Wednesday, December 30, 2020

It's not the years, it's the mileage

And that's all I have to say about that.

I have survived another Christmas. I do want to live to at least another Thanksgiving.

While O loathe Christmas, I love Thanksgiving. When the Good Lord decides to pull the plug on me I hope it's after a Thanksgiving and before a Christmas.

This is my 70th year and I want to dedicate it to gardening and bird houses, and of course sarcasm.

Speaking of sarcasm on my hometown's FB page they posted a picture of an old schoolhouse built in 1857 as a school. It's has served several other purposes since.

I posted that after it opened  I had to walk to school to get there back in the day from the other end of town.

Some imbecile will come along and point out that I would have to be 170 years old for that to happen and I will explain that I attribute my age and health to not drinking any cheap booze and that I drink good booze of the top shelf and as much as I can get  my hands on.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

I am most certainly glad I am not in the dating game these days.

About the time I first went on line I ran into a younger guy that was dating. He was experimenting with meeting people on line and seemed to be happy with the internet as a source of meeting women.

He said that on line meetings made sense because you could eliminate women you met and had nothing in common with right off the bat. 

I asked him how much of it was 'false advertising' and he said it really wasn't too bad. Maybe back then it wasn't.

The other day on another internet board one of the guys posted a few screen shots and I was rather stunned for a number of reasons. I thought for a second he was cherry picking losers and decided to look for myself and was unpleasantly surprised with the number of idiots, losers and outright messes there are out there.

The ones that make me wonder are the fat, tattooed, pierced freaks with a couple of kids from  couple of different men that are looking for somebody handsome making $175K.

Fat chance!

A lot of the guys are no prize, either. My guess that the movie star standing in front of the Ferrari is just some fat slob living in his mom's basement.

I'm sure the guy I met all those years ago would be stunned to see what has happened to the platforms he was cruising two decades ago.

 I cringe at what it seems to be like today until I realize that anyone looking for anything serious has basically gone full circle. 

It's back to meeting people in your travels, church gatherings, work, friends introducing you to people and that sort of thing.

It's really kind of sad, too because the internet could have been a good tool for that sort of thing but much like every invention (TV comes to mind here) that has come down the pike it goes downhill fast.

Anyway I'm glad I am not young and in the dating pool these days.

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Sunday, December 27, 2020

I have to start de-junking.

I really should. I have so much stuff that I will never use just taking up space.

I really ought to just get rid of a lot of it and find the stuff good homes. I'm not going to use a lot of it and someone younger could probably use the stuff.

Older people really ought to do this. It generally saves people a lot of grief after they die.  

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Saturday, December 26, 2020

One of the NCOs I served with used to casually mention he had a 3rd grade education

Maybe he did ony complete third grade. You sure wouldn't know it, though. He was the FDC section chief, a Sergeant First Class.

Now FDC stands for Fire Direction Control and in the field artillery it's not really the kind of job given to an illiterate. Depending on one's major a lot of college graduates would be totally lost. It's all higher mathematics.

To accurately put steel on target the amount of math and physics is incredible. There are all sorts of factors to be dealt with. From the charge used to propel the round to air density to the effect of the rifling on the projectile. The number of factors is mind boggling. 

Yet here was a guy that claimed to have a third grade education running the whole show.

Today it's all done by computer but back in the day one filled out  form and added, subtracted, multiplied or divided as necessary. Some but by no means the majority came from various tables.

Now this guy could figure out a fire mission on a blank piece of paper and if he had to he could do most of the calculations to make his own tables for some of the requirements. In short he was a professor of sorts.

He was incredible and sometimes hilarious when he'd put on his dumb hillbilly act and explain that he only had a third grade education. 

(Meanwhile he was doing quadratic equations in his head) 

Back in the day there were a number of people like that in the army. I once had a First Sergeant that barely finished grammar school. He once confessed he had one of the college kids teach him to read. The kid in question was a draftee that had opted to do his 2 years instead becoming an officer and serving 4 years. There were a number of those in the service during the draft.

Top was a voracious reader. He had a seldom used dictionary close at hand at all times.

Another guy I knew early in my seagoing career was a tug skipper that couldn't read. Basic math he could do. Very shortly after I met him the day we were getting off he handed the chief engineer a bottle of fine whisky and $100 and announced the chief was going to teach him to read. The $100 was for school supplies.

Back in the day the Coasties would give oral exams to the illiterate.

Anyway, the man was a very well respected skipper so the entire crew pitched in. I asked one of the guys about it and he laughed. He said for quite a while it was like trying to teach a brick but one day something in his head went click and he took off like the Bell X-1!

He's another one that became a voracious reader.

There are really any number of people out there that have done well with a very limited formal education.

What often cracks me up is when someone with a useless degree like puppetry that is working at someplace like Starbucks looks down their nose at them.


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Friday, December 25, 2020

Someone asked me what I do about panhandlers.

I always give them a beer.

When I find one of the rare one that refuses and tells me he doesn't drink I pay him to come home with me so I can show my wife what happens to a man that doesn't drink. 

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Hmmm. Someone just gave me a good idea.

Sometimes when I visit the niece and nephew I take one of the kids for lunch.

When the waitress asks what's going on I will tell her that the two of us are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.

The grand niece I have in mind for this is about 13.

Do the math.

With any luck Karen will be within earshot and hilarity will ensue.

I suppose if Karen gets too flipped out I can say we got married in West Virginia. 

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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

They just keep making apps bigger and bigger

I just downloaded an app on my phone the other day and looked at it's characteristics. At 3+ gigs on a phone with a total of 16 gigs to play with and it being 2/3s full i instantly uninstalled it.

One of the things that frosts my ass is that when you get the damned thing it's already half full of the manufacturers crap and there' no way for a non geek like me to remove it.

 It's really kind of a gyp when you think about it.

They advertise it holds 16 gigs (which it actually does) but I guess they never bother to tell you the ret of the story.

Like how much of the 16 gigs is actually usable.

I really have no use whatsoever for the dopey games and other junk they put in them. I don't need stock market reports because I don't care if Scott Tissue touches another bottom today and leaves thousands wiped clean.

As for the news, it's mostly fake news anyway. If I want the truth I have to dig it out of honest sources.

In short I don't need most of the crap that's on there.

Actually this isn't new. Back in the day Bill Gates commented on the (then) brand new 486. He said with almost half a gigabyte there was enough memory there to last a person a lifetime. I suppose at the time he was right.

He hadn't foreseen the graphics and games coming down the pike.

Of course with 'all that memory' the program writers got a little sloppy. They had more room to work whith so why not use it?

My current cell phone has 32 time more memory than that 486. My phone, for God's sake and it's an antique!

Anyway I downloaded what appeared to be a small program and it turned out to be well over 3 gigs and that brought the phone too close to being filled up. Of course I uninstalled it.

Still it annoyed me to no end.

On the other hand, I suppose I forgot to take human nature into consideration.Let every empty space be filled with at least something.  

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Someone asked me why he found a cigarette butt on deck on a boat nobody smoke on.

Which is an interesting question..

Over the years I have picked up dozens of them off of the deck of various tankers, a couple of which had no smokers onboard.

They are a pain in the ass and when Is see one I pounce on it and pick it up and get rid of it. It's trouble.

I can't think of a single seaman I know that would even consider lighting up on the deck of a tanker of any sort.  It's just not done.

