Friday, November 30, 2018

Entering CHristmas season which is not my favorite time of year.

It is very much an overload for me. You can't go anywhere without Christmas music and people stuffing the season in one's face.

I dearly love Thanksgiving but really don't care too much for Christmas.

I think I'll do the usual which is pile a bunch of garbage and rancid crap into a huge box, wrap it up in Christmas paper and leave it in the bed of my truck and park it in the mall.

Inevitably someone steals it.

The other thing I sometimes do is grab my stool, some lunch and sit on the hill overlooking the mall a couple of days before Christmas and watch people fight over parking spaces.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

So where did the Border Patrol people get the tear gas they just used on the illegals that tried to rush the border?

It was a leftover from the batch that then president Obama used on illegals that tried to rush the border a few years ago.

Don't you just love it when people jump all over someone for doing what they did when THEY were in office?

Nothing like a double standard.

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Kindle post

Not much To say.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I could use a cup of coffee but it is too late.

It's kind of late for me to be posting but I'm trying to get 'er done for today. I really don't like skipping a day.

It's been a busy day spent out in the cold and I am trying to wind down from it. I would imagine I am going to sleep like a rock tonight as I generally do after a day in the cold.

I don't handle cold as well as I did when I was younger. I used to be like a hemlock stump but the last few years the cold sometimes just runs through me and gives me the shivers.

Still, it is what it is.

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Busy. Maybe this evening.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Think I'll get me some Hate Chicken

Yup. Get me some Chick-Fil-A with waffle fries.

Of course it gets harder and harder to get it because the lines are always as long as the day is because they serve some pretty good chicken and Fries.

Of course the SJWs all seem to scream about how awful the Chick-Fil-A people are and babble on about how they hate gays.

What seems interesting to me is that they appear to hire an awful lot of members of the LGBTQ community and I also hear that a lot of them frequent the place. 

A lot of people call the place 'Hate Chicken' as somewhat of a joke. That came a few years back when they espoused Christian values. For example the place is closed on Sundays. A few years ago one of the muckety mucks said he was opposed to gay marriage.

The latter comment was snapped up by the SJWs and taken out of context and the SJWs started screaming that Chick-Fil-A was hateful toward gays.

Guess what? I'm for the government staying out of the marriage business. If you want to be married go see a preacher that's willing to marry you. Government should simply offer civil unions to any two humans that want one. 

Does that make me hateful toward gays? 

I suppose the SJWs will say so because it doesn't fit into their neat little niche and makes them think which is something they don't seem to do very often. They also seem to hate people that make them think so I guess I'm in on page one.

So let's take a look at all the spiteful things that Hate Chicken does. 

First they deal with both customers and employees with dignity and respect. The don't have a mission statement, but their purpose is written here: "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.” 

You don't glorify God by being cruel to gays or for that matter anyone else that has behaved themselves in a reasonably civil manner.

Sounds to me that the SJWs as usual are just looking to create a stink where there is clean fresh air. What's new?

The moniker "Hate Chicken" was given to them as a joke after the SJWs started crying and bellyaching. The place is anything but. It's kind of like the biggest guy on the team being called "Tiny'.

Yum. I'm off to get me some Hate Chicken.

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Hectic tday

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Monday, November 26, 2018

I have never seen this happen in my life time.

 North and South Korean soldiers shaking hands and talking to one another.

Unless this is bogus then it looks like President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and we KNOW that ain't gonna happen.

I am seriously considering trying to find some old trophy cup somewhere and having it engraved 'The non-Nobel Peace Prize; and trying to get a million people to sign the certificate that goes along with it.

Seeing the Nobel people are ignoring something as earth shattering as this then it is time for Old School Americans to do what they do best at and that's do it themselves.

Besides it would also embarrass the Nobel prize people. They need it.

While we're at it, the award ought to include a $20 bill so President Trump could send a Secret Service agent out to Wallyworld and pick up a pair of flip flops fr Melania so she can rest her tired feet after spending all that time in high heels.

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Posting on a

But sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

What ever happened to wholesome stories for children?

You know, like Hansel and Gretel. 

It ends when the two children stuff a senior citizen into a fireplace and burn her to death.

You MUST remember that wholesome story to tell to YOUR children!

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Friday, November 23, 2018

Ha ha.


 President Trump's pardon of the 2018 Thanksgiving turkey has been blocked by the 9th Circuit court.

I guess the turkey is going to end up being eaten in the chow hall at Fort Eustiss or someplace.

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Thursday, November 22, 2018

I have had three damned good ideas for today's post

And for the life of me, I can't remember any of them.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Having Google do things for you

When Google had done this I said, "Thank you, Google."

Apparently whoever is responsible for making that Google application work has been raised right because Google had the courtesy to say "You're welcome." which is a lot more than I get from most people these days.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Dear Mrs Trump.

First, thank you for being a wonderful First Lady and representing the country so well.

Secondly you saved me twenty bucks.

Because before you went to Texas with Donald I saw you had wisely slipped on a pair of sneakers.

Had I not seen you in sneakers I was getting ready to slip a twenty into an envelope and mail it to your Secret Service detail to buy you a pair of flip flops so you could rest your tired feet after a day in heels.

When I saw you in sneakers I figured you already had a pair of flip flops tucked away.

Thank you for representing us. You are a wonderful, beautiful and talented First Lady.


