Friday, December 20, 2024

Another false threat to either eliminate Social Security

as usual.

"OMG! OMG! Trump's gonna eliminate Social Security!"

Another lie. Someone posted that on a social media site and the truth is that Trump wants to eliminate the tax on Social Security benefits. In fact there is already been a bill introduced by Thomas Massie (R-KY) to eliminate the tax.

It should also be mentioned that Joe Biden voted to tax Social Security earlier in his dubious political career.

I am old enough to remember the Eisenhower administration and that the Democrats tried to accuse him of wanting to eliminate the program which was a bold faced lie. The false threat comes up every time there's a presidential election and the accused is always a Republican.

The lie is designed to scare the hell out of seniors and get them to vote Democrat, plain and simple. 

Trump has stated that he wants to eliminate the tax on Social Security. He has no intent on eliminating the program itself. 

As for DOGE? The have no intention of eliminating it, either. What they would like to do is clean the administration up and streamline it to reduce costs and waste. There's most likely a lot of inefficiency and waste in the administration. DOGE wants to eliminate it. This won't effect benefits and may very well make things easier for all of us.

 I get sick and tired of those that spread word that if so and so gets elected than Social Security will be eliminated. It's a flat out lie.

As for the person that posted this lie I would like to find out what type of person he is.

Is he repeating a lie because he thinks it is the truth? If he is he's another stooge that took the bait. Stalin called people like that useful idiots. I feel sorry for him.

Or does he know that it's a lie and is spreading it anyway as a cruel trick to discredit Trump and get seniors scared out of their wits to turn on him. 

I'd like an answer. Are you ignorant or just plain cruel?


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. I wish Trump wanted to gut Social Security. I wish he wanted to end all subsidies: medical, farm, energy, homelessness... I WISH that Trump was the monster they claim that he is. Then we could finally get something done about Washington.

    1. But what about the Zeppelin subsidy??!!!

  2. There need to be deep and painful cuts to ALL federal programs and departments. All of them, even the ones I might like, or the ones that help out the poor/seniors/children.

    We all benefited from the past three decades of unbalanced budgets... Now we all need to bear the inconveniences of squaring them up.

    1. Like it or not, NO politician is going to get reelected if they mess with SS.
      From a realistic standpoint they might get away with it if it was made voluntary. People do have a right to expect the government to keep its promises.

    2. Yep. Social Security, Medicaid, Farm subsidies, the works. Too bad, because literally Everything
      the federal government spends on, needs to be HALVED. Military, social security, everything.

      Failing that, we are not doing anything more than prolonging the collapse.
