Monday, May 31, 2021

Maybe the Navy will straighten him out.

No it won't. Neither will the Army or the Marines.

They don't have the time to bother with some smart assed punk kid anymore. It's hard to get into the service these days. You can't have a criminal record beyond maybe a low level traffic ticket.

They are not going to do the job you should have done as a parent.

You know who you are.


The stories of a judge giving a kid the choice between jail/reform school/whatever and enlisting in the military actually used to be true but it changed decades ago.

Still, the story continues to make the rounds once in a while.

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

One of the things I like about myself is the ability to keep a straight face when I say something outrageous

I looked like hell the other day and some guy just had to ask me if I was a landscaper.

"No. I'm gardening today," I replied. "I'm retired from 34 years of writing and directing gay midget porn movies."

He went into shock and when he recovered walked away fearfully.

The woman ringing the register had a hard time keeping a straight face. She's seen me in action before.

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Friday, May 28, 2021

I was raised by a genius.

I really was.

IIRC I was about 12 or so and got a raw deal from a neighborhood adult. I won't get into it here but I was not guilty of anything but just the thought of a false accusation was enough to really piss me off.

Dad grilled me and simply told me he knew I was getting a raw deal.

I looked at him and said, "I ought to paint that new car of his pink."

Suddenly there was a maniacal look on his face. I thought he looked like Jack the Ripper or someone.

"Lennie would give me a couple of quarts of pink paint!" He said. "Do you think we can get away with it?"

I looked at him, elated at first but picked up on what he was trying to say. "Probably not," I said, sourly.

"Look, Kiddo, it's not the first time you've gotten a raw deal and it's probably not going to be the last."

The man always seemed to know what to say. He knew he couldn't change things but at least knew how to make them bearable.

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AP is blubbering about getting their office hit by Israel.

They are standing there in outrage babbling incoherently about how they were just sitting there minding their own business when all  of a sudden POW!

Somewhere else I read that HAMAS had some kind of operation going on in the same building.

Of course people seem to think that orphanages, churches and hospitals are not legal targets and as such they are not. However they can lose their protected status by getting involved in any type of active military activity. They HAVE to stay neutral.

People try and hide behind a status like that but cry blue bloody murder the second they get hit after breaking the rules.

A simplifided example of this is a sniper in a church bell tower. The sniper is not given impunity because he is in a church. The opposing force does not have to take casualties because the sniper ins in a church. The opposing force is 100% justified in letting a tank blast the bell tower.

The reason Notra Dame cathedral is still standing is because the Germans respected it enough not to use it for military purposes. You can bet that if, for example, they stored ammunition or arms in it the Allies would have bombed it flat in a heartbeat.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Label makers generally wind up being a pain in the ass

because of the mentality that it has to be used because you have it.

They can certainly be a useful tool and can alleviate confusion. I was glad to see used on a group of four electrical switches so I would instantly know which one is which.

On the other hand when people get bored and take it to extreme things start to look a little ridiculous. People don't need a label on a refrigerator to know it's a refrigerator or a sink to know it's a sink.

Several years back I briefly worked as a fill-in on a boat where both crews seemed engaged in a contest to label as much as they could. It went from the ridiculous to the sublime until someone got a stencil made that said 'floor tile' and stenciled it onto every single floor tile in the galley.

Had I been a part of the permanent crew I probably would have thrown the label maker over the side for all the stupidity it caused.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A visit with the dead.

The other night I had a wonderful dream of meeting up with dead friends. It wasn't morbid. I woke up practically laughing.

It was a wonderful meeting up with a lot of the bums and throwaways I hung out with on Cannery Row back in the day. It was a dream of all the humor and pathos of life back in the day.

A lot of the guys I knew back in the day died like flies in accidents mostly related to commercial fishing.

By the time I turned 35 I felt like a fugitive from the Law of Averages.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

You want it? You got it.

Ahh, yes. A part of the medical profession has no decency whatsoever and seem to be perpetrators of outright junk science.

A while ago a friend of mine had an accident. A plain, simple honest accident. Nothing more, nothing less. 

He was trying to poke a vent hole in a 5 gallon steel can with a Buck knife and it glanced off and hit him in his wrist and left a really nasty gash. Off to the hospital for him!

Because it was a knife wound in the wrist they had to ask him if it was intentionally self-inflicted. He truthfully answered it wasn't.

They asked, he told them. The issue should have been dropped right then and there. It was not intentionally self-inflicted. He had not been trying to hurt himself. The end.