I suppose the exception may be when the vessel is in the shipyard and is gas free. A lot of shipyard workers do smoke and occasionally under the circumstances a crewman might. After a yard layup you can find butts in odd places for a while.

The guy that asked about it was on a vessel that had been out of the yard for over a year and the butt he found was fairly new. It hadn't been exposed to the weather for very long.

The reason he asked me about it is because if a Coastie finds one during an inspection he's likely to raise hell about it. He'll often find the first person he can that smokes and give him hell.

Truth is from time to time a butt shows up out of nowhere and it drives the finder nuts trying to figure out where it came from.

I have noticed that this weird occasion happens more to inland and harbor vessels than it does to seagoing vessels.

The best explanation I can make is they occasionally fall off of bridges the vessel passes under.

That or there's a guy running around sneaking aboard and throwing them there to drive us insane.

Maybe it's that guy. That little man. The one with the funny little beard, the pointy hat, a brown shoe and a black shoe and green pants and a yellow shirt that keeps sneaking up on everyone.


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Monday, December 21, 2020

What makes you think anybody else does?

I was talking to one of the guys once about Camp Perry and forgot his wife was in earshot.

I told him the bet part of Perry was the lucrative product endorsements and the hot groupie action. His wife barged in on that one and she asked, gaspingly, "Women go to those matches?"

"Sure," I replied. "Back when you were a hot young chick didn't you put on your shortest, tightest skirt, paint your lips and go out and try and score a young handsome shooter at the rifle range?"

"I never did that," she snapped back defensively.

"So what makes you think anyone else does?" I replied.

Sarcasm. Some people don't understand it. 

Let's go to Attu. There's a hot, willing woman behind every tree!

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Sunday, December 20, 2020

I'm listening to more and more demands made by so-called educators

and as far as I can say the administration should tell them to go home and freeze in the dark.

Much of it is racial stuff which is a joke anyway as far as I can see. There's already an acceptance standard based on race. Asians really get screwed on that one. Asians have to get higher test scores than white in some instances (Where's the white privilige in that?)

 Much of what these people are asking for is a double grading standard which does nobody worthwhile any good.

In my world a school sets a standard of excellence and sticks with it, applying it equally to everyone.

People seem to forget that employers are not stupid. They want the best which makes sense. They are the ones writing the paychecks and theeyy want their money's worth.

When a school has a double standard for one group and not the other they will simply refuse to hire from the group that is held to the lesser standard. Can't say as I blame them. 

If people get upset over the hiring policy they will simple refuse to hire any graduates from the school, as simple as that.

The person that really gets hurt the most is the person held to the lesser standard that is motivated and studies and goes to the head of the class because they will be put in the category of the lesser group anyway.

I've always said that things like set-asides and the like are truly an insult to those minorities that work their ass off because no matter what they get lumped in with the lesser crowd.

I read in a Seattle paper a while ago that the white students wanted the minorities to be able to skip finals because they were fighting for social justice.

Why not just make social justice a major?

They could take out huge college loans and get a degree in social justice. Personally I would be quite amused to meet a social justice major. They would be easy to spot.

They would be the educated looking one asking you if you want fries with your burger. What would really make me smile is to listen to them gripe about how their school loans won't be paid back until they reach social security age.

As for the educators threatening to walk out?

DO it. Go home and freeze in the dark for all I care. You'll be replaced soon enough so the kids can go back to getting a decent education for a change.


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Saturday, December 19, 2020

There was a target of opportunity I passed up on Nextdoor.

Someone asked about hearing what they thought were shots fired yesterday at such and such a time. 

I believe I heard them and it actually sounded like oversized fireworks to me and I honestly posted that.

What I considered doing is something along these lines.

Don't worry about it. Nobody's shooting. One of the kids down the street found a couple of Bangalore torpedoes his grandfather brought back from WW2.

The kid asked me if I thought they were still good so I told him how to hook up the electric blasting caps to a long wire and touch the ends to a car battery.

I guess they proved to be still good which is fine because now he'll keep out of trouble for a while by filling in the craters in the back yard.

Frankly I was tempted but I am already on thin ice on Nextdoor.

Gee! I wonder if the 500 pound blockbuster I saw in an old barn somewhere works! Maybe I'll hit the end with a hammer and find out!

Reminds me of the sign someone gave me.

They developed a former WW2 training site a while ago and the developer posted signs in the woods areas that said something like: Danger! Former military training site. UXO may be present. If you find something mark it, leave the area dial 911 and notify the authorities.

I was told the idiot Karens that moved in thought the signs were ugly and demanded they be removed.

I always wonder if they would change their minds any if their kid brought home a dud mortar round or grenade.

Then again they probably wouldn't know what it is and they'd likely throw it into the backyard fire pit.

I put the sign up in my backyard because kids were stealing the 550 paracord from my ham radio antennas. 

When a cop showed up and asked me about it I told him to find out who complained and tell her to keep her damned kid out of my yard. 

It's always a good thing when Karen outs herself.

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Friday, December 18, 2020

Today's quote

They ought to try out the vaccine on politicians first.

If they don't die the vaccine is safe.

If they do die the country is safe.

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Whatever happened to using the word 'disgruntled' before saying "Vietnam veteran"

I have not heard the term 'Disgruntled Vietnam veteran used in some time now. In a way it's kind of sad.

Of course most GIs came home from Vietnam, found work, married and put their lives back together. They worked and raised families. Most of them, anyway.

As with all wars there was a handful of angry young men that returned and did things they should not have. This has gone on since the days of the Roman Legions.

Every time the anti war media heard  of a Vietnam vet doing practically anything unacceptable the Vietnam vet status went straight to the top.

Yes, there were a couple of horrific crimes caused by Vietnam vets but I suppose the percentage of them caused by Vietnam vets was probably close to the non veteran.

Still, the media made the average GI, former or still serving, look like a fiend. Many GIs denied having served. Some claimed to have served stateside and said they had never been overseas.

When something happened the media would always comment that they believed it was the work of a disgruntled Vietnam veteran. 

The image of a returning Vietnam vet was that he was a bloodthirsty fiend that would kill at random for no reason according to the media.

In a way it probably angered the veterans far more than being deployed did in the first place.

Recently I ran into one that shares the same dark sense of humor I do.

"I miss the old days," he said. "I miss walking down the street and causing panic and having women snatch their kids up and run into stores shouting 'OMG! Here comes a VIETNAM VETERAN!'"

"What has happened to us?" He asked me.

"We have gotten old," I replied. "I think the last time the news tried to pin anything on a Nam vet was the beltway sniper. This time the public didn't let them get away with it."

He shook his head sadly in agreement.


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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Another Karen bites the dust.

I was running an errand and before I left one of the neighbors saw me and we briefly chatted. He asked me to snag him a 6-pack while I was getting gas. I agreed. He's almost my age so there was no problem with the age requirements for beer.

Since Covid we often offer to pick stuff up along the way for each other to save each other from possible exposure.

So I am at the convenience store, gassed up and I wander into the store properly masked. I headed to the beer cave, grabbed his six-pack and was heading to the register. I was about halfway there when Karen burst in in a huff and announced to the clerks that there was a teenager in the parking lot looking for an adult to buy him beer.

Her voice was one of uppity self-righteousness and virtue signaling. If you remember 'Leave it to Beaver' she sounded just like Judy Hensler ratting the Beav out to Miss Landers for smoking in the boy's room.There was no way in I could let that one slide. No way in Hell.

Target of opportunity! It would be morally wrong to let this one slide.

