Thursday, November 30, 2023

The sea chest.

I built myself a sea chest when I embarked on my career because I knew I was going to be in it a while and I wanted a place to souvenir things.

I rarely go into it but for some reason I did last night and found something I feared had been lost. It's a Beta tape of an interview I gave a Vancouver, BC television station back in '86.

I have a question for readers.

Does anyone know of a place that can put about 10-15s worth of Beta and put it on a disc?

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The more I think of treaties, victories (of all sorts, military and civvie)

The more I get aggravated at the high muckety mucks not being recognized.

Looking at the surrender of the Japanese aboard Big Mo there's all sorts of brass there and I don't see a single enlisted man in the on deck group of onlookers.

It would be interesting to know if there were any enlisted men in the group.

It would have made a statement of who we are by having an assorted line of enlisted men (heavy on the low grades) in work uniforms as the front row.

As for my comment about the Japanese not carrying their swords, I can picture some enlisted guy looking at a sword carrying Japanese officer and saying, "The sword. Fork it over."

The Japanese officer looks to the nearest admiral or general wondering what to do who shrugs and says, "Settle it with him."

The point being that the higher ups should make it clear that they can't do squat without the little guys.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

I just saw for the umpteenth time the WW2 surrender on Big Mo

and it always galls me to see MacArthur and all the big shots there signing the papers.

I always thought that the people representing the United States should have been maybe a corporal or a couple of PFCs  that had been disfigured or crippled to represent the people that actually won the war.

That probably would have said something about us as a people.

Picture scar faced and peg legged corporal John Smith facing the Japanese officials with a big $hit eating grin on his face as he watches a Japanese general sign the document next to his name.

That would have been a fairer ending if you ask me.

I did notice that none of the Japanese officers were wearing their swords which they usually did. My guess is they didn't because they were afraid some American sailor would souvenir it. 

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Someone reminded me of something

In my 72 years man and boy I have gotten to watch two guys  go from seemingly normal guys to royal pains in the ass and it was a beautiful thing to behold.

This is because they learned to read as older men. Yes. Read. This is what you are presumably doing right now. I seldom post pictures so it's unlikely you are here to look at them. This blog is like Playboy Magazine where people read it to check out the interesting articles.

One of them was back in the army and even back then I could not figure out how a person could have made Staff Sergeant without knowing how to read. Then I saw his Class As and figured he had simply been promoted in combat during Vietnam.

The other was early on in my career and it was a tugboat captain. He had both grandfathered his license and had upgraded by taking his exams orally. Years and years ago the Coast Guard permitted tug captains and others to do this. 

Some of permitting people to take orals was a carryover from years gone by when a number of people never even got an opportunity to go to school. If I recall the tug skipper grew up on a tug his father ran and his father couldn't read because he grew up on a boat.

(Later I worked with an Ordinary Seaman that could not read and he had for some reason not been able to upgrade because he was colorblind. . He had some sort of a perception problem and tutors and God knows what else could not help him. He was a good and valuable man and very highly respected although he never learned to read)

Anyway, the Staff Sergeant got one of the college educated draftees to teach him to read. I believe the guy had some sort of primary school teaching degree.  I arrived at he unit while he was still learning and noticed he was carrying kid's books. 

I did ask one of his guys once I settled in and he grinned and told me he was learning to read. I did notice that the kids books got replaced with older kids books and then basic adult reading over the next couple of months. I guess he was a fast learner.

On the tug, I heard the skipper one day said to the Chief Engineer "I got a bottle of good whisky that can be yours if you teach me to read."

The Chief took the job on and by all accounts it didn't take long. Shortly after I left the boat for several months and when I returned I noticed ht skipper had his nose in a Coast Guard study guide and a couple of time he's ask "What's that word?" and point. That tapered to nothing and the skipper later went in to the Coast Guard Regional Exam Center and upgraded his license on his own.

Both of these guys got to be a pain in the ass in a way because after they learned to read you could never keep their nose out of a book.

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Looking back on things I remember the time I got rabies.

or at least looked like I had rabies.

Someone was walking around town pissed of at me for some reason or another threatening to thump me on sight.

I was sitting at the Anchor Bar having a brew or three with a couple of friends and from out the window saw him walking up the hill to come into the bar.

I thought fast that day and told the bartender to grab me a couple of Alka Seltzer tablets which I crammed into my mouth and chased with a big slug of beer.

My tormentor walked in and took one look at me sitting there wild-eyed and foaming at the mouth and did a quick 180 and from then on left me alone.

I'm pretty proud of that one.

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Someone asked me once why I sometimes go to bat for assholes.

and the reason is that I do that is because if we base innocence or guilt on a popularity contest which means democracy which means mob rule. The examples I use for democracy are lynchings and gang rapes which is a pretty good analogy.

Many moons ago I wrote a letter to a city hall that tried to prevent a bunch of skinhead types from holding a rally. I mentioned doing this and got a lot of crap over it. My defense was a simple "You let them take away their rights then what's to stop them from taking away yours?"

Nobody bothers to think about that side of the coin.

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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Well, it's opening day of buck season in PA today

which puts about a half million armed men in the woods.

I'm not going to be one of them because I didn't plan ahead and besides I am to tired and beat up to drag a 200 pound animal for a mile or so.

They also changed the laws allowing straight walled rifle cartridges to be used in Allegheny County which is a plus. 

I guess this means if I decide to go out during doe season I can use a Martini Cadet which seems like a pretty good deal.


I just read where Derek Chauvin got stabbed in prison. 