But no. They just felt they HAD to get some kind of admission of an attempt at suicide or self-mutilation. They kept needling him.

Then they started bandying words and trying to confuse him into making a grammatical error that could be taken out of context. He was smart enough not to take the bait.

Finally he lost his temper and snapped "I got in a knife fight in the Northside. OK?!"

Can't say I blame him. I've done and said things like that. 

It's called giving someone what they ask for. 

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Monday, May 24, 2021

Sometimes when you get older ya gotta

ignore someone else's advice.

Yesterday someone told me I ought to water the freshly planted marigolds because we were going to have a long dry spell. I did just that.

Of course today is a rainy day...Go figure.

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

A woman was talking about her mother that lives with her.

She wasn't angry or feeling sorry for herself, just commenting her mom actually seems more energetic lately.

I answered her with, "Mine's been pretty frisky since she won that wet T-shirt contest a couple of months ago."

Damn! I'm good! I delivered that with such a casual air that the woman just knew it had to be true.

DO the math. I'm 70 soon.

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Voting. The Rules

1. You have to be alive.

2. You have to be registered.

3. You have to be a citizen.

4. You have to be registered at least 30 days beforehand.

5. You may NOT vote mail in or absentee unless you are military, merchant marine or on legitimate out of the state business or legitimately incapacitated and must show solid proof thereof. 

6. At the polls you MUST show a state or federal ID.

7. You can only vote ONCE and may be registered in only ONE place.

8. All votes must be HAND COUNTED and the process open to observation by any interested parties that care to oversee the counting process.

9. Voter fraud shall be a capital crime and will be punished as such. 

Voting is a sacred rite and should be treted as such. 

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What do you expect?

I just read on Nextdoor that someone is looking for clean dirt presumably to fill up a void in their yard.

Thay're griping because someone dropped off a bunch of limestone along with the dirt. My out of thin air guess is some contractor type dug up a limestone driveway and dumped it at the person's house.

You generally get what you pay for and it is no surprise that this happened in fact I think they got kind of lucky. They're lucky that didn't get a load of busted up concrete and bricks dumped.

Little fly by night construction companies see people looking for fill as a golden opportunity to get rid of stuff at no cost. They will try and dump all sorts of stuff into places like that.

Of course you can get free fill but you have to pay attention and do your homework and even then it's hit or miss. A heavy construction company or road crew is probably your best bet IF you live between the job site and the place they usually dump the dirt. A company isn't going to drive miles out of their way to dump dirt in someone's yard for free. It costs them too much extra time and money.

As for the person that had the dirty limestone dumped, I really wonder what they thought was going to happen.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Advice to young men entering the service.

When you go to ship out don't wear anything you can't replace for under a buck at a garage sale.

I remember having to put my civvies in a cardboard box and address it to my home of record and mail it home which was a joke. I asked if I could simply throw the stuff out and was told I had to ship it. I complied and added a note to throw the stuff away.

Another guy was told to do the same thing so he misaddressed the package and it was returned to him and when it arrived he threw it out.

Leave it to the army to make a hash out of things.

I heard a couple of years ago that a trainee is given the option of throwing his clothing away when he gets issued uniforms.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Filipinos! Draw the wagons into a circle!

Has about the same ring as "Indians! Draw the wagons into a circle!" It actually has the same ring to it.

The only reason kids used to play Cowboys and Indians is because Columbus was lost and thought he had found India. If he had thought he has landed in Subic Bay instead we would be playing Cowboys and Filipinos which is fine.

The other thing I wonder about is that Americus Vespucci was another explorer and the Americas are named after him. 

Vespicciland would have pretty much the same ring. If you don't believe it song 'God Bless America' only sing it with the same tune but as 'God Bless Vespicciland'. It has the same ring to it.

The whole thing is pretty messed up when you think about it.

All this because a couple of Italian navigators were lost and thought they actually discovered something when there were already had people there.

Actually a few years back a couple of Native Americans flew over to Italy and declared they had discovered Italy which makes about as much sense as the claims of those two.

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Monday, May 17, 2021

A euthernasia candidate.

I do not know it this is the ultimate troll or a euthenasia candidate.

If she is a troll then Hollywood should do something right for a change and give he an Academy Award for Best Troll.

If she is serious she should be taken to a hospital and be stripped of all her useful organs and the rest of her should be used as either fertilizer or crab bait.

There is no way a person that stupid should be allowed to let her DNA infect the planet.

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

A lot of health care types sometimes ride a high horse.

and start talking about how they save lives.