"I got him covered," I said, holding up the six-pack. 

Some people snickered, one laughed outright and Karen exploded and went off like a skyrocket prattling on and on about how she was going to call the police on me for buying liquor for minors.

"Hey," I protested. "He's a good kid. He offered me a couple lines of cocaine for my trouble." I turned to some guy in his late teens or early twenties. "Hey, Kid! You need cigarettes?"

"No, I'm good," replied the kid. "Thank you. That's very considerate of you." I figured he was a nonsmoker before I had asked. From the grin he had on his face it was obvious he knew what was going on.

Karen turned purple and a couple of people laughed outright. Karen looked at them and practically shouted "That's not funny!"

A guy nearby looked at me chuckling and commented, "That's how I used to get my beer when I was underaged."

"Me, too," I replied.

More laughter. Karen's blood vessels looked ready to burst.

I paid for the beer and wandered back toward my pickup, looking around and spotted a teenaged boy. "If you're the guy trying to get someone to buy beer for you you ought to hit the bricks. Karen is in there calling the cops on you."

The kid took off like a striped-ass gazelle.

One of the joys of old age is the filters have come off. You no longer worry about approval from a bunch of self-appointed imbeciles that you don't know.

It's OK to pet someone's dog and tell the owner that the dog is welcome but the owner isn't.

When a friend introduces you to someone and says, "This is my friend Piccolo. He doesn't GAF so you're on your own with him." you know you have made it to the top.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

I see where BLM is upset because Joe Biden isn't giving them enough attention

What did they expect?

Did they expect to be offered a place on Biden's cabinet?

Did they think they would be allowed into the oak paneled room and join them for brandy and cigars? Did they think that they would be invited to marry their daughters?

Nope. Lucy just jerked the football out from under from Charlie Brown again. 

It's been going on for decades. It happens every election. The inner city black community is promised the great pie in the sky, loaded into the buses to vote and is dropped off again and the instant they get off the bus the promises are instantly forgotten about.

I suppose that sometimes they got some kind of trinket like an Obama phone but they don't even do that anymore.

I guess black lives don't matter much to Joe Biden anymore now that the election is over with.

Actually it's not just Biden. I see where BLM and Antifa had a falling out of some sort in Portland. While I don't know any of the details, my guess is that Antifa had finished using BLM for their purposes and sent them packing.

Why are they surprised?

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Monday, December 14, 2020

What a scam!

I woke up to find my so-called smart phone with about 40 unwanted, unsolicited ads, followed by a note from Google telling me I had 6 adware viruses. They wanted $2.99 to make them go away.

I coughed up but I can see in the near future I am going to throw the damned phone away and go back to a simple flip phone.

The only reason I even have a smart phone is for work and I will probably be retiring soon. 

I am fortunate not to be one of those zombies that spends 12 hours a day staring at a damned smart phone. I have a life somewhere else.

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Buying beer in a convenience store.

Holding a 24 ounce bottle of beer I neared the front of the line and discovered three young teenage girls behind me.

Target of opportunity. A Karen was behind them. Fire mission!

As I dug out for my ID I turned to the teenagers and said, "Hi! I'm Uncle Al, the Kiddie's pal! I got my ID out. Who needs beer and cigarettes?"

The girls bounced up and down and squealed, "I do! I do!" It was obvious they knew what I was up to.

The Karen exploded and started babbling incoherently about buying beer for kids only to find three teenaged girls laughing themselves silly while pointing at her.

Nothing more satisfying tham watching a Karen feeling stupid while three teenagers laugh at her.

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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Piccolo deals with a wrong number.

Ting a lingle ling. Jingle, jingle. It was an unfamiliar number from an area code in Philly. I decided to answer anyway.

"Psychic Pizza," I said. "The pizza you are calling to order has been on your doorstep for less than a minute. Go get it before it gets cold.

"Huh? I didn't order no pizza!"

"Someone in your house wanted one and they're getting ready to order it about now. It's already on your doorstep. Better go take in inside before it gets cold," I replied.

A few seconds later. "There ain''t no pizza on my doorstep."

Me: "Dammit! Must be that new driver. He put it on the wrong doorstep. Don't worry. I'll put the money back on your credit card. Have a good day." I hung up.

Six seconds later. Phone rings. "Psychic pizza," I answered. "I told you I'm putting the money back on your credit card." Click. I hung up again.

Then I shut my phone off and went in and took a nice nap.

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Friday, December 11, 2020

It is going to be interesting to see what happens in SCOTUS

I do have a bad feeling on this one. I think that there are outside influences on SCOTUS.

The vote was 6-3 to take the case which says to me that three want to bounce Trump.

He has to win over 5 of the remaining 6.

What is interesting is that 17 states INCLUDING Arizona are adding their support to Texas, who initiated the case.

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

I read where some idiot in a letter to the editor said

that Trump was secretly trying to subvert the election or some such stuff. The writer didn't seem too bright.

My reply was the usual droll, "If it's such a secret then how come they let a peon like you in on it? After all, you don't have a clearance or a need to know."

The comment was deleted, of course.

The reason it is such a secret is because the media is not doing its job of keeping us informed and Big Tech is censoring things as they see fit.

It's no secret that Trump is contesting the election and from most sources I have read is correct in doing so. It's clearly been a fraudulent election. In fact in PA it looks to be so corrupt I seriously question the legitimacy of our entire state government.

This will actually change me little because I live a lot like Heinlen has stated.

“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”

I suppose some day I will run into trouble but I guess that's just going to be the cost of a life lived the way I chose.


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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I just finished sharpening my main kitchen knife

with a simple, inexpensive draw through knife sharpener. It probably took less than a minute to get it up to snuff.

It's a simple Green River Hunter I paid about ten bucks for years ago. It's not much. It would be just as at home in deer camp or a tackle box as it is in my kitchen. It coule easily gut a deer of clean fish and I have cleaned fish with it.

I bought just the blade and made a walnut handle for it and it does just fine. It's a simple cutting tool and that's what I use it for. I use it to cut things. 

I do not claim to be any kind of a chef. I'm a pretty good basic Old School cook. I don't mince onion or pepper or much of anything. I just cut it up. A French chef's knife is worthless to me even though I have one.

In fact, a Ka-Bar is probably more useful to me in the kitchen as a French chef's knife. I actually used a Ka-Bar as a kitchen knife briefly. It was a bit cumbersome but I kept it sharp and did the job.

As for the sharpener, it's a simple inexpensive draw through that makes knife snobs and bladesmiths cringe but it sharpens the knife well enough so that it cuts quite well. Why bother with fancy sharpeners and steels when the nickel-dime draw sharpener does the ob so well? It's not like the old workhorse is a thoroughbred or a priceless antique.

Anyway, I sharpened my knife and that's how I spent about a minute of the day.


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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What's going to be interesting in a while

is going to be Karens smartening up.

Suburbanites are the ones with the most to lose under socialism. Karen is going to be in for a rude awakening and she is not going to be a happy camper.

No matter what her standard of living is going to drop. Her lifestyle is in for a serious change. For one thing her family taxes are going to really start to hurt the family budget and she's probably going to have to go back to work. If she's working part time she's going to have to start working full time in order to keep what she has. 

She's also not going to like it very much when some of the houses that come up for sale turn into Section 8 housing and the problems that go with it. Her home is now worth less and her family will have to deal with all of the problems as the neighborhood declines.

Socialism does things like that.

