Sunday, December 23, 2018

An open letter to federal government employees

regarding Government shut down.

If you have been in governmental service a while you have seen it before. The government shut down and you paychecks stopped.

Back when I was in the service one of my NCOs, a man of very limited formal education and immense native wisdom told me that as a soldier I was working for an employer that didn't have a dime to its name. He explained to me that they got their money from taking it from the American people in the form of taxes. Congress has to vote to raise the money to keep things rolling.

Every few years government employees would experience a hiccup in the system and the paychecks stopped for a couple of days and resumed. 

It's getting worse and more often because just about everything in government is both politicized and weaponized. It's going to get worse in the future because of that reason. The country is getting more and more polarized.

We're probably on the cold side of what is likely to turn into a civil war in the future. If you have studied any amount of history you can see that what's happening in DC is there is a power grab going on that's gotten worse over the years. I won't get into this.

I know if I were a government employee I would be keeping my eyes peeled for a place to land if I had to jump out of a federal/state job. I probably wouldn't make a move now but I would sure be looking and keeping my eyes open.

I would also cut spending back a bit so as to have a halfway decent cash reserve to last at the very least a couple months.

As of this writing the longest government shut down was 21 days back in 1995-96. I do believe we will experience a longer shutdown in the future, and they will likely happen more often.

All I can say is that if you are working for Uncle Sam now you should be prepared for things like this to happen.

I am not being crass. Having a paycheck stop is serious business and leaves a person in a fearful and frightening place.

I'm not being a bastard. I'm just trying to supply reasons and give things a perspective.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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