That is until I point out that the group that has probably saved more lives than any other group out there are sanitation workers.

Yup. The trash guys the sewer workers, plumbers and people like that. The people that provide us with clean water and either remove or enable us to remove our wastes. 

They have kept us from more disease and pestilence more than any other group I can think of.

Of course nobody ever thinks about that. 

Have you hugged a sewer wrker today?

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

I see where female veterans are getting hassled a bit

Pittsburgh has no shortage of meddlers and I just saw a news blurb about female veterans getting hassled for using the veteran parking spaces and being told they can't use their husband's discounts.

Husband's discounts? It's THEIR discount. They earned it. Bet you there are a number of households where the husband should be told he can't use his wife's discount or whatever.

Guess what? She's just as much a veteran as any of us it. 

I just heard that women comprise about 16% of the service population these days. The number of female veterans has skyrocketed and as a result the number of vets will climb. 

For the record I get at Lowe's was Lowe's offering it and I took it. I didn't expect it I didn't ask for it. They asked me. A clerk behind the counter saw my DNR dogtag and handed me an application which I filled out. 

I didn't serve for parking spaces and discounts. I enlisted to get the right to complain.

If you have not contributed to something you don't have a right to complain about it.

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Friday, May 14, 2021

An open letter to all elected officials.

What are you going to do when we decide not to obey you?

Actually it's been quite a while since I have given elected officials my respect, my loyalty and my obedience but that's neither here not there.

What I am wondering is what happens when a lot more people get tired of their bull$hit.

What are they going to do about it when the number of people tired of them gets out of hand?

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Who is Bubbles, anyway?

Most men and many women know who Bubbles is. She's a stripper that works at the club.

Anyone who is anyone knows who Bubbles is.

She works at the club.

Everyone probably draws a different picture of what Bubbles looks like but the general consensus is that she doesn't have a brain in her head...and that's a good thing.

Another thing, too. Don't ask me to tell you who Bubbles is. If you don't know, you won't understand.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

I told someone I was going to tear down my house and part it out because

With the price of lumber these days I ought to be able to retire on a Westsail 32 or something.

He replied the greasy spoon diner was charging an extra buck for a toothpick.

The price of lumber now is insane.

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"What's rumor control?" asked Karen on Nextdoor.


Rumor control is a classified Official Department of Defense think tank in the Pentagon. It is manned by Top Men and many service people and civilians. 

It is entrusted to start and control the various rumors that go around both the military and the civilian parts of this great nation of ours.

Members of this necessary organization in the service may be in the ranks of private all the way to full generals and it is accepted as fact that they have close ties with an Army organization known as the Sp/4 Mafia. 

In the civilian sector there are many designated rumor mongers walking around in all walks of life. Some may be your friends and neighbors, both civilian or military. But wherever you find them they can always be counted on to both pick up and spread a rumor at a moments notice.

Rumors are very much a part of military life. They effect troop morale and fighting fitness. They also effect the morale of the average citizen and give the otherwise useless busybodies of our great nation something very important to do. The contributions made by our otherwise useless busybodies can't be overrated for their valuable contributions of keeping a dying rumor alive and healthy.

Our fighting men also rely on rumor control to keep their minds in tip-top shape by wondering about and fretting over the rumors spread and by pondering over which rumors are true or not.

Top Men insure that while the majority of these valuable rumors may prove to be entirely false, enough have to be proven to be true to insure the policy of 'Keep 'em guessing' stays solidly in place.

Keep 'em Guessing' a product of the Pentagon Think Tank designed to manipulate the troops. It can get them fighting mad at times or relaxingly overjoyed at others. This, of course can have quiet a bearing on the outcome of battles.

The 'Keep 'em Guessing' policy also works itself down to a tactical level. An army trained by rumor control to keep guessing what is going to happen next will do that to the enemy with spectacular results. They will do to the enemy what is totally unexpected and has been the source of many military victories.

In the civilian world, companies trained this way often out maneuver their competition resulting in huge profits.

Rumor Control, as little know to the civilian population has a great effect on us all.

There is a story going around about the author of this post that he ran away to sea fifty years ago but it is unconfirmed.

The author has no comment to make at this time.

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Nextdoor has a bunch of really sorry people on it.

and no sense of humor.

Something happened to someone and the first 8 or 9 people began their post with "I'm sorry" as in I'm sorry that happened to you.

With that many consecutive 'I'm sorry' posts I couldn't let that one slide.

"Looks to me like a bunch of really sorry people here."