Now there's a surprise!

I don't think he belongs there in the first place because George Floyd had enough drugs in his system to kill him and from what I understand, it was a lot higher dose than that. Chauvin didn't kill him.

Before anyone accuses me of electing Chauvin to sainthood, I'll say he was a first class asshole that should never even have been able to buy a police uniform in a Salvation Army thrift store.

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Friday, November 24, 2023

I hope to be able

to sleep on my brother in law's couch again soon.

We had Thanksgiving there and afterwards we were so full and tired I decided to sack out there and went out like a light.

Although we did have drinks, nobody got toasted and I probably could have safely and legally driven home but figured why bother?

I had the best night's sleep I have had in ages on that couch.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

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Thursday, November 23, 2023

It's Thanksgiving which is my favorite holiday.

Christmas is my least favorite.

Anyway there are four of us eating and I grabbed a 20 pound turkey which should provide us with plenty of leftovers which is another joy of Thanksgiving. 

My favorite sandwich is turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce on a pretzel roll and that's what leftovers are for.

Most likely the leftovers will get split 3 ways because one of us (not me) is pretty much a vegan. All the more for me!

Happy Thanksgiving!


I'm having a friend come with me for Thanksgiving dinner. We are going to a family members this year.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

What to do about the deer population?

seems to be an issue on Nextdoor and as you can imagine it's chaos.

Truth is I'd just rather they left them alone and let Darwin take care of things. Part of the reason there are so many of them is because we have not had any hard winters in a few years and they've managed to eat well enough to get pretty fat and sassy. Hard winters tear through the deer population. The population has its ups and downs. Nature is like that.

Besides I like looking at them. I learn a lot from them. I look at their coats and can get a pretty good idea of what the winter will bring. If their coats have a lot of white in them we'll probably get a lot of snow. At least that's been my observation over the last several years.

Actually the reason a lot of people gripe about the deer is because they plant flowers and bushes that are the deer equivalent of T-bone steaks and naturally the deer eat them. What do they expect?  

They've never eaten my marigolds. They don't like them apparently. I guess I chose wisely. Then again I asked around beforehand.

The subject of trapping them came up and that brings visions of a suburban woman trying to deal with a panic stricken 250 pound animal caught in a trap and in the process of hurting itself. In some cases you'd have a pair of 250 pound creatures in total panic.

Needless to say, the thought of firearms was out of the question but then archery came up. It's a viable way of culling deer herds in a lot of residential neighborhoods.

The problem is that too many Karens were afraid of hundreds of arrows whizzing by which is not the case. Then again, if you're worried about it keep the kids in for a few days.

The truth of the matter is that one needs a special permit to be a suburban archer and there's a lot of training and proof of marksmanship required and testing. You just can't plunk down your $21.97 license fee, go to Dick's, buy a bow and start killing the King's venison. You have to prove yourself to be competent. You also have to be able to work with the terrain.  A lot of non hunters and for that matter, hunters don't understand terrain.

I could point an M-60 machine gun out my dining room window and assuming I kept the barrel level I could safely empty a 100 round belt out of it. My neighbor's home and life would be in no danger whatsoever as the 100 rounds would go straight into an embankment.

Safe or not, I don't recommend it as the screeching, moaning, wailing, and gnashing of teeth would be epic.

Of course someone would find an 'expert' (often self appointed) that would carry on about how dangerous it is and so on and so forth but rather than admit that in that particular instance it would be safe he'd likely make the blanket statement that it was the most perilous thing in the world. 

Truth is likely he'd feel (often rightly so) that if he said it was safe 'with a proper backstop' some imbecile would use a sheet of 1/4 inch plywood and would wind up shattering a toilet that someone's great grandmother was sitting on...or a whole lot worse. Truth is, a lot of  laws are made because of stupid and irresponsible people.

On the other hand I could probably shoot a Daisy Red Ryder out my back window with no problems and do no one any damage or injury. I say Red Ryder because I could certainly not do this safely with a .22.

If I did this to my front or bedroom window the BB gun would likely break a neighbor's window or put someone's eye out.

Still, listening to people trying to sell archery as a viable way to control the deer population becomes a NIMBY issue. Not in my back yards. Some of the blubbering was beyond me. Someone claimed that if we don't do something there won't be a single tree left in the area in 30 years. 

What? Are the deer going to grow tree surgeon spurs and start climbing oaks to eat the leaves off of them?  That one sounded like someone that believes in Covid, Global Warming, Santa Claus, gasoline engines and the Tooth Fairy to me.

Some woman was all worried. "What if the deer dies in my backyard and the hunter wants to drag it off?"

That one got a "Yeah, so? What do you want him to do? Leave it there to rot and draw scavengers? He's not going to hurt your yard."

Or the guy that said he didn't want to watch a bunch of hunters on 4 wheelers chasing around a bunch of wounded deer. 

Yeah. Right. Guys in 4 wheelers roaring through a residential neighborhood. Ain't gonna happen because they know that if they do it's game over. Besides in most residential neighborhoods it's a ticketable offense.

Trained hunters that know what they are doing are probably the best way. They'll know which neighborhoods are safe to hunt and which are not. Some are not safe because of the way they are laid out and the terrain but a lot of suburbia is safe to archery hunt on by trained hunters.

Most hunters like that look at things a little differently. They don't look at the animal, it's size, rack or whatever. They look at the shot itself and how they made it safe. 

It often really is a viable way to cull the herd... if that's what you want to do.

