Monday, December 31, 2018

Well, we're at somewhat of an impasse here with the government shutdown

and I am disgusted.

This shutdown has nothing to do with the good of the American people and everything to do with a power struggle and hate for the president.

The Democrats under Obama wanted to build a border wall. They were making quite an issue of he illegal immigration situation while Obama was in office.

Now that Trump wants to implement one of the very few things Obama tried to do right they are all up in arms trying to stop him.

I have never seen such hate before in my life. It's a total disgrace.

The truth is that the only people that really want the wall built are the American people. They don't want illegal voters or replacement workers. They also don't want to pay for people that don't even have the decency to enter legally. We pay billions and billions to support people that are simply nothing more or less than criminals and ought to be either deported, jailed or both.

Congress is too damned busy fighting over monumental egos and agenda policies that that they have not bothered to remember they are there to serve the American people.

An inordinate number of our congress people should be stuffed into a bus, taken to the nearest tar pit, dunked, feathered and run out of Washington DC  on a rail.

Frankly I hope Trump sticks to his guns and holds out for his wall money. I'm sick and tired of Congress blocking Trump simply for political reasons and hate. the hypocrisy is overwhelming. They are blocking him from doing something they wanted to do under the Obama administration. 

In a nutshell, both parties outright suck.

One party wants to control woman's bodies and the other party wants to take away the Second Amendment. 

Incidentally the RINOs are worse than the Socialists. At least the Socialists have enough character to be pretty much up front about it.

Incidentally I have some skin in this shut down. It could wind up costing me a lot of money. I'm not going to get into it here but it is. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Eight years of BHO's occupation of the presidency, with zero effective action taken by the Democratic party's turn at power to stem the immigration?

    And now with a Trump & GOP partnership pushing to do effective things, the Democrats are suddenly opposed to restraints on immigration?

    Do you think the Democrats EVER intended to do anything effective?

    Was it eight years of all lip-service?

    Did the Kenyan "no valid birth certificate" faux-president have any higher level of hypocrisy?

    Really would an undocumented, likely not exactly legal occupier of our only office reserved for native born citizens, ever do anything intended to be really effective against illegal immigration? Especially as his handlers know illegals tend to vote for those who let them in?

    Pantomime charades or outright advancement of a bigger agenda? Inquiring minds would like to know.