I didn't get a time out but that's probably because a number of people hit my post with the laugh icon.

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Sunday, May 9, 2021

I see airport brawling is on the rise.

I saw footage of yet another airport brawl in Florida the other day.

Someone told me they saw a video of one in San Juan that ended badly for the brawlers because in San Juan they take a different approach to this sort of thing.

He reported that the looks on some of the brawlers faces changed a bit when they discovered the fight was being broken up by people that had not taken any sensitivity training courses.

This kind of thing is getting old fast and there IS a solution. You make it both expensive and painful to those that don't behave themselves in airports.

If the brawlers are at a gate one simply takes their tickets and drags them to the area outside the sterile zone and they can't re-enter.

Then put them on the no fly list.

The present system of letting things slide doesn't seem to work very well.

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Saturday, May 8, 2021

I am going to have to learn a new on line system

which is likely to be a gold plated first class bastard.

The problem with this is that when I figure it out I won't be using it often and use it or lose it is going to rear its ugly head the next time I have to use the program.

Think or it this way. You have just graduated and took calculus. You need it for your job. It's still fairly fresh so you're good to go.

Now you're 68 and you have never used calculus since you took it in 1973 and you now need it.

You're screwed.

I suppose I'll be OK, though. If I can log into the program after I learn it I'll likely be able to muddle my way through it OK.

Update: This is not going to be easy. Some programs are pretty intuitive. This one is not one of them. It is the least  intuitive program I have ever seen.

Then again, I'm not a computer geek.

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Friday, May 7, 2021

My nose is in a book now

'The Far Lands' by James Norman Hall.

I'm reading it now because I grew up with a copy on the family bookshelf and never got to it as a kid. I do not know why.

Anyway I saw it on Kindle for a buck and said why not?

Reading it I guess I can see why not. It was written for a 6th grade reading level and by third grade I was reading at a senior in high school level.

Still, it's a fun read.

As for the author, James Norman Hall? He's an interesting man. Check out his Wikipedia page.

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Another Facebook post. I do believe the poster deleted it.

Someone wanted to know if anyone knew anything about Mayfield Hills Cemetery. It was in my childhood neighborhood so I answered.

Me: What do you want to know? I've been buried there for over 20 years.

OP: How can that possibly be?

Me: I was murdered in 1998. It was on the front page of the Patriot Ledger. You might have seen it. It's never been solved. Sometimes reruns of 'Unsolved Mysteries' tell all about it.

Someone else: I saw that rerun the other night.

OP: Really? I never knew.

Another Someone else: Piccolo you have not changed a bit.

A short time later the thread disappeared.

I gotta learn to take a screen shot on a Kindle.

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Letter to someone's wife,

I'm sure you remember this and I was thinking about it and had to laugh myself silly with your reply to my email.

What I did to your husband was downright evil. Actually I would have to say odious. Yeah. That's it. Odious. Odious is something to be proud of. Anyone can do something and be a a$$hole. It takes a real first class scoundrel to do something truly odious and having done something like that, it gives a serious source of pride.

I took a lot of time and effort to do what I did. 

Let's face it, an army platoon sergeant looks like a real tough guy to the privates in his platoon. (In truth he is more like somebody's mother but that's OK. Private Snuffy is convinced his Papa Sierra as the toughest sergeant in the army...or at least should be.

On the other hand, every blue moon it IS funny watching him turn beet red in front of his troops.

The first step was to get his military mailing address without him knowing it. I called an old Warrant Officer I knew and told him what I wanted. He didn't seem too in interested until I told him what I wanted it for. THAT got his attention!

Now that Warrant Officer was under deadline because he was responsible for crewing up the prototype of the new EN-50 combat vehicle but he instantly shuffled that aside and started making calls. He called me back with the address in 15 minutes.

Now I didn't screw around with this project. I put a lot of time and effort into this one. The Second step was to fish an old pizza coupon out of the trash and scribble "I'll bet your as red as a beet" on it and signed it. I put this in my pocket and it was off to the Hallmark store where I explained I needed a lovely pink envelope...and why.

The older Hallmark woman laughed outright and found me one. Hallmark always winds up with spare envelopes for some reason so this was no problem.

Now the store wasn't busy so I put $10 on the table and held an imprompu 'girly handwriting' contest. I think the older woman knew exactly what I wanted and she even dotted the Is with little hearts. Perfect!  Straight out of junior high! She must have been a born love letter writer so we grabbed a lovely lavendar pen and she addressed the envelope.