Of course, being somewhat of a Darwinist I simply think that it is a pretty much self solving problem because sooner of later we're going to have a hard winter or two and the problem will solve itself like it has for centuries.  


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Update. Get a job.


I managed to negotiate my way through the Sam's Club maze and filled out my application and according to the person I spoke with I'm probably going to work inside of a couple of weeks which is fine.

So far it looks interesting as most of my coworkers (assuming I get hired) will be youngsters and retirees which is a plus. The youngsters will make me grow up and the retirees will make me feel young...or maybe vice versa. We'll see.


When you go looking for a job it's best to recon and chat with a few employees and see if they're happy people because if they are it's probably a halfway decent place to work.

One thing about it, This is a new era as far as finding a job goes. There's no way in hell I could get away with the crap I pulled back in the 80s to get hired. On the other hand the application was pretty straightforward and didn't ask a million questions like the last one I filled out thirty some years ago. 

Actually I wonder how much information say, pre '90 they could really dig up on me. Google, for example came out in 1998 and I'm fairly sure there isn't a whole lot of information that would be available other than service and criminal records. 

I've posted a while ago that I fished for a decade and the first five years I skipped from boat to boat. In Alaska where the work is seasonal anyone there would look at my history and see I kept busy and was likely a pretty good hand. Stateside they would think that I couldn't keep a job. 

I hid that 5 years by listing "French Foreign Legion. Attained the rank of corporal". It belted it out of the park because the personnel person that hired me said they had never met a Foreign Legionnaire before and I got the interview and sold myself.

In fact, I had no credentials and they actually wrote me a letter of intent to hire (damned hard to get back then) and even took me to the Regional Exam center to get my temporary and that was a two hour one way trip from Philly to Baltimore!


One thing about me is that I am wise enough to know that a job situation works both ways. Of course they are checking me out, but I am also checking them out and trying to get a feel. They question me I question them.

When I was asked why I chose Sam's Club over Wallyworld I replied 'Fewer Karens' and the two if us swapped our favorite Karen stories.

I got a pretty good feeling about things from a people standpoint


I had to fill out a couple of questionnaires corporate sent me and I filled them out honestly which scares me.

There were a number of which you would do first and what you'd do last. Several of their little scenarios included bring things up to a supervisor and every single one I checked that dragging management into things is the last thing I would do for two reasons. I'm an adult and know how to settle things with people. Management is a last resort. 

On the other hand they may want to hire a bunch of snitches. Who knows?

Of course about 20+ years ago (my first employer) I did report someone to management. He was completely unsafe and I brought that one upstairs. Not only was he unsafe but he was a troublemaker.

I was told by management it was of no concern of mine and I didn't have the authority yada yada yada.

A short time later when I was shoreside he managed got get banged up akin to Evel Knievel and when I heard about it I kept quiet.

As to be expected the lawsuits began before the ambulance arrived at the hospital and the last thing they wanted to hear is that I had reported it earlier and they had ignored it.

Truth is the questionnaires are made up by corporate and maybe they do want an army of snitches. On the other hand at a store level they just want people that can get the job done. They don't want to make a big issue because Fat Earl ate a candy bar in the back room instead of the prescribed break room. They want adults that can settle their own petty problems.

No telling what corporate was thinking when they made the test up. Oh, well.

With my luck they will likely try the old bait and switch tactic of telling me I am not cut out to be a cart wrangler and offer me a job as a department head which is exactly what I DON'T want.


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Monday, November 20, 2023

Job hunting.

I decided to check out Sam's Club and see if they needed a cart wrangler.

Recon is all important and I spent about 45 minutes in the parking lot looking around and talking to a couple of the young people there. I approached one of them and asked, "Is this a dysfunctional place to work?" and the stock outdoorswoman looked at me with a big grin and replied "YES!"

Then and there I knew I was in the right place.

The parking lot is fairly flat and reasonably even so it should not entail a whole lot of effort pushing carts uphill both ways.

The, to see what I was getting into I rounded up about a dozen carts and pushed them to the store and put them where they belong and it wasn't too bad at all.

I wandered in and didn't get checked for the membership I don't have and wandered around the store for about 40 minutes, getting a pretty good lunch from all the sample ladies I encountered. Not bad.

I talked to a couple employees asking them how it was working there and got good reports. Then and only them I asked where the person that did the hiring was and met her and she explained that I had to go online to apply and gave me the instructions and said she could probably run me through the hiring procedure in about 10 days.

I got home just in time to find out that there's a big hiring freeze at Sam's.

Sucks to be me.

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Dear Santa

I don't cater to blackmailers. I'll behave any damned way I want.

Now put an egg in your shoe and beat it. I'll buy my own $hit.


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Sunday, November 19, 2023

The bathroom according to Piccolo.

Shower curtain

Over the toilet

The shower mat

                                            Da Queen of de Nile

                                                 I couldn't resist.

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in and out

Maybe later today.

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Saturday, November 18, 2023

Both parties are nothing more than two groups

of useless people bent on telling other people what to do.

Both parties are a pain in the ass. The Republicans stick their nose into the social issues and the Democrats want to disarm us. Neither of this is right.

I looked at the recent throwing out of Roe vs Wade to be a pretty good deal because it said the federal government had no say in social issues. While if probably didn't do it completely it was a step in the right direction.  

People don't realize that the Constitution only lists three crimes, treason, counterfeiting and piracy. (I'm technically guilty of two of these. Once as a kid I used a slug in a Coke machine and I was a mutineer on a tugboat early on in my career.) 

