Sunday, October 13, 2024

Wowee kazowie! A black owned pizza place!

Which means I will likely check it out because I like pizza.

If he makes a good pie than likely he will have a repeat customer. If he makes a great pie he can bet on having a regular customer.

If he makes a lousy pie he will never see me again.

It's not about color. It's about pizza.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Correct! It is the quality of the product not the color, religion, sexual orientation of the product, but the quality of said product.

  2. This entire post is an answer in search of a problem. Very few people are going to turn down a restaurant on account of the owner's race, and those that do, it is their loss.

    1. Correct. Few people will refuse good pizza.
      The reason I made this post is because when I saw 'black owned business' on an ad locally it reminded me of my time in CA where I often saw those stupid signs. They meant nothing to me but I guess to some people they did.

    2. Ah, okay. I would guess the ad was specifically targeting black people, who would want to support one of their own.

      That makes sense. All else being equal, it is a natural desire, for people to support their tribe.