Then it was off to the Macys cosmetic department for a big, bright red kiss followed down by a bath in cheap stripper perfume. With that accomplished, I stuffed the pizza coupon in it, stamped it and threw it in the mail and went to bed that night smiling as I pictured his face at mail call in front of the guys.

I knew there was no way he was going to squirm out of that one! 

It arrived a few days later and the mail clerk took one look at it and gave himself a very evil grin and put it aside. He knew what to do. He had to give that one to the sergeant publicly, in front of his whole platoon.

Which I'm sure he did. The hoots and whistles must have been epic.

Now your husband has a pretty good sense of humor and recovered. He chuckled and threw the letter into his 'souvenir box' and there it stayed.

Four months later.

I got a panic stricken email from the good sergeant explaining that he had sent his souvenir box home, his wife found the letter and was upset over it. He pleaded with me to email his wife and explain that is was just a prank.

I instantly emailed her explaining everything and a couple hours later I got back an answer from her.

She said she knew exactly what had happened. She knew it was a prank and a pretty good one at that! She also asked me to keep my mouth shut so she could enjoy making him squirm a little more.

Ya gotta love a good GI wife!

Later when the sergeant retired I did send the wife a note thanking her for standing by him and taking care of the family in his absence. Good GI wives are priceless and never seem to be given the proper credit for what they do. 

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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Let's leave this one alone and let it scab over and heal a while.

Yeah. I'm talking about racism.

Someone asked me how to end it and I replied that it will go away on its own when it stops being so damned profitable.

When it stops being a money maker the professional race baiters will find something else to do. I said that once to someone and they replied, "How do you figure that?"

I pointed out that David Duke, Al Sharpton and a number of others have gotten themselves pretty fat and rich by playing the race game. BLM has raised over a billion dollars and the big shots of it are buying mansions.

I won't even begin to say how much the media makes on racism. MS-13 can hack up and rape a platoon of nuns and it never makes news. After all, the big story is the fist fight in an elementry school playground that crossed racial lines. The spin doctors can have a field day with that one!

You bet there's money to be made in racism! 

Wanna get rich? Hop on the racism bandwagon! You can make quite a killing! Be the first kid on your block to cash in and make BIG MONEY by vilifying your innocent neighbor! Create hate, anger and discontentment for fun and profit!

Now let's look at how we're trying to fight racism... those of us that are not trying to make a buck.

We fight racism with MORE racism. We often pile on the most insideous form of racism out there, the racism of low expectations.

Government hiring should be a strict meritocracy. The most qualified candidate gets the job, period. Race, color, whatever should have no part of hiring in government. (Private industry is different. The can do what they want. It's called 'liberty' and sometimes it can be a real bitch.

Like it or not, the Ku Klux Klan has just as much right to exist as the Black Panthers do. Liberty can be a real bitch at times. It gives its blessings to EVERYONE, no matter what their point of view is. One healthy thing is does, though is let the haters out themselves. It brings them into sunlight. Outlawing a group drives them underground where we don't know what they're up to. I digressed but who cares?

Minority recruiting, set-asides and the like have no place in government hiring. That in itself is a racist policy and should be eliminated. It's also a HUGE insult to minorities in general. It says 'we don't consider you to be equals. you need special help to get anywhere'.

Needless to say, when someone looks at a minority in a position of responsibility the first thing they think about is if the person was hired as part of some quota system and is therefore assumed to probably be inferior.

Meanwhile some poor guy that busted his ass to get truly qualified and has worked hard to become capable gets lumped in with the recruited or the set-asides. 

My neighbor, a nurse, tells me that she's had several blacks specify they get a white doctor. Why? My guess is they think the black doctor is not up to snuff because they are afraid he's a diversity hire and therefore not as good as a white doctor. (Diversity is good so long as it isn't MY health and/or well being we are talking about!)

She also reports that a black doctor at the top of her list of go-to doctors for problems in  his field. Yet some blacks are probably convinced he got through medical school on some set-aside program. What an insult to a fine, competent physician! 

Another thing I have noticed, mainly among black men is what is really self-segregation. When I hear someone say, "As a black man..." I see it as a kind of self-segregation. Sometimes I see it used as an excuse of sorts for one thing or another or as a way to elicit something.

(I won't get into the battle of the sexes here. Men and women ARE different. Get over it.)

Truth is from my point of view, I don't give a damn what color you are. To me you're simply a man or a woman. Be one.

Racism is a festering sore on the ass of humanity and what do we do with that sore? We constantly pick at it. Things we pick at never heal. 

