I'll probably get the J&J vaccine when I can but that's MY choice. I have my reasons. So much for that.
I'm going to spell out a few things here.
1. Covid is real. It is a communicable virus and you don't want to get it. It CAN kill you.
2. We, the People, have a right to decide if we want to wear mask or get vaccinated or not. Then again, business owners have a right to have their own policies and both of these should be clear of government interference. I'm sure that for the most part, We, the People are capable of figuring it our by ourselves. If we don't like someone's mask policy we can simply go somewhere else.
3. Covid has been politicized and is being used to divide is among ourselves and play to our fears. Both sides are guilty of this.
That being said, there ARE choices besides the mandated official vaccinations that are in the process of being forced on people.
I won't get into all the choices here save to cover a couple of them. One can simply hole up and become a hermit of sorts. This is legitimate for a lot of people that can work from home. They can get food and things delivered.
My attack on it is that I have started to watch my chow intake and have added vitimans C and D to my diet along with elderberry and zinc. I am considering adding the anti malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to the mix but am still in the research stage on that.
Coupled with habits that keep my antibodies up and running I do have a damned good chance of not contracting the disease. Throw in an O+ blood type and a history of not contracting flu-like illnesses in decades and things do look good.
Then again it's no guarantee but neither is the vaccine.
Let's look at the vaccine for what it is. It is new. It has NOT been approved and is still considered experimental. Most people know you never buy cars or anything big on the first model year. This is a biggie.
The vaccine has not been tested yet and the long term effects have not been discovered. It's still in the experimental stage.The makers of it have been granted immunity from future lawsuits in the event something goes wrong in the future.The long term effects are not known at this time.
It actually doesn't prevent Covid. You can still contract it and you can still spread it and therefore still have to wear a mask according to Top Men.
A number of doctors and scientists recommend not getting the vaccine. the vaccine has caused deaths and injuries. In fact at the last minute I found a Gallup poll said 34% of front line health care professionals would refuse the vaccine and another 18% are unsure if they'd agree to take it.
Personally I tend to take the word of medical people over the word of the government.
There is a risk of autoimmune diseases, strokes, seizures and convulsions associated with the vaccine.
Of course a lot of people have not bothered to research it and are in a total panic to get it. The Karens are in a dither because they have not stopped for a few minutes and researched things. More on the scared Karens later.
The title of this post includes the homeless.
Ahh, yes. The poor old homeless that San Francisco wanted to round up and put in a camp until the disease has played itself out.
There was a hue and cry that doing this was an attempt to kill off those homeless people and maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.
Still, I doubt that if it really was an attempt at homeless genocide. If it was it was probably going to fail.
Any competent health professional will tell you (other problems notwithstanding) that the homeless generally develop some pretty damned strong immune systems, reasonably assuming that they have not worn themselves down with drug/alcohol abuse.
After a few months of living rough in a homeless camp one out of two things happen. Either the person dies or they start to develop a pretty strong antibody system.
Anyone that lives under a bridge, uses an old bucket for a toilet and never washes after he uses his toilet and then goes over and proceeds to cook a stew in an old can he found in someone's trash using ingredients he fished out of a dumpster somewhere is probably either going to get very sick or develop pretty bulletproof antibodies.
I heard a doctor comment once about some homeless patient that he thought would have been dead had he not been homeless. I found that to be an interesting comment. The homeless guy had an open sore on his leg the doctor said should have turned to gangrene but didn't.
As far as the idea of homeless genocide by Covid in a camp goes, I'm putting my money on the bums. It may chew up the hard line druggies and alcoholics but I'm sure the rest will waltz through it OK.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that half of them have gotten it and suffered a couple of sniffles and a brief tummyache.
All of this brings us back to Karen, the college educated woman who was a brilliant student and holds a degree in Fine Arts, Gender Studies or something else equally useless.
In her panic-stricken fear and ignorance she makes sure she will sterilize every thing she sees and several times a day will immerse her children in a 55 gallon drum of sanitizer and insure that not one single germ enters her home. She will make damned good and sure her kids are not allowed off the pavement and definitely away from anything resembling dirt.
Of course because the kids never get to fire their antibody systems up they are constantly suffering from coughs, colds and everything else that comes down the pike and Karen immediately has them treated with huge doses of antibiotics. Followed by yet more cleaning.
Needless to say, Karen is the biggest critic of Peggy who lets her kids run all over creation and play in the pond and chase bullfrogs, soaking themselves in the process. Next it's off to the mud flats!
Peggy just takes one look at her returning brood and hoses them off and makes them stay out until they dry off a bit before evening chow. Her kids don't need a fresh glass every time they want a drink of water because they just drink from the hose.
When her youngest got a minor ear infection she held off on the antibiotics and let nature run its course. The kid was fine.
Worse yet, Peggy doesn't get upset when the dog licks the kid's faces!
Karen condemns Peggy. She always points out that Peggy never finished her degree in biology. But always forgets to realize that Peggy's kids never seem to get sick and even if they do it's not for very long.
Karen is now in a dither over getting the vaccine. She's tried three times to sneak into the over 65 line and has pleaded and burst into tears and hyperventilated every time she's been denied.
All this over a vaccine of questionable quality for a virus that can be avoided in the first place with a little plain thinking about it.
It makes no sense to me.
As for my plans?
I'm pushing 70 and have a few health issues that go along with age. I'm going to probably get the damned shot because it seems to be recommended for older people with issues.
I'll probably go the J&J route though because I read where it is the least effective at first but after about 50 days it becomes the most effective. I tend to look at long term results as opposed to the here and now.
Still, either way my decision has been made on the basis of me getting off my ass and doing my own research. It's getting harder and harder to find good, solid, objective information out there because both sides lie through their teeth.
Anti-vaxers will twist facts and omit things to suit their own agenda as fast as vaxers and the government will so there's a LOT to sift through, and much of it contradictory.
We're responsible for ourselves. Anyone that trusts either side is making a mistake. You have to dig it out for yourself.
Update: Now I am reading where the vaccine inactivates tumor suppressing proteins which means it can promote cancers.
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