Anyway, I wonder what the Democrats want to do to us that would make us want to shoot them. I've asked a couple of Democrats this question over the years and they don't know how to answer so I figure they're up to something.

I just wish BOTH parties would take a long hard cold look at the Constitution and run with that.

We'd all be a lot better off. The less government intrusion the better off we all are.


A couple of years back I was talking to a police officer about what kind of drug problems we have in suburbia and he told me there was a lot (relatively speaking) of heroin addiction in the area.

I commented that heroin addiction is a self-solving problem and he replied "They can overdose and die!"

"Problem solved," I replied. "No fuss, no muss. Call the coroner. Done. Let Darwin sort it out. We spend a fortune on a problem that if left alone will solve itself."

"I never looked at it that way," he replied. 

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Friday, November 17, 2023

I worked Guadalcanal yesterday on 20 meters by accident.

I was spinning the dial on 20 meters shortly after I woke up. I heard a pileup and listened a minute or two and it sounded like it was a split so I went down 5 and heard an H4 callsign.

The Solomon Islands! I'd never worked the Solomons. I've wanted them in my log for years so I set the rig to listen on the H4 callsign and transmit 5 kHz above it and joined the fray.

A glance at the propagation reports told me there was no way in hell I'd be able to work the H4 callsign. I should not even be hearing it and it was an unworkable whisper on 20 meters at the time. Zero percent of a chance but it was likely to lift to a 1% chance over the next half hour. the signal started going up and down and I threw out my call on the crests but to no avail. I couldn't bust through the pileup and really had no way of knowing it I was actually able to reach him. 

I decided to walk away for a cup of coffee and I drank it on the front porch which I generally do and I took my time.

When I returned the signal was workable so I threw out my call and the third time I did I was treated to listening to him repeat it and say ''You're in the log."

Done deal.

I looked up the DXpedition's website and found a Clublog log for the DXpedition and apparently through the magic of the internet and it's ability to show a real time log I searched for my call and there it was.

Bingo! I'm listed there on 20 meters and when they open things up to request cards they'll get my $3 and I'll hopefully get my QSL card.

I had a neighbor growing up that had enlisted in the Marine Corps after Pearl Harbor and lost an arm at Guadalcanal in '42,  and I admit that it came to mind when I looked up which part of the Solomon Islands the station was working in. The Solomon Islands are all lumped together as a DX entity. They were on the Canal.

Then I thought about my classmate's father for a minute. He had one arm yet was able to go into his shop and make wooden toys for his kids. He was an amazing man in many respects even though I didn't know him very well.

Anyway, the Canal is now in the logbook after years of trying to put it there. I'll see if I can get lucky and work him on another band.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I was right about Raiders. The kids belted it right out of the park!

Word for word, scene for scene and for untrained kids that did a totally amazing job. The props were amazing also if you take it into consideration that this movie was made by kids and paid for by their allowances and Christmas and birthday presents.

This thrilling action swashbuckling adventure movie was filmed in living color on Beta Max!

The Airplane Scene was made a couple of decades later when they were about 40 and flows right into the truck scene and it's hilarious because the kids made the truck scene that follows the airplane scene early on and about 13 or 14 years old. The go from 40ish year old men back to little kids after the airplane blows up.

Some of the scenes were made pre puberty and it's funny listening to the kids talking in a squeaky little kid's voice as they battled the evil Nazis. In the truck scene when in the original Indy galloped off on a horse the kids didn't have one so Indy ran after the truck convoy on foot.

Still, as far as I could tell they didn't miss a single line or blow a single scene. They got it down to a T, all things considered.

They substituted a skiff for a biplane in the opening scene because you have to remember Spielberg could afford to rent a biplane on floats. He has almost $20 million to work with. These kids had their allowances. There was also the great monkey shortage of 1984 so they used a puppy and tied a piece of monofilament to his paw to raise it for the 'Heil Hitler' salute.  

Yeah, it's a little hokey in a few places but that's to be expected. They're kids doing the best they can with what they had to work with.

Early on I found myself cheering them on, not because I wanted Indy to save the Ark but because I wanted the kids to be successful. They sure were and they belted one out of the park.

Even the credits were amusing. They thanked the hospital for patching up a broken arm and removing a plaster mask that stuck to Belloq's face. They also thanked the police department for not carting them off because when they made the alley scene someone called the police and said a group of kids were making a porno movie. (The liar should have been cited for that one.) They even thanked the owner of a 'dirt pit' which they used as a desert.

Five Stars all around.

That being said, you have to see it for what it is. If you are one of those people that can't  put things into context you're going to be pissed off over spending $15.

I saw that happen 40 years ago in Kodiak when a movie advertised as not being made in a studio and made by a couple of sailors. I loved it because it was interesting. A number of people panned it because it wasn't Hollywood slick.

Personally as far as entertainment goes, it was a real deal at $15. Besides, what's not to like? Where else can you see pre puberty squeaky voiced little kids and teenagers battle Nazis and chase after the lost Ark of the Covenant? Some movie critic said it was as American as Norman Rockwell paintings running at 24 frames/ second. It really is.

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Well, the Yemen DXpedition came and went and I could not get a shot at it.

I posted elsewhere that instead of being two guys with limited resources it should have been taken on by one of the bigger, better equipped DXpedtition teams that knew what they were doing.

The biggest mistake I saw them make was to get into too much of a routine. 

VOCAP propagation tables stayed somewhat steady and they kept a schedule of such and such a band between such and such a time and it always seemed I was left out.

I did receive them a couple of times but they were just plain too weak to work them. Oh, well. I tried.