I have a former classmate that constantly digging up and posting anything she can find about minorities running into various problems from being beaten by the police to tripping on a crack on the sidewalk. (Gravity must be racist) Of course the city is racist because they didn't fix the crack on time to keep Old Whatshisface from falling on his ass. 

For her virtually everything under the sun is of has the potential to be racist. 

I will admit some of her posts do hold a certain amount of water. But after you do some digging and get the entire story the number goes down considerably. She's dedicated her life to being a SJW and as a result has contributed to keeping racism alive and healthy.

I often wonder what this woman would do if racism (and some other social issues) magically went away. What would she do with herself? She obviously has spent her life trying to take care of everyone else's problems instead of taking care of her own. 

Give it a rest. Racism is not going to go away overnight and constantly picking at the scab and trying to find new reasons to pick at it isn't going to let it heal. Bad things 
ARE going to happen to good people. Get used to it.

As for me? All I can do is live by example. I guess I'm just one of those old guys that plants trees even though I have no hope of being able to sit in the shade it will provide.

To coin an old phrase,  "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Needless to say, because I believe that, a lot of people say that makes ME a racist. Yeah. OK. The mistletoe attached to my shirt tail. Use it.


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Upheld on appeal, too! You don't pull the mask off the Lone Ranger!

There are some things you just don't do.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Yes. It IS all about cup size. More stupid from Target

I overheard two women talking as I was going into Target.

One of them said, "For men it's all about cup size." Needless to say that made me turn my head.

The woman that said that saw me looking and said, "Well, what do you think about it?" She was actually embarrassed and was trying to squirm out of it a bit.

As usual, out came my straight face. "Yes it is," I said. "Every single bit of it is about cup size."

The other woman looked at me somewhat exasperated and asked me, "Well, what about brains"

To which I replied solemnly , "If a flat chested woman had any brains she'd get a boob job." and walked off.

I said that simply because I knew that it is what they wanted to hear.

Anything to please Karen. Karen is not happy unless she's offended so I jut made Karen a happy woman.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Monday, May 3, 2021

Embrace the suck

  A black woman was recently told she had a white supremist attitude and is (rightfully) upset over it.

It was on another board and I wanted then and there to tell her to 'embrace the suck'. That's somewhat of a service term and it means to take comfort in your misery. Yes, it's a paradox but that's OK because a good part of life is living in a paradox.

Over the past couple of years for various reasons I have called a handful of black guy white supremists and they have found it rather complimentary. Of course they know that I was using the term 'white supremist' to mean a person has conservative values  because the left has been playing their little game of calling conservatives racists for years. The few blacks I have dubbed white supremists know how to embrace the suck, too. Otherwise they'd have either been confused or angry. 

Then again, at the Richmond Rally virtually all of the minorities attending knew the drill. According to the media they were attending a white supremist rally. Of course it was anything but. In fact it was far more diverse than the so-called DC woman's rally which was practically snow white.

Incidentally kudos to the black guy that followed the camera crew around and made it a point to be seen in the background every time the crew tried to interview some redneck looking character. It ruined their footage.

I said to him, "Ain't you a real white supremist."

"Yeah. I'm a regular f***ing Klansman," he replied. Now THIS guy knew how to embrace the suck

One of the Founding Fathers understood embracing the suck when he said, "If this be treason, make the most of it."

A while back some wag sent me a couple of so-called 'white privilige' cards. They're pretty funny if you read the print.

If she wants one she should get in touch with me and give me a way to send one to her.

The next time anyone calls her a white supremist she can whip the card out and BAM!. As soon as they see the card she can triumphantly tell her critic "The guy that gave me this even taught me the Secret Handshake!"

Embrace the suck! 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Sunday, May 2, 2021

So far from what I see in the recall election for governor in CA the one i'd likely vote for is

Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner.

She seems to be the one with the most sense from what I can tell.

To a great extent I have pretty much given up on the transgender issue and if the truth be known, I probably gave up on it in the mid 80s when I lived in Koodiak.

One thing Jenner says that makes sense is a person that TGs from male to female probably doesn't have any business playing in girl's school sports. I can see that point and agree with it.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Saturday, May 1, 2021

I listened to someone say that eliminating the police is OK because he likes less government

He seems to have forgotten a couple of things.

In the absence of organized law and order the people just naturally band together for mutual protection. This is all well and good until it degenerates into mob rule, generally led by some self-appointed leader of sorts and turns into exactly what they got rid of.

What we do need is a police force that protects and serves the community instead of being a striking arm for whoever is in power.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY