Monday, September 30, 2024

Failure to launch

is often nothing more than inability to launch.

I just heard that in order to get a decent mortgage a person has to make about $125K/year. Under Trump it was $75K.

I heard one mother say that wasn't going to happen to her son because he was going to go to college. 


I don't see where she and her husband can simply write a check for their Sonny Boy's entire education. A more likely scenario is that he's going to graduate with a meaningless degree and about $200K worth of student debt to pay off.

Looks to me like there's a damned good chance the Sonny Boy will be living with Mom and Dad for quite a while after graduation.

This failure to launch is in a lot of cases a total inability to launch.

Yet Mom and Dad will likely vote Harris because Orange Man Bad.

Even if Trump does get elected he doesn't have a chance of undoing the damage done by the Biden Administration. He'll have a lot of things blamed on him and his presidency will likely not be too successful because the left and the media (one in the same) will create stories out of thin air and try and stymie him every chance they get. About all he can do it try and undo as much bad policy as possible.

I didn't bother to answer the woman as she was simply talking to someone else although I really wanted to tell her that the only way he son was likely to own his own home was to inherit it after they are dead and gone.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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