Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Years Day 2004 was pretty damned special.

It was the day I woke up debt free. 

My wife made the last house payment on New Year's Eve, 2003.

I have not been in debt since.

I have always considered debt to be slavery and while I sure couldn't have paid cash for my house three decades ago, it didn't mean I had to take all 30 years to pay it off.

Credit can be a useful tool but one has to be damned careful with it to keep from being snowed under. Easy credit has created a lot of people that are distracted by bright shiny things to spend their lives in slavery, seldom having the freedom to outright own anything.

Credit cards are the most common pitfalls. What's funny is I use mine daily. What keeps me out of hot water is that it gets paid off monthly. Before I whip out the plastic I ask myself if I'm sure I can pay it off at the end of the month. If I can't than it's a no-go. I simply do without.

It has been a wonderful feeling because I have been able to live life a lot freer than most and been able to take a few risks along the line without being terrified of losing.




To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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