Which is what Trump did when he froze overseas funds.
It didn't take long for a rather large number of people to balk and try to undermine him. Most of them are currently 'on leave' pending investigation, meaning after the investigations they will likely be fired.
Trump was smart enough to know not to fire them outright and have them take him to court to get their jobs back. He's going to fire them the correct way. Possibly during the investigation one or more may sing and drag a few more along with them. What's also a likely scenario is they will be paid off to keep quiet. This will be interesting to watch.
Someone mentioned it as being an old plumber's trick I have used before. To find the leaks you simply turn off the faucet. The leaks become obvious. Well played, Mr. President.
Now let's take a look at RFKjr dealing with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, both of who have taken a LOT of money from Big Pharma.
It was hilarious. Both of them wanted to know about if he'd take money from Big Pharma and he threw it right back in their faces. It was hilarious watching both of them get indignant and lose it when RFKjr pointed out that both of them had taken large sums of money from Big Pharma. Neither of them could squirm out of it. Both of them got really indignant and ranted and raved. I laughed.
Both of the really lost their minds and ranted and raved about the money they had received from Big Pharma. Bernie screaming he had never been given money from a CEO. I suppose in a way that's probably right. The CEO didn't come and personally hand him a check.
Bernie and Pocahontas both made themselves look really stupid.
What would also be hilarious is a Senator that lives only on his $174,000 salary and health benefits, period. Camping in a cramped 1 BR apartment and driving a jalopy back and forth to work. No free haircuts and massages, no nothing. After taxes he'd have $122K to live on. That ain't much in DC. Likely he would shop at Goodwill for suits to wear to work and part time at a convenience store during recesses.
As for reporting gifts there would be one. "I helped some guy get his car started so he gave me a bottle of Jim Beam."
Of course he'd be able to have certain legitimate office and travel expenses paid, which is more than fair.
He'd be the most hated person in Congress.
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