It's not shared joy. It's shared misery.

Of course when Karen figures it out things will be too late.

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Monday, December 7, 2020

I see where they are renaming a number of US military bases that were named after

Confederate generals. It's a shame.

Those bases were named as such as a part of the healing process after the Civil war. They were Confederate generals that were good field commanders and their skills as such were duly recognized. They were skilled officers and good warriors.

Fair enough. 

If you want to think for a second, to cheapen our adversaries is to cheapen the deeds of our people. Saying that Robert E. Lee was an incompetent is to say he was a pushover and detracts from hard earned victory of the Army of the Potomac. It makes the Union soldiers look like they beat up a weakling or some crippled kid or something.

We are destroying our heritage and changing our identity. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Unfortunately those of us that have learned from history are doomed to watch those that didn't learn repeat it which sucks.

Sometimes I actually tend to think that some US forts should be named after other worthy adversaries. I can see Fort Know, the armor school being named after Irwin Rommel. 

After the Desert storm cease fire some Iraqi officers were taken to meet General Schwartzkoff. They were transported in an American armored vehicle. On the bulkhead some GI had taped a picture of Rommel. 

A bewildered Iraqi officer asked the GI why there a picture of a former enemy on the bulkhead.

The GI replied, "Maybe if you had studied that man you wouldn't be sitting here." Good shot, soldier!

I wonder if maybe the Marine Corps ought to name something after Tadamichi Kuribayashi. He was the only general to inflict more casualties to the Marine corps then they dished out. This was at Iwo Jima.

I once ran that by a thoughtful carer Marine, a Master Gunnery Sergeant who looked at me and said he truly understood what I was saying. Then he turned his head to a group of privates andsaid to me, "Try selling it to them...or worse yet, the public."

I told him his point was duly noted.

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Sunday, December 6, 2020

We now live in a banana republic.

We're past it now. It doesn't matter one damned bit even if Trump prevails. 

Speaking for myself, I now have no faith in the soap box anymore because the left has played the 'hate speech' and 'safe spaces' game. Get up on the soap box and you will be crushed by Big Tech which heavily censors most social media. I'm surprised I haven't gotten the boot from here yet but I'm sure I eventually will.

The jury box is a waste of time because the courts have been politicacized. Asking for justice in the courts is a joke. The judges are not there to dispense fair and free justice anymore. They are there to serve the will of the party that was in power when they were appointed. SCOTUS has been like this for several generations. FDR tried to pack it.

It's sad because to be a justice on SCOTUS doesn't really require the services of a 'Constitutional scholar'. SCOTUS is there to determine the constitutionality of the issues brought before it. Actually a person with a high school education and half a brain could probably do the job. The jury box has been effectively destroyed.

As has the ballot box. Even if Trump prevails the ballot box has been destroyed by big tech and a lazy populace. The populace opted in many places for mail in ballots which we see have been easily hacked. In PA the numbers were 1.6 million ballots were sent out, 1.4 were returned and about 2.5 million counted according to what I read. Tell you anything?

Thanks, Karen. You were either too lazy or too damned scared of the virus to vote at the polls. You made it too easy for them. Of course you will never admit that yo made it easy for them.

The republic is dead and it's sadly beginning to look like the only box left is the cartridge box and I seriously doubt the public has the stomach for that.

I suppose I should get kind of a south of the border outfit to run around in. If I am going to live in a banana republic the least I can do is look the part. I suppose I'll probably have to leave the bandoliers and Winchester 94 at home, though.


I wrote this yesterday and have thought a bit more.

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

On the other hand those that do learn from history are generally doomed to be forced to watch those that don't. 

In my case I among of the latter and as a result I have settled down a bit because I know you can't fix stupid. I will watch those that didn't learn.

That doesn't change much but at least I understand what's happening.

Incidentally socialism in a form arrived in this country in 1620 with the Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact. Part of it was that everyone had to contribute a percentage of their crops etc to a common pot for those that were unsuccessful.

For the first few years they starved. 

Finally in desperation they gave each family a plot of land and told them they could keep everything they produced on it.

They flourished.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Friday, December 4, 2020

My Covid plans.

It's wise to have a plan of some sort for things like the current Covid outbreak. I see all the little Karens running around with their daisy print mask thinking that it will defend us all from the dreaded plague that has descended on us. Of course from what I see most of the Karens are doing it all wrong.

I travel in the course of my duties which means I spend time stuffed into an aluminum tube with other people of questionable health. I came to the opinion that if I already had not been exposed to the virus I would be at some time or another.  decided to take a proactive approach. 

I recall reading about Jesuit missionaties in the 40s and 50s that were in SE Asia doing missionary stuff. The instant one of them 'went native' they would immediately get sick as a dog, violently ill and pretty much stayed that way for some time, generally about three months. A couple of them died, a handful were medevaced and hospitalized but most ot them that persevered repported that after a while they recovered and never spent anothe sick day while they were in the jungle. Some reported that they never got sick again until years after they returned stateside.

I also took a look at the homeless. A couple of health care professionals I have spoken with have said that an awful lot of long term homeless have developed outrageously powerful immune systems. It makes sense when you look at the lifestyle. Of course the homeless do have other problems to deal with but that's not the point. Most of the problems are drug or alcohol induced.

A person that takes a dump fifteen feet from his camp, wipes himself with his hand wipes his hand off with a rag he found in a gutter somewhere and then goes and cooks dinner in a filthy skillet is either going to get tough or die.

Even those that sleep in shelters swap a lot of germs with the other homeless people and seem to have developed strong immune systems.

Based on this information I figured that there was much to be said for trying to get the immune system up and running at a better rate. 

Like a lot of things I'm meeting this head on. I have the reins in my teeth, my Winchester in one hand, my Colt in the other and I just put the spurs to my mount. What I am NOT saying is 'hold my beer and watch this.' I could very well fail.

I figured that maybe it was time to do something. Off to dig around and see what I could do. 

A druggist is generally as good as a doctor in many cases and I asked a couple of pharmacists what route they have gone. They agreed with my idea of adding supplemental vitamins and recommended on top of that to add zinc.

I upped my vitamin C and D intake, added elderberry gummies and zinc and I think that's what I am going to go with in addition to a few lifestyle changes.

Masks are controversial. I have read both good and bad about masks. I have little faith in them but when appropriate I do wear one. As far as effectiveness goes, it's probably a wash but I don't see it as harmful so I pretty much do it to keep Karen off my back. I do social distance though which is one of the good things about the plague. It keeps me from being crowded. It's also made those guys that think they have to hold their face three inches from your face when they talk to you start to smarten up. 

While I do mask in public I an certainly not an idiot about it. I don't wear one walking down a quiet street or when driving. It's ridiculous to do that. It's not like the virus is going to shoot itself through a windshield or jump out at you from behind a phone pole.

As for masks, I generally have one in my pocket and also normally wear a shemagh draped around my neck which I can rig up in a couple of seconds. In fact I can rig it as a full face covering in the same amount of time but seeing I haven't been robbing convenience stores lately I just rig it for my nose and mouth.

I am running with the assumption that my home is Covid free. Everyone has to have a base of some sort and unless my place has been compromised it's Covid free. I run with that.

Now, when I am out and about I seldom pass a hand sanitizer without cleaning my greasy little paws and the minute I get home from an errand the paws get hosed down again. If I have been flying I simply drop my laundry in the garage and go up and shower.