Today my movie is supposed to arrive. 'Raiders of the Lost Ark: The adaptation'.

In 1981 Steven Spielberg made the original for $20 million bucks. 

In 1982 three 11 YO kids decided it was so cool they had to make a scene by scene remake of it and set out to do so. It took them about 7 years and they did all of it except for the airplane scene where Indy fights that big mechanic who gets chopped up by the propeller.

After it was made the guys had a couple of copies each and they went into various attics as they parted ways after high school. 

Almost 15 years later they were 'rediscovered' and a friend made a copy and sent it to Steven Spielberg who was both amazed and flattered. It started to become a sub cult classic and copies were passed around to serious movie buffs.

One of those Hollywood insiders that was throwing sneak previews was having a movie night and between some high toned movie and the sneak preview of the highly publicized Two Towers he plugged in the Adaptation to fill in a gap. 

When he stopped it and started with the Two Towers the entire audience booed the Two Towers because they wanted to finish the Adaptation. They loved it!

I heard about the Adaptation several years ago and just the other day I found that the guys have their website and sell it on DVD for $15. 

Anyway, the guys over time went their various ways and a couple of them reported dreams of the unfinished airplane scene and somehow got together again. Somehow they raised the money and completed it.

There's a story about the making of it which is free if you have Amazon Prime. 'Raiders: The greatest fan film ever made'. It shows a lot of clips from it.

Anyway, my copy is due in today and I'll grab a quick sneak preview and post a review here inside the next couple of days.

If you expect some polished Hollywood production you'll likely be disappointed. You have to remember this movie was made by little kids and the scenes were not shot in order. One scene may have 17 year old teens in it and the next scene Indy is a 12 year old pre puberty kid with a squeaky voice. It is what it is.

Expect a review inside the next few days.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Back in 2016 around election time

we had a totally beautiful day of perfect sleeping weather.

I generally don't take afternoon naps but this was a day for it. I decided to grab a snooze on the couch and opened a window to enjoy the beautiful air.

I was just at the sleep/non sleep stage of dozing off when there was a knock at the door. I shouted out the window, "If it's political then go away."

A young female voice shouted back, "It's not political."

So I got up, wandered over to the door , opened it and was treated to a "Hi. We're here to get you to support our presidential candidate, insert name here." I have not included the name because I don't want this to turn political. It's not. This is about unwanted intrusion.

My response was simply, "Leave. Now. If you have to lie to get someone to talk to you about your candidate they're not worth a $hit. Leave."

"You can't tell me what to do," she answered in a knee jerk spoiled voice of complete entitlement.

THAT  was the clincher. This is my home and my castle. I am king of it and if I don't want you here then you had best leave when I tell you to. I had a number of improvised weapons handy and even a kukri a few feet away but decided against it. I was in no physical danger.  

I gave a quick glance for potential witnesses and sure enough there was an older woman standing off to the side. She looked kind of shocked and likely it was because of her partner's "You can't tell me what to do." comment.

Change in plans. The days of simply dragging someone to the curb and being done with it are long over with and a witness meant it would no longer be a he said/she said affair that would go nowhere. Tactically I was at the advantage, strategically they had the edge and I didn't want to win a battle and lose a war.

I wanted them off the premises and simply dialed 911 and asked for a policeman to show up.

The older woman grabbed the arm of the snotty little kid and dragged her off and they headed down the street.

Police response time here is excellent and inside a couple of minutes a cruiser showed up and I met it on the street. I told him what had happened and said, "When she said 'You can't tell me what to do' that made it trespassing so instead of losing my temper and doing what I should have done I called you."

"She actually said 'you can't tell me what to do' when you told her to leave?"

"Yup. That's when I looked for something to use as a cudgel. I saw the kukri on the table also but decided to call you guys instead."

He actually chuckled and thanked me for not hacking someone up or beating them senseless and  burying him in a mountain of paperwork and said he'd cruise around and see if he could find them. I gave a quick description of the pair of them.

"If Little Miss Entitlement runs her mouth and tries to talk her way into jail I'll gladly file charges and go to court," I replied. "I've got nothing to do for the next couple of weeks."

He laughed and said that a lot of people talk their way into jail and said if he needed that he's give me a call.

Needless to say, my nap was ruined. Instead I wandered into the garage and fooled around with a couple of things.

A few weeks later I ran into the officer in a convenience store and introduced myself. He remembered the incident and told me the older woman was contrite and did all of the talking. 

I tried to apologize for calling them over something that petty but he told me not to bother. He said sometimes it was better that way because sometimes when a person takes it upon themselves to throw someone out he has to take the wrong person to jail.


Seven years later.

Just before the election a week ago someone knocked on my door and I answered it. When I opened it they handed me a leaflet that I tore up and handed back to them and simply said, "Leave."

They left.

I turned around and just chalked that one off to life in the suburbs.

As a general rule, if you don't have a warrant or Thin Mints I'm not interested. However, over the years I have spoken with a few of the actual candidates and I listen to them until I have had enough.



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Monday, November 13, 2023

The last draftee, PTSD, Karens/Kens and people plant their political flags on people that don't want to be used like a cheap whore.

On June 30, 1973 a man named Archie Turner was drafted. He found military life fitted him and retired 31 years later as a Sergeant Major.

I mention this because he was the last person drafted. Since then every single person that has served in the military has been a volunteer. This means that they put on their big boy/big girl pants/panties, signed their name on the dotted line and took the oath, This basically meant that they wrote a check out to the government payable for up to and including their lives.

