenged me today over a veteran's parking spot at Lowe's


I seldom park in those spots, preferring to save them for guys that have been injured in the line of duty but there are four of them and they were all empty so I pulled into one. Why not? I wasn't stealing something from anyone.

Someone that was walking past me when I got out of the pickup 'casually' asked me when I served. There was something in his voice that made me think he was some kind of self-appointed parking space sheriff of some sort. I just had a feeling.

"!973-76 United States Army, French Foreign Legion until '81 and United States Merchant Marine from 1990 until present. I'm still a licensed United States Merchant Marine officer. Credentials upon request. Follow me home after I've done my shopping."

Two out of three ain't bad. Sue me.

"I was awarded the Legion of Honor for shooting 38 Turegs off the back of a camel back in 1979." 

"Really?" he replied.  

"Uh huh." I answered.

There has been only person that I told that to was an Embry-Riddle student that had the absolute gall to challenge me.   He whipped out his phone and figured that the average camel could carry 500 pounds and the average weight of said Tureg was 13.157 pounds.

"Yeah, they looked kinda skinny. That's some serious shooting because they were so small." I replied and he smirked. He's a pain in the ass but I love him anyway. He's one of the few people I call a friend for life.

How the hell do you get 38 people on the back of a camel? I can hear it now. "Hey! quit that pushin' and shovin' back there! as someone almost falls off, hanging on for dear life.

Back to our original story brought to you by Kellogg's of Battle Creek.

Anyway I he left looking somewhat confused which made me feel pretty good about myself.

Leaving someone confused is always a good thing.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. I've done the "I love the smell of burning Hajis in the Morning". Easy enough sell.