On the other hand, when I'm home I seldom wash my hands. If I garden I'll rinse the dirt off but in general they seldom get washed except after a sitting head call of if I an going to cook for someone else. I WANT those germs!

This sounds worse than it is. I do wipe surfaces down after I cook and eat but I don't sanitize the surfaces like I used to. 

I have noticed over the years that the germaphobes I know always seem to be getting colds, coughs and the flu. They get caught up in a vicious cycle of every time they catch cold they go on the rampage and chase every single germ they see and murder it.

Of course a lot of Karens do this and scrub their children down and get all upset when they play in the dirt but they are not doing their children much of a service. They are weakening their kid's immune systems and making them more vulnurable to whatever is going around these days.

Still, this is pretty much my plan and maybe if I am exposed my system can fight it off. Hopefully it can. Time will tell.

Maybe I'm spitting into the wind and I'll get walloped with it  but at least it's a plan. 

My sailboat had a motto on one of the bulkheads.

It read: You have to sail the wind you have and not the wind you want or the wind you had. You may not have control of a situation but it is your duty to make an effective response.

This is my response. I hope it's effective.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

I remember an incident at Quantico about 10 years ago.

I had gotten off of work early in Philly at oh-dark thirty., the wee hours of the morning and realized I had time to make my ride home into a day trip. I had wanted to visit a couple of guys at Quantico so I headed south.

I was at Mainside Base Quantico at the MacDonalds when I saw something unfold. I caught it early. It was an old man walking with a cane. He needed the help the cane provided.

He was headed in the direction of the MacDonalds and I was standing next to a corporal. I told the corporal to watch and see what happened with the spavined old guy. He looked at me curiously but did watch.

The old man spotted a lieutenant and instantly changed course to avoid him. I turned to the corporal and said, "If that lieutenant had been a colonel he would have put his cane at high port and double timed away." The corporal looked at me with curiosity.

The old man spotted the pair of us and made a beeline to us. When he got to us he looked at the corporal and asked, "Hey, Mac. Can you direct me to the nearest head?"

The corporal pointed to the MacDonalds and the old man stumped off toward Mac Duck's. 

The corporal looked at me with somewhat of an incredulous look on his face and said, "He called me Mac." He was wondering where that came from. I looked at the corporal and grinned.

"He's an old Marine," I said. "Probably WW2 or maybe Korea. Notice how he avoided the lieutenant?"

"I saw that," said the corporal.

"Back in the day enlisted men didn't speak to officers unless spoken to." I said. "It was a caste system of sorts back then. He called you 'Mac' because he saw your stripes. You were enlisted and therefore safe to address. The Corps he served in is quite different than the one you serve in. Old habits die hard."

"How do you know all of this?" he asked.

"Simple. I'm one of their children. I heard the stories and those guys were my mentors." I noticed a Gunny nearby listening in. I suppose my voice expressed some pride when I told the corporal, "I grew up on the shoulders of giants."

The Gunny interrupted. "I'll say you grew up on the shoulders of giants." He turned to the corporal. "It's possible that that old man back in the day was six times the badass all three of us are put together!"

The Gunny asked me what it was like growing up with those guys. I laughed.

"One time in Scouts I got a particularly large splinter in my ass while playing some kind of game. One of those old birds took one look at it, grabbed a rusty pair of pliers and yanked it out and said 'It hurts less this way' as I jumped. Then he pressed on the bleeding hole with his thumb for a couple of minutes to stop the bleeding. Then he covered the hole with something, probably a wad of toilet paper and stuck it on to me with a couple of band aids. Then he told me to stop being stupid, gave me a swift kick in the uninjured ass cheek, laughed and sent me back into the game. Afterwards he told me to ditch the undershorts if they had any blood on them so Ma wouldn't find out I'd gotten hurt."

They both chuckled. "My Uncle Bob was one of those guys," said the Gunny. WW2 Coast Guard. Ran convoys across the Atlantic. He was a real character. My other uncle was an aerial gunner in the Pacific. They were one of a kind."

The old man wandered out of MacDonalds, saw the corporal and said, "Thanks, Mac!" 

While we all supressed smirks, the corporal answered, "Anytime, Pal. Semper Fi."

"Semper Fi," answered the old man and he stumbled off. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A speech from President Trump the MSM refused to cover.

Probably the most important speech he has ever made.

Thank you. This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made. I want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd elections. We used to have what was called, election day. Now we have election days, weeks, and months, and lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time, especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote. As President, I have no higher duty to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege.

For months, leading up to the Presidential election, we were warned that we should not declare a premature victory. We were told repeatedly that it would take weeks if not, months, to determine the winner, to count the absentee ballots and to verify the results. My opponent was told to stay away from the election, don’t campaign. “We don’t need you. We’ve got it. This election is done.” In fact, they were acting like they already knew what the outcome was going to be. They had it covered and perhaps they did, very sadly for our country. It was all very, very strange. Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner even while many key states were still being counted.

The constitutional process must be allowed to continue. We’re going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted. This is not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me, it’s about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections.

Today I will detail some of the shocking irregularities, abuses and fraud that had been revealed in recent weeks but before laying out just a small portion of the evidence we have uncovered, and we have so much evidence, I want to explain the corrupt mail-in balloting scheme that Democrats systematically put into place that allowed voting to be altered, especially in swing states, which they had to win. They just didn’t know that it was going to be that tough, because we were leading in every swing state by so much, far greater than they ever thought possible. While it has long been understood that the Democrat political machine engages in voter fraud from Detroit to Philadelphia, to Milwaukee, Atlanta, so many other places. What changed this year was the Democrat party’s relentless push to print and mail out tens of millions of ballots sent to unknown recipients with virtually no safeguards of any kind. This allowed fraud and abuse to occur in a scale never seen before. Using the pandemic as a pretext, Democrat politicians and judges drastically changed election procedures just months, and in some cases, weeks before the election on the 3rd of November.

Very rarely were legislatures involved and constitutionally, they had to be involved, but very, very rarely, and you’ll see that as we continue to file our suits, it’s constitutionally, absolutely incorrect what took place, even from a legal standpoint. Many states, such as Nevada and California sent millions of live ballots to every person on their voter rolls whether those individuals had requested ballots or not, whether they were dead or alive, they got ballots. Other states such as Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin, instituted universal absentee balloting right in the middle of an election year, sending absentee ballot requests forms to all voters on all rolls. It didn’t matter who they were. This colossal expansion of mail-in voting opened the flood gates to massive fraud. It’s a widely known fact that the voting rolls are packed with people who are not lawfully eligible to vote, including those who are deceased, have moved out of their state, and even our non-citizens of our country.

Beyond this, the records are riddled with errors, wrong addresses, duplicate entries, and many other issues. This is not disputed. It has never been disputed. Dozens of counties in the key swing states have more registered voters on the rolls than they have voting age citizens, including 67 counties in Michigan. All of this is evidence. In Wisconsin, the state’s Board of Elections could not confirm the residency of more than 100,000 people, but repeatedly refused to remove those names from its voter rolls before the election. They knew why, nobody else did. I knew why. They were illegal voters. It is a travesty that in the year 2020, we do not have any means of verifying the eligibility of those who cast ballots in an election and such an important election it is, or determining who they are, whether they live in the state or whether they’re even American citizens. We have no idea.

