Thursday, December 27, 2018

CNN started pissing and moaning because

it looked like Trump wasn't going to visit the troops on Christmas.

Then they started pissing and moaning when he fooled them and went unannounced.

Then they started bellyaching when the troops asked the President to autograph their ball caps.

Actually they got played. 

Trump sat in the White House and said he was all alone which he in fact was. CNN started bellyaching he wasn't with the troops.

Then he hopped into Air Force One, flew overseas, conducted some business and visited the troops. In doing so he put egg on the face of CNN.

Having nothing on him they started griping that the troops were having him autograph ball caps, claiming it was in violation of the rules against troops getting involved in political campaigning.

No rules violated. Trump is POTUS. The is the CinC of the military. He isn't actively campaigning. No rules violated.

CNN should smarten up but they don't.

And Trump plays them like a virtuoso.

If you pay attention it's hilarious to watch.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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