Every single one of them had their own reason and it is entirely possible that if you ask 100 veterans why they served you will get more than 100 different reasons. Each had their own.

Over the years I've run into countless serving GIs and countless vets and have never heard one of them say that the reason they joined was to be held up by someone as an example to further some Karen or Ken's personal agenda.

A routine example of this comes along on various holiday involving fireworks and the Karens and Kens instantly start in with the "What about veterans with PTSD?" crap.

As Rudyard Kipling said in a poem, 'Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool-you bet that Tommy sees."

Fact is, a lot of us don't like being held up and used to promote your agendas. Fact also is you really don't give a damn about us and many if not the overwhelming majority resent being used to further your personal agenda. A lot of us seriously resent being dragged into things and having words put into our mouths. We know what you're doing. You're using us to further your agenda and a lot of us resent you for it. We wish you would just leave us out of it and that goes for both sides of the issue in question.

Like I said earlier, since 1973 every single one of us that served put on out big boy/big girl pants/panties and stood before the man ant taken the oath. Just because many of us are old and grey doesn't mean we threw away our big boy clothes. We still have them.

If we want to we can put them back on and speak up for ourselves as individuals. We do not need anyone's help...especially someone using us to support their personal agenda.

Now butt out!


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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Today I turn 72.

And in a couple of days I'm going looking for a job of some sort because the house is 100% complete and I am slowly going nuts here.

Today I am going to buy myself a bottle of smoky Scotch and have a friend over for a steak dinner.

How the hell I made it to 72 is well beyond me.

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Friday, November 10, 2023

Well, we shall see what we shall see.

I have been trying with a remarkable lack of success to work a Yemen DXpedition and get that one in the log.

Yemen and the Norks prohibit ham radio. 

Yemen permits DXpeditions to come and keep it on the air every decade or so for some damned reason and if I don't get them now I probably never will which I guess is what it is.

It's just be a cool thing to do.

In other gnus the decision by she who is designing the things that need to be done has finally decided to let me finish the upstairs bathroom by choosing the vinyl floor covering. I have a day's work there if I decide to work a half day meaning I laid the floor. Pre cut baseboard, installation of the sink and toilet should just take a couple of hours, really.

When that's done it's time for me to buy a bottle of good scotch.

Then I gotta find a job of some sort.

This inactivity is getting on my nerves.


Happy Veterans Day.

Yes. You may now thank me for my service. It's Veterans Day, not Memorial Day.



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Raiders of the Lost Ark. The adaptation.

I just found on line for $15 and purchased it.

It's a shot by shot remake of the original made by three kids that were 11 when when they started the project and worked on it until they left high school. The only scene left undone was the airplane scene where Indy fight the big mechanic that gets chopped up by the propeller. 

A couple of decades later they completed it. It's in the copy I just bought.

You have to remember that Spielberg had a budget of somewhere near $20 million bucks to make the original and the kids had their allowances. Later they figured they had about $5000 into it  over six or seven years.

You can find parts of it on Youtube and from what I saw it's pretty damned good.

One thing that's funny is they didn't remake all the shots in sequence. They made them and put them together later on. It's funny watching Indy go from a 16 yo in one scene and the next scene he's 12 years old.

Anyway, that's going to be Thanksgiving entertainment at my brother in law's place.

I suppose it is not for everyone because a lot of people don't understand context. This is NOT a movie made on a multi million dollar budget but by three kids (and extras recruited from the school playground). 

To the grumblers I ask, "Could you have done that when you were 12 years old? Hell, you couldn't even do it now!"


When Spielberg saw it he said he was flattered and in the dog eat dog world of Hollywood and copyright laws nobody ever even looked at considering legal copyright laws. That in itself says a lot.

Here's a link to check out. My guess is that it's going to be a very worthwhile $15 I spent.

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Thursday, November 9, 2023

I hear military recruiting is way down these days.

I spoke with high school senior fairly recently and instead of going into the military he's headed straight to the local community college to learn HVAC with a future career goal of opening a small business.

When I asked him about the service he stopped cold and said he had wanted to be a soldier since he was a small child but just changed his mind because he has better things to do than sitting in social justice classes.

It's an interesting take and it looks like the military is in the process of pulling a Bud Light and alienating their customer base with their social justice crap.

I'm damned sure he's not the Lone Ranger and that a lot of kids feel that way, coupled with realizing that in this day and age being a soldier and risking one's life to defend the country. Instead he is risking his ass so someone in the political chain can make money and gain power. Kids are smartening up and saying 'screw that'. I certainly don't blame them.

In this day and age I certainly would not stick my neck out for a bunch of fat cats and their agendas without serious support and respect from leadership. I would defend my country but not the politicians running it.

Let's look at it this way. Sleepy Joe in his infinite wisdom just gave away millions in defense hardware to Islamic terrorists when we left Afghanistan. This stuff is showing up all over the world now and is being used against us.

Sleepy Joe has put more real assault rifles in the hands of people that should not have them than any and all dealers in the states. It's a lead pipe cinch that the stuff left behind in Afghanistan isn't in a Kabul warehouse rusting away. It's been transferred all over and Hamas probably has a lot of that equipment in Israel where it is being used.

I have no desire to be sent overseas only to be shot to death by an enemy soldier that got his rifle from the President of the United States.  

Nope. I don't have any desire to serve and I can't blame any high school kid that changed course and is headed into the trades. Good for him.

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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Someone almost beat me to it. Opening soon.

when I was replacing the temporary garage door.

which was basically two sheets of plywood that I had painted white. 