We have an in all swing states major infractions or outright fraud, which is far more in numbers or votes then we need to overturn the results of a state. In other words, in Wisconsin, as an example, where we were way up on election night, they ultimately had us miraculously losing by 20,000 votes. I can show you right here, that Wisconsin, we’re leading by a lot and then at 3:42 in the morning, there was this, it was a massive dump of votes, mostly Biden, almost all Biden. To this day, everyone’s trying to figure out, “Where did it come from?” But I went from leading by a lot, to losing by a little and that’s right here. That’s at 3:42 in the morning, that’s Wisconsin, a terrible thing, terrible, terrible thing.

But we will have far more, many times more than the 20,000 votes needed to overturn the state. If we are right about the fraud, Joe Biden can’t be president. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of votes. We’re talking about numbers like nobody has ever seen before. Just as an example, in certain states, we’ll be down by, let’s say, 7,000 votes, but we’ll find later on 20,000, 50,000, 100,00, 200,000 discrepancies or fraudulent votes, and that includes votes that went through when they were not allowed to be seen by Republican poll watchers, because the poll watchers were locked out of the building. Or people that innocently came to vote on November 3rd, who were all excited about their vote, they were happy. They were proud to be citizens of the United States of America, and they went up and they said, “I’d like to vote.” They were told that they can’t vote. “I’m sorry,” they were told, “I’m sorry. You’ve already voted by mail-in ballot. Congratulations. We received a ballot, so you can no longer vote.”

They didn’t know what to do. They had no one to complain to, most just left and said, “That’s strange.” But many people complained and complained vehemently, and in a lot of cases, they filled out a provisional ballot, which was almost never used, but in virtually every case was a vote for Trump. In other words, they went in to vote and they were told that they voted and they didn’t vote. They left and they felt horror and they lost respect for our system. This happened tens of thousands of times all over the country. That’s how desperate the Democrats were. They would fill out ballots of people not even knowing if these people were going to show up. When they did show up, they said, “Sorry, you’ve already voted.”

On top of everything else, we have a company that’s very suspect. It’s name is Dominion, with the turn of a dial or the change of a chip, you could press a button for Trump and the vote goes to Biden. What kind of a system is this? We have to go to paper, maybe it takes longer. But the only secure system is paper. Not these systems that nobody understands, including in many cases, the people that run them. Although, unfortunately, I think they understand them far too well.

In one Michigan County, as an example, that used Dominion systems, they found that nearly 6,000 votes had been wrongly switched from Trump to Biden, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is what we caught. How many didn’t we catch? Are there 100s of other examples throughout the country? Are there 1000s? We just got lucky and they called it a glitch, but we found numerous glitches that evening. 96% of the company’s political donations went to Democrats, not surprisingly. Frankly, when you look at who’s running the company, who’s in charge, who owns it, which we don’t know, where are the votes counted? Which we think are counted in foreign countries, not in the United States, Dominion is a disaster. Election authorities in Texas have repeatedly blocked the deployment of Dominion systems due to concerns about security vulnerabilities and the potential for errors and outright fraud. Every district that uses Dominion systems must be carefully  monitored and carefully investigated, but not only for the future. Right now, we’re worried about the present, and what went on with an election that we won without question. Under my lead, the Republicans won almost every state house in the United States, which they weren’t expected to do. We went up to 16 seats in the house. The numbers are still being tabulated, because there are nine seats that nobody really knows. They don’t know. Two weeks later, it’s still under consideration, because it’s a mess. Republicans were supposed to lose many seats, and instead they won those seats in the house, and a very important election that’s coming up will determine whether, or not we hold the Senate.

David Perdue and Kelly Leffler are two tremendous people. Unfortunately, in Georgia, they’re using the same horrible Dominion system, and it’s already been out that, think of it, hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots have been requested. You check it out who’s requesting those ballots. The difference is, it’s one state, and we will have our eyes on it like nobody’s ever watched anything before, because we have to win those two Senate seats. The tremendous success we had in the House of Representatives, and the tremendous success we’ve had so far in the Senate, unexpected success all over the country, and right here in Washington.

It is statistically impossible that the person, me, that led the charge lost. The greatest pollsters, the real pollsters, not the ones that had us down 17 points in Wisconsin when we actually won, or the ones that had us down four or five points in Florida, and we won by many points, or had us even, and down in Texas, and we won by a lot, not those pollsters, but real pollsters. Pollsters that are fair, and honest said, “We can’t understand a thing like this. It’s never happened before. You led the country to victory, and you were the only one that was lost. It’s not possible.”

The speaker of the house of a certain state said, “Sir, I expected to lose my seat, and instead, because of you, and because of that incredible charge, and all of those rallies, we had a tremendous victory, and everybody knows it. You are much more popular than me, sir, except I got many more votes than you did, and it’s impossible that that happened. There is something wrong.” I’ll tell you what’s wrong, voter fraud. Here’s an example. This is Michigan. At 6:31 in the morning, a vote dump of 149,772 votes came in unexpectedly. We were winning by a lot. That batch was received in horror.

Nobody knows anything about it. By the way, there’s your line. This is one of many. Here’s what is normal, and all of a sudden, look at that. This is normal, normal. Look even here, normal, and then boom, all of a sudden, I go from winning by a lot to losing a tight race. It’s corrupt. Detroit is corrupt. I have a lot of friends in Detroit. They know it, but Detroit is totally corrupt. Look at this, look at this. That’s at 6:31 in the morning, unexpectedly came in. In the recent recount in Georgia, which means nothing because they don’t want to check signatures, and if you’re not going to check signatures in Georgia, it doesn’t work, but we have a secretary of state, and a governor who made it very difficult to check signatures.

Why? You’ll have to ask them, but without a signature match, or a check, it doesn’t matter. They found thousands and thousands of votes that were out of whack, all against me. This was during a recount that I didn’t even think mattered. They found many thousands of votes, and that recount didn’t matter. The one that matters is the one that’s going on now, that because of the fact it’s so close, they had to by law give another recount, but the recount has to be a recount where they check the signatures. Otherwise, they’re just checking the same dishonest thing. It won’t matter.

In this case, the signatures on envelopes are the only thing that is relevant. We will compare the signature on the envelope to the signatures from past elections, and we will find that many thousands of people signed these ballots illegally. The Democrats had this election rigged right from the beginning. They used the pandemic, sometimes referred to as the China virus, where it originated as an excuse to mail out tens of millions of ballots, which ultimately led to a big part of the fraud, a fraud that the whole world is watching, and there is no one happier right now than China.

Many people received two, three and four ballots. They were sent to dead people by the thousands. In fact, dead people, and we have many examples filled out ballots, made applications, and then, voted, which is even worse. In other words, dead people went through a process. Some have been dead for 25 years. Millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone, and if that’s the case, the results of the individual swing states must be overturned, and overturned immediately. Some people say that’s too far out, that’s too harsh. Well, does that mean we take a precedent, and we’ve just elected a president where the votes were fraudulent?

No, it means you have to turn over the election, and everybody knows without going much further, and they’ve seen the evidence, but they don’t want to talk about it what a disaster this election was, a total catastrophe, but we’re going to show it, and hopefully, the courts in particular, the Supreme Court of the United States will see it, and respectfully, hopefully, they will do what’s right for our country, because our country can not live with this kind of an election. We could say, let’s go on to the next one, but no, we have to look also at our past. We can’t let this happen.

