Wednesday, January 8, 2025

An accounting of the fire money I was given.

After the fire a couple of years ago one of the guys offered to set up a Go Fund Me. I was insured and said I didn't need it but he pointed out that insurance doesn't cover everything. I finally gave him the OK and was floored with the results.

It came to a little over $3000 and got to me before the insurance money started flowing in.

I took the part that was over the $3000 and bought myself a steak dinner and a bottle of good scotch and earmarked the $3000 for things that would come up. I desperately needed something like this for morale purposes. I was holed up in a small hotel room with the cat who miraculously survived, thank God.

FYI I didn't swill the scotch down. It lasted me as I was sparing with it. It was my end of the day treat.

A month or so I found out about someone with 3 kids in dire straits and sent them $1000. I won't explain who/what/why here other than they, too, were a fire victim and it hit them a lot harder than I was hit.

I've always had a part part of it forward attitude on windfalls and for sake of argument considered this a windfall. Over the years I've had a few small windfalls and I generally shared them with people.

The one that first comes to mind was when I was broke and found a $100 bill. I instantly took a fellow fisherman that was as broke as I was at the time out with me to eat a decent meal.

That left me with $2000 and I put that aside because I saw a wall coming up in front of me somewhere along the line.

Later after I blasted all the paint off the basement and garage walls it was time for repainting and I hit a wall of sorts. Just looking at the wall depressed me and I decided to sub it out even though I could have done it myself.

The kid down the street was home from college and I knew he'd be interested in making a few bucks so I gave him a call. He's an Aerospace Engineering major and meticulous. I hired him to do the painting and paint he did.

He did one hell of a good job, better than I would have. He wasn't fast, he was meticulous and did a damned good job. I was glad I had subbed it to him. Afterwards he did some more painting upstairs for me and I paid him the $2000 I had put aside to him. It was a total win/win.

Anyway, that's what I did with the money the guys on my favorite website raised for me.

Thanks, guys! 

(And you guys thought I blew it on hookers and blow)

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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