The day after the garage door was installed I had someone stop by and ask what I had done with the plywood and I told him that I had let the contractor haul it off because it was a freebie. He looked disappointed and I asked what he would have done for it. Apparently we think alike because he wanted to paint a sign announcing the opening of a 'gentleman's club (aka strip joint) and hang it on a construction project in the next township over.

Needless to say, the sign would not go unphotographed for more than an hour before it got posted on local social media and cause a regular Cecille B, DeMille production of truly epic proportions among the busybodies of the community.

The town offices would be bombarded with calls immediately and no amount of statements from them would even begin to calm them down. I don't want a place like that in my town!!

You could sit some of these people down in front of the President, his entire cabinet, the contractor and all of the subs who would swear on a stack of Bibles that a 3 bedroom ranch is being built there and yet as long as the sign is up they would continue wailing, moaning, hyperventilating and gnashing their teeth in fear and trepidation. 

The reason we both agreed that the next township over would be a perfect place for the sign is because the city fathers would not even allow a dog groomer to open shop because they were afraid of the noise created by barking dogs. There's no way in hell they'd permit something along the lines of a strip joint. It just wouldn't happen.

Yet as long as the sign is up the screeching would continue.

The family could move into the house, leave the sign intact and raise their family but for the next ten years the usual gang of idiots would still be pretty upset over it.

I would imagine that after about ten years it would simply become part of the woodwork but there would still likely be a couple of upset people in town.

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Monday, November 6, 2023

This post is to be forwarded. Stonehenge moved per schedule.

During WW2 the moving of Stonehenge to coordinate it for Daylight time was suspended and didn't resume until 1952 at which time it was a semi yearly circus and went well over the allotted hour.

In 1960 it took almost two months to complete what was supposed to be done in an hour or less. Winston Churchill spoke out. He recalled the roughnecks of Sherwood Forest and suggested handing the job off to an American outfit. The suggestion was ignored and the annual circus parade at Stonehenge continued every six months.

In 2009 someone recalled Sir Winston's suggestion and then Prime Minister Gordon Brown called Hillary Clinton with his plan on hiring a team of American rednecks to do the job.

Clinton passed the request to several Ivy League run engineering companies and reported to Prime Minister Brown that she had 'Top Men' working on it and explained that she had given the planning job to the 'best and brightest' the country had.

Icily Brown explained to Hillary that that is exactly what he was not looking for and told his people to comb through the list of long time UK expats living in the States. Several were visited and nothing seemed to pan out until they met an expat named Brian Wentworth. 

When they arrived at the Wentworth place they found him moving a 15 ton freshly cut oak tree across his yard using a homemade skidder he had built for $3.64 and parts he had scrounged. Wentworth had 'gone redneck' and was extremely self-sufficient. When he needed an expensive piece of equipment he simply hopped into his pickup and went to the dump, scrounged parts and made his own. He showed them his tractor, a rugged looking behemoth and proudly boasted, "I got about eight bucks into it."

The pair of British engineers stared at each other agape. They knew they had found their man and explained the job to him and proposed he put together a team of like minded practical engineers to tackle the project. He agreed, explaining it would take time. He also requested expense money up front and a check was immediately handed to him. They told him to take all the time he needed.

Two days later he embarked on a 57,000 mile almost 4 year road trip through 49 states, meeting people and hiring them for his standby list. He was particular. Anyone that had set foot in a college classroom was instantly rejected except for a guy named Larry DuBois, a Cajun who had been thrown out of college on his first day. People with high school diplomas were scrutinized carefully. Many were rejected.

Later when President Obama found out about this and heard what was going on he was mortified to hear that their offer of 'Top Men' had been rejected and a group of hillbillies hired by a British expat turned American redneck was going to take the job. 

In 2013 I got roped into the team out of the clear blue. I was at work in the 'Nawlins area and happened to be on an oil dock interpreting a 3 way conversation between a Cajun, an Aroostock county, Maine potato farmer turned sailor and a Chicano as I have a pretty good fluency in American dialects. An executive from the oil company was there on a random visit and overheard me. He said told me he had a distant cousin involved in an interesting project and suggested I might make a good 'terp. I walked off and forgot about it.

I thought nothing of it and went back to the boat. A couple days later I got a call from the office telling me there would be people at the office waiting to talk to me when I got off my tour. They asked me what it was all about and I said I didn't have a clue. 

When I got off work and returned to the office to check out I was met by Brian Wentworth and asked a few questions. Then a man with him said in an okra and gumbo deep Cajun accent "Joel's uncla sezs he OK.," and I was told I was hired on the spot. Hired for what? Move Stonehenge 30 degrees of arc? Yeah, right. I started looking for the ghost of Alan Funt to see if I was on 'Candid Camera'.

The whole thing made no sense to me so I simply went home and forgot about it. I had no plans of going anywhere. 

A few months later I was underway from Paulsboro, New Jersey to Chelsea, Massachusetts with 80,000 barrels of Jet to be pipe lined to Logan International. I was awakened by my mate and told that I was being taken off the boat by helicopter to go somewhere. I instantly called the office and was told that ''The Government' is looking for you. Something abut the State Department. Don't worry. You'll get paid for your time and I'll call your wife and tell her you're working over." Before I could pour a cup of coffee a Coast Guard helicopter was overhead. I hopped into the rescue basket and got hauled up and flown directly to Dover AFB where I was given a quick physical, a pressure suit and stuffed into the backseat of some sort of interceptor after a briefing consisting of 'Don't touch the red handle'.