Maybe you’ll have a revote, but I don’t think that’s appropriate. When those votes are corrupt, when they’re irregular, when they get caught, they’re terminated, and I very easily win. In all states, I very easily win, the swing states, just like I won them at 10 o’clock in the evening, the evening of the election. We’re not looking to show you 25 faulty or fraudulent votes, which don’t mean anything, because it doesn’t overturn the state, or a fifty, or a hundred. We’re showing you hundreds of thousands far more than we need, far more than the margin, far more than the law requires. We can show many times what is necessary to win the state.

The media knows this, but they don’t want to report it. In fact, they outright refuse to even cover it, because they know the result if they do. Even what I’m saying now will be demeaned and disparaged, but that’s okay. I just keep on going forward, because I’m representing 74 million people, and in fact, I’m also representing all of the people that didn’t vote for me. The mail-in voting scam is the latest part of their four year effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election, and it’s been like living in hell. Our opponents have proven many times again and again, that they will say, and do anything to get back into power.

The corrupt forces who are registering dead voters and stuffing ballot boxes are the same people who have perpetrated one phony and fraudulent hoax after another. You’ve been watching it now for four years. These entrenched interests oppose our movement, because we put America first. They don’t put America first, and we’re returning power to you the American people. They don’t want America first, they only want power for themselves. They want to make money, that’s why they don’t want me as your president. I’ve been investigated from soon after I announced I was running for president. When I immediately went to number one in the Republican primary polls, the investigations never stopped. They went on for four years, and I won them all, I beat them all. Russia, Russia, Russia, the impeachment hoax, and so much more. Robert Mueller spent $48 million of taxpayer money investigating me for two and a half years, issued over 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, issued 230 orders for communications records, and conducted 500 witness interviews, all looking to take me down. There was no collusion in the end, none whatsoever. Senator Marco Rubio, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee stated, “The committee found no evidence that then candidate Donald Trump, or his campaign colluded with the Russian government.” And, I thank Senator Rubio for that statement.

Now, I hear that these same people that failed to get me in Washington have sent every piece of information to New York, so that they can try to get me there. It’s all been gone over, over and over again. For $48 million you go through tax returns, you go through everything. The New York attorney general, who recently ran for office campaigned without knowing me stating, “We will join with law enforcement and other attorneys general across this nation in removing this president from office.” I never met her. “It’s important that everybody understands”, she said, “that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” And all it’s been is a big investigation in Washington and New York and any place else that can investigate because that’s what they want to do. They want to take not me, but us down. Then we can never let them do that. Everything has been looked at. A friend of mine, who’s very smart, said, “You’ve probably seen more than anybody else. You’ve probably been investigated more than anybody else. And for you to come out with a clean bill of health makes you probably the cleanest person in this country.”

Some people in this administration, but fortunately not all have been beaten down and disparaged. They just disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to them. Why aren’t they active? Why aren’t they involved? There’s so much to be involved in. The corruption is so rampant. They just couldn’t take it anymore. They were threatened by Democrats with impeachment and horrible things were said about them. And they’re good people. Even recently, the head of the GSA was hounded and harassed as she reported, like she has never been before. What can I say? We caught Comey cold, we caught McCabe cold. We caught them all. We’re still waiting for a report from a man named Durham, who I have never spoken to, and I have never met. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didn’t want to go after these people, or have anything to do with going after them before the election. So who knows if he is ever going to even do a report.

Ut if you look at the lies, and the leaks, and the illegal acts of behavior done by so many people, and their desire to hurt the president of the United States, something should happen. The hardest thing I have to do is explain why nothing is happening with all of these people that got caught spying on my campaign. It’s never happened before and it should never happen again to a president of the United States. All you have to do is watch the hearings and see for yourself. The evidence is overwhelming. The fraud that we’ve collected in recent weeks is overwhelming, having to do with our election. Everyone is saying, ” Wow, the evidence is overwhelming”, when they get to see it. But really it’s too late to change the course of an election. It’s too late to change the outcome.

In fact, there is still plenty of time to certify the correct winner of the election and that’s what we’re fighting to do. But no matter when it happens, when they see fraud, when they see false votes and when those votes number far more than is necessary, you can’t let another person steal that election from you. All over the country, people are together in holding up signs, “Stop the steal.” To understand how we will challenge this fraud, it is important to know the problems with mail-in balloting. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, and most other states allowed anyone to get an absentee ballot and cast their vote without showing any ID. The voting took place entirely on the honor system, no identification of any kind was required.

Most Americans would also be shocked to learn that no state in the country verifies United States citizenship as a condition for voting in federal elections. This is a national disgrace. No other advanced country conducts elections this way. Many European countries have instituted major restrictions on mail-in voting, specifically, because they recognize the nearly unlimited potential for fraud. Out of 42 European nations, all but two prohibit absentee ballots entirely for people who reside inside the country, or else they require those who need absentee ballots to show a very, very powerful ID.

Throughout the Democrat effort to dramatically expand mail-in voting, the Democrat party leaders were also, feverishly working to block measures, designed to protect against fraud, such as signature verification, residency verification, or voter ID. And citizenship confirmation was almost unthought of that we should ask for it. Can you believe this? These are not the actions of people who want fair elections. These are the actions of people who want to steal elections, who are willing to create fraud. The only conceivable reason why you would block common sense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting, is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit, or carry out fraud.

It is important for Americans to understand that these destructive changes to our election laws were not a necessary response to the pandemic. The pandemic simply gave the Democrats an excuse to do what they have been trying to do for many, many years. In fact, the very first bill that house Democrats introduced when Nancy Pelosi became speaker, was it attempt to mandate universal mail-in voting and eliminate measures such as voter ID, which is so necessary. Dramatically eroding the integrity of our elections was the Democrats number one priority for a simple reason, they wanted to steal the 2020 presidential election. All of the Democrat efforts to expand mail-in balloting laid the groundwork for the systematic and pervasive fraud that occurred in this election.

In Pennsylvania, large amounts of mail-in and absentee ballots were processed illegally. And in secret, in Philadelphia, in Allegheny counties, without our observers present. They were not allowed to be present. In fact, they weren’t even allowed in the same room. They were thrown out of the building and they looked from outside in, but they had no way of even seeing, because there were no windows. And the windows that were there were boarded up. Democrats even went to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to block observers from receiving access. There is only one possible reason that the corrupt Democrat political machine would oppose transparency during the vote counting. It’s because they know they are hiding illegal activity. It’s very simple.

This is an egregious, inexcusable. And irreversible harm that stains the entire election, yet this unprecedented practice of excluding our observers, our vote watchers, as some people call them, occurred in Democrat run cities and key states all across the nation. Here are just some of the additional facts that we’ve uncovered. Many voters all across Pennsylvania received two ballots in the mail, and many others received mail-in ballots for which they never applied. So many get ballots, they didn’t even know what they were for. And again, so many received more than one ballot. In some cases, more than two ballots. And they happened to be, for the most part, Democrats.

In Fayette County, Pennsylvania, multiple voters received ballots that were already filled out. They didn’t know what happened. In Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, a poll watcher, overheard unregistered voters being told to return later to try to vote under a different name. Tens of thousands of voters across Pennsylvania were treated differently based on whether they were Republicans, or Democrats. Voters who submitted floored ballots in some Democrat precincts were notified and asked to fix their ballots, while Republican precincts, and in particular Republican voters, were not so notified which plainly violates the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution.”If you are a Democrat, we’re going to fix up your ballot. make sure it’s perfect. If you are Republican, don’t even talk about it.”

