I just acquired 6, yes SIX. That's this many IIIIII SIX each five gallon cans of HIGHWAY YELLOW paint. It's the stuff they paint lines on the highway with! It's nasty stuff!
Halloween is just around the corner!
Remember that crabby old man that called the cops on you for playing baseball in the empty lot? How about that Karen that called the cops on you for riding your bicycle with no helmet?
Well, it's PAYBACK time!
You don't even need a brush! Simply dump the can in the middle of their lawn and scamper off. This stuff will self-level and put about an inch layer of nasty highway yellow in a 20 foot diameter and kill all the grass. After it dries it will take an entire weekend to pull it up and get rid of it. Not only that, they will have to take it to a hazardous waste site and pay through the nose to get rid of it!
A landscaper will probably charge 10 grand to remove it!
The best is yet to come! The vile chemicals it releases will keep grass from growing in the spot and only thistles can survive in it!
Just think! If you are in 7th grade you will be able to go by their house and see a nasty patch of thistles in their yard until you graduate from college!
ACT NOW! Operators are standing by!
Smarten that Karen or Ken up!
Great advice, but I would suggest a politicians lawn also.