We made three in-flight refuelings which scared the daylights out of me because the hotshot pilot had to slow down to damned near stall speed.

When we made landfall over England we went subsonic so as not to rattle the windows of the western part of England and landed in a NATO base there. I wanted a cup of coffee and said so. I was told I'd get one when I got where we were going as I was herded into an Air Force Medivac chopper and taken to none other than Stonehenge.

We landed nearby and someone in a Land Rover took me to the jobsite where I went into a trailer. In it was a very surprised Brian Wentworth who asked me what I was doing there. I wasn't expected for two days...if at all.

When I finished telling Wentworth what had happened and that I had not taken so much as a drop of water since I had turned in the night before at sea. Wentworth took me to the cookhouse and we had bangers and mash along with pretty good coffee. The cookhouse was amazing. The cook (I dared not call him a chef or he would have gotten as mad as a wet hornet) could cook anything. 

The following day I got to watch our British cousins try biscuits and gravy for the first time. They looked at it dubiously at first and tried a small bite followed by a shovelful and to a man wide eyed said, "It's GOOD!" 

I asked for Norwegian fisherman's cod breakfast and the cook did an excellent job. It's cod, fried potatoes, crushed bacon, covered with bacon grease and chopped onion and I like it once in a while. The cook also made a sushi for the couple of Asian rednecks. Black rednecks were impressed with his soul food.

Over dinner he told me he had asked the State Department to locate me. He had a First Class ticket waiting for me in two days and  I was to be accompanied by another guy to brief me on what was expected.

Instead I had been pretty much kidnapped by the State Department, taken to a foreign country with nothing but the clothes on my back, a pair of Topsiders, ratty, smelly khaki pants, a torn T-shirt and a wallet containing $22, a driver's license and no passport. I had spent four hours in a cramped cockpit being blasted across the Atlantic by a hotshot flyboy hell bent on killing both of us and unceremoniously been dumped at a labor camp.

I mentioned needing clothes and Wentworth mentioned a British equivalent of a Goodwill store nearby. As for a place to sleep, I grabbed an empty bunk in one of the trailers and met my bunkmates. As a professional mariner I knew the drill. 

The next day I asked what to do about the CPAP I had left behind and one of the Brits spoke up and got me hooked up. I was fortunate to have remembered my settings so I was good to go for the following night. I'm sure my bunkmates were pleased to see that happen.

I was also offered a quick shopping trip and told my driver to take me to the second hand place. It was like a Super Goodwill and very well organized. I was still annoyed at the world and that I admit was unfair. In the store the usual men's, women's and children's sections were labeled and I noticed another section labeled 'costumes'. I made a beeline for that figuring that if I was in the middle of a redneck circus I might just as well look like a clown. There happened to be a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit there and I snagged it along with a pair of coveralls. I was good to go.

I showed up back on the job wearing the suit much to the amusement of the British overseers. The rest of the crew loved it and after work they figured out a way to get to the store and they pretty much cleaned out the costume department. Ove the next few day the entire job looked like a huge costume party. 

The main part of the prep work was done but there was still a lot of 'pickup' work so the crew kept busy.

One of the overseers casually asked me that he had not gotten to see the blueprints. "These guys? I doubt they have any. These guys are probably making it up as they go along." He turned ashen.

When we returned, Wentworth happened on by and overheard me.

A Brit had been heard a Maine potato farmer with a thick Aroostook County Maine accent comment "I hope these Limey's don't expect me to drink that warm $hit they serve here. They better have COLD Bud lite." The Brit asked me what the potato farmer had said. 

I replied, "He said I hope the Bud Lite beer is cold when we get to party when we move these stones."

(This 2023 trip, following the Bud Lite controversy the crew voted to change to Coors Lite almost unanimously. I was the only dissenter. I voted for Guinness. I like Guinness. Besides, unanimous elections sound like rigged elections forced at gunpoint.)

Wentworth later asked me why I didn't translate what was said word for word. I replied  "Because those are the guys that are paying us. I didn't want to piss them off."

He said, "You got a point there. You just earned your pay," and wandered off.

All day a Brit would ask me "What did that man say?" I'd translate for him. Some of them marveled at my ability to understand the different accents and terminology but the truth is, any long time sailor can do what I was doing because we work with all kind of people.

Anyway, the proof of the pudding was in the eating and the time was coming up. That year we had to move the entire thing between 0100 and 0200 UTC and have it perfect.

The entire crew was busy the night before. You could see them cutting steel, rigging and rerigging and about 2350 UTC we declared it good to go. At the stroke of 000001 UTC the movement began and it went flawlessly. It took the crew until 0037 UTC before we turned the job over to the Brits to check our work. They were stunned and good to their word, they broke out the beer and we celebrated. We were accurate to .01 of a second of arc!

I never did find out what materials were used but I later heard that it was miles of baling wire, tons of scrap steel, 87 diesel engines, the obligatory 2x4 stud and 19 miles of 550 paracord but we got it done.

In addition to that a full pickup load of Copenhagen snoose cans were policed up afterwards.

I wore the Little Lord Fauntleroy suit home and my wife screeched when I walked in. When she recovered she laughed herself silly and shook her head. It did look ridiculous.

I'm finishing this as we head into JFK and we're landing soon. I have an hour's connection time and catch my final leg home.

If this story ain't 100% true it ought to be. I had one hell of a time making it up and if you believe as gospel I ain't can do nothin' for you.



By early 2014 the team was assembled, and needed only the word to proceed.


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