In Michigan, a career employee of the city of Detroit, with the city workers, coaching voters to vote straight Democrat, while accompanying them to watch who they were voting for, violating the law and the sanctity of the secret ballot. You can’t do that. The same workers say she was instructed not to ask for any ID and not to attempt to validate any signatures. She was also told to illegally backdate ballots, many, many ballots, received after the deadline. This is something that is so unconstitutional and she estimates that thousands and thousands of ballots were improperly backdated by her and many others.

Other witnesses in Detroit also saw our election officials counting batches of the same ballots many times, as well as illegally duplicating ballots. One observer testified to seeing boxes and boxes of ballots, all bearing the same signature. Another observer in Detroit gave sworn testimony that he saw countless and valid ballots that did not belong to properly registered voters and then witnessed election workers in Wayne County entering fake birth dates into the system, in order to illegally count them. Witnesses of science wore an affidavit, so in other words, you go to jail if you lie, testifying that after election officials announced the last absentee votes had been received, a batch of tens of thousands of ballots arrived, many without envelopes, all voting for Democrats.

In Wisconsin, a record number of voters were categorized as indefinitely confined. A status reserved for severely disabled individuals, also for the elderly that allow them to vote without showing ID. Last year, approximately 70,000 people claimed this status statewide. This year, the number miraculously was nearly 250,000 voters, after election officials in Milwaukee and Dane County, a couple of the most corrupt political places in our country, urged citizens to improperly register under this status. And register they did in levels that don’t exist. In Wisconsin, there are approximately 70,000 absentee ballots that do not have matching ballot applications as required by law in Georgia, nine observers have testified to seeing countless irregular ballots without the creases or typical markings indicating that the ballots did not arrive in envelopes as required. A poll watcher in Fulton County estimated that approximately 98% of the large number of unusually pristine ballots that she witnessed were for Biden. Highly unusual number. In addition, thousands of uncounted ballots were discovered in Floyd, Fayette, and Walton counties weeks after the election, and these ballots were mostly from Trump voters. They weren’t counted. They were from Trump voters.

In Detroit, everybody saw the tremendous conflict and the horrible way that the two Republican canvassers were treated so horribly because they wouldn’t vote when they saw that 71% of the precincts didn’t balance. Also, there were more votes than there were voters. Think of that. You had more votes than you had voters. That’s an easy one to figure, and it’s by the thousands. In Arizona, in-person voters whose balanced produced error messages from tabulation machines were told to press a button that resulted in their votes not being counted. Also in Arizona, the attorney general announced that mail-in ballots had been stolen from mailboxes and hidden under a rock.

In Clark County, Nevada, where most of the state’s voters reside, the standards for matching a signature using the signature verification machine were intentionally lowered to allow large numbers of ballots to be counted that otherwise would never have passed muster. This machine was set at the lowest level. According to one report, in order to test the process, nine voters in Clark County cast ballots with intentionally incorrect signatures, and eight of the nine ballots were accepted and counted. They said you could sign your name as Santa Claus, and it would be accepted. Last week, the Clark County Commission threw out the results of a local election after the registrar reported finding, quote, “discrepancies that we can’t explain.” Also in Nevada, some voters were entered into a raffle for more than a dozen gift cards worth as much as $250 if they could prove they had voted.

This took place on Indian reservations. One of the most significant indications of widespread fraud is the extraordinarily low rejection rates for mail-in ballots in many key states. These are the states that I had to win. In swing state after swing state, the number of ballots rejected has been dramatically lower than what would have been expected based on prior experience. That means years and years of voting. In Georgia, just 0.2%, that’s substantially less than 1%, of mail-in ballots have been rejected. In other words, almost none have been rejected. They took everything. Nothing was rejected, practically, compared to 6.4% in 2016. There are those that think that 6.4 was a low number.

Think of it. Almost none were rejected. The previous election, 6.4% were rejected. We have seen similar declines in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. Ballots weren’t rejected, especially if they happen to be in Democrat areas. These irregularities are inexplicable unless there is a deliberate effort to accept ineligible ballots or fraudulent ballots.

In Pennsylvania, the secretary of state and the state supreme court in essence abolished signature verification requirements just weeks prior to the election, in violation of state law. You’re not allowed to do that. It has to be approved by the legislature. A judge can’t do it. A state can’t do it. An official can’t do it. The only one that can do it is the legislature.

The reason for this is clear. They were not verifying signatures because they know the ballots have not been filled out by the voters in whose names they were cast. In other words, people filled them out that had nothing to do with the names on the ballot. A simple recount of the ballots under these circumstances only compounds the fraud. The only way to determine whether there was an honest vote is to conduct a full review of the envelopes in the relevant states. You will find that many of them, tens of thousands, have fraudulent signatures. A full forensic audit is required to ensure that only legal ballots from lawfully registered voters that were properly cast are included in the final count.

This election is about great voter fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before. It’s about poll watchers who were not allowed to watch. So illegal. It’s about ballots that poured in, and nobody but a few knew where they came from. They were counted, and they weren’t for me. It’s about big leads on election night, tremendous leads, leads where I was being congratulated for a decisive easy victory. All of a sudden, by morning or a couple of days later, those leads rapidly evaporated. It’s about numbers of ballots that were sent that nobody know where they came from. It’s about machinery that was defective, machinery that was stopped during certain parts of the evening, miraculously to open with more votes.

It was about many other things, but above all, it was about fraud. This election was rigged. Everybody knows it. I don’t mind if I lose an election, but I want to lose an election fair and square. What I don’t want to do is have it stolen from the American people. That’s what we’re fighting for. We have no choice to be doing that. We already have the proof. We already have the evidence, and it’s very clear. Many people in the media and even judges so far have refused to accept it. They know it’s true. They know it’s there. They know who won the election, but they refuse to say, “You’re right.” Our country needs somebody to say, “You’re right.”

Ultimately, I am prepared to accept any accurate election result, and I hope that Joe Biden is as well. We already have the proof. We already have tens of thousands of ballots more than we need to overturn all of these states that we’re talking about. This is an election for the highest office in the greatest country in the history of the world. Every reasonable American should be able to agree, based on what we have already documented, that we need a systematic analysis of the mail-in ballots to review the envelopes. It’s about the signature. If they’re on the envelopes, we can only review the envelopes, and that will tell us everything.

This is the absolute minimum we should expect. This is not just about my campaign, although it has a lot to do with who’s going to be your next president. This is about restoring faith and confidence in American elections. This is about our democracy and the sacred rights that generations of Americans have fought, bled, and died to secure. Nothing is more urgent or more important. The only ballots that should count in this election are those cast by eligible voters who are citizens of our country, residents of the states in which they voted, and who cast their ballots in a lawful manner before the legal deadline.

Moreover, we must never again have an election in which there is not a reliable and transparent system to verify the eligibility, identity, and residency of every single person who casts a ballot, a very, very cherished ballot. Many very smart people have congratulated me on all we’ve done: the biggest tax cuts in history, regulation cuts, the biggest in history. We rebuilt our military. We took care of our vets like never before, Space Force, and so much more. Then they went on to say, as big and as important as these events were, the single greatest achievement in your presidency will be exactly what you’re doing right now: voter integrity for our nation. It’s more important than any of the things that we discussed.

If we don’t root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that’s taken place in our 2020 election, we don’t have a country anymore. With the resolve and support of the American people, we will restore honesty and integrity to our elections. We will restore trust in our system of government. Thank you. God bless you. God bless America.

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