Incidentally if I ever meet you my opening line is going to be "Hiya, gorgeous. Where ya been all my life?"

It is my standard line for grandmothers and world class models. 

I expect you to at least give me a smirk. It is a seriously hokey line but you are smart enough to know that.

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Monday, November 19, 2018

I read where California managed to run off a lot of the lucrative

porn industry.

Throwing the moral and religious side aside porn is a fairly simple, non-polluting low capital industry that makes billions. Adult book and novelty shops seem to be fairly busy and that means there is a market.

In short, the porn industry is lucrative and generates big profits with no environmental damage. It requires no huge unsightly factories.

Yet California seemed to have managed to screw that one up to a fare thee well.

When they mandated condom use for porn actors they in effect ran at least the movie making part of the industry out of the state.  

Porn fans don't like condoms in their porn so the filming left California and the state lost out of a pretty lucrative industry to tax.

Yet another case of government interference shooting themselves in the foot.

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Sunday, November 18, 2018

How did I learn to keep such a straight face?

"Nice looking child you have there," I said to a young mother.

"I'll bet your kids are all grown up now," she replied.

"I suppose," I replied. "I had twin daughters but I lost them in a poker game."

Shock. "What?" she asked, stunned.

"Yeah," I replied. " Canada Bill Jones drew four aces. My wife wouldn't talk to me for a month after I told her. "

And I walked off leaving her agape.

The old woman that was behind me was laughing herself silly and said, "You're awful." She got it.

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Piccolo angers an SJW.

I saw a parking space that said "Green vehicle only" on it. Seeing my pickup is forest green I figured it was for me so I parked there.

I have done this a couple of times recently and nobody has seemed to object until the other day when some college aged geek came up to me and said that a Toyota Tacoma isn't a green vehicle.

I innocently told him it looked green to me and he started doing what a lot of these kids do. He started talking to me like I am a small child, explaining the entire ecology thing to me.

"Look," I interrupted him. "I just got out of the joint a couple of months ago after spending thirty years in the can for shootin' a coupla G-men after a bank robbery. Why don't you tell it to my parole officer so he can explain it to me." My tone of voice was pretty surly. "It says green vehicle and my truck is green. You have a problem with that?" I spoke to him like HE was a small child.

His jaw fell, he turned beet red and walked away.

I don't think I'll park my green pickup in a green vehicle spot again, though. Some SJW is likely to key it if I do.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

A chat with a WW1 vet many years ago.

Back when I was headed into the service an old WW1 vet offered to buy me a beer and give me some advice. I was under age but neither of us really cared. Back then the cops reigned with common sense and if an old vet wanted to have a drink or two with a youngster going into the service they had better things to worry about. I took him up on it and as I grew I saw some wisdom in his lessons.

He most certainly suffered from what we now call PTSD but was then called shell shock. He told me that after fifty years he still had a few bad dreams but it had been a lot worse in the years before. The nightmares had reduced themselves to rare and occasional visits from the demons of the night.

The old man was pretty compassionate about GIs that were returning from Vietnam. Some returnees were real a real mess. One of my classmates died as a direct result of self medicating for PTSD. I think his name belongs on the wall.

Someone once made a comment about a Marine that had returned. He had been at Khe Sanh during the siege and had returned an angry and bitter young man. The old man charged into that one with a loud and clear "What did you expect when you sent him off to war?"

The old man told me that he would spend waking hours reliving the terrible scenes over and over and that as time passed the memories would soften a bit. He first tried hard drinking but was wise enough to see that it did him no good.

I guess the analogy today would be making a copy of something in a copier and then making a copy of the copy of the copy and so on until things grow fuzzy.

He said that over time it took away the worst of the nightmares.

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8 October 2019

will probably be my last post.

That will mean I had a full teen year run.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Let's take a look at things.

We now have a Democratic house that is planning on making life miserable for Donald Trump.

Yet in every Democratic run sanctuary city we have criminals running amok and homeless people crapping on the sidewalks.

Yet all the Democrats seem to want to do is pick on Donald Trump.

Go figure.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

One of the things people do not understand is the military.

It was and still to a point still is a meritocracy or at least tries to be one.

I had a battery commander, a captain that had enlisted as a private, gotten a Warrant as a helicopter pilot and later commissioned in the Artillery branch.

I had a First Sergeant that hadn't finished grammar school and  Platoon leader that had graduated from West Point. The commo officer had gone through ROTC and was paying back his military obligation. My platoon sergeant was a high school graduate.

The NCO that ran the Fire Direction Control section admitted to having had a third grade education but you would never know it. FDC was all about higher mathematics and he was a regular Einstein. He had started his career as a grunt but showed promise and got his education in the army.  

One of the guys in the squad I ran had graduated from college and was a Sp/4. He had been drafted and refused OCS because he could simply do two years as a draftee and get out. OCS was a four year commitment. He was actually a lazy soldier that ran around feeling sorry for himself.

Yesterday I spoke with a Vietnam vet that had entered as a private, enrolled in a Green to Gold type program and commissioned. He retired as a major over twenty. He had entered with a high school diploma. He also ran a rifle company in Vietnam.

The guy I met with this retired major was a former Navy submariner. He had joined the Navy with high school diploma under the nuclear engineering program and spent about a year in school learning about nuclear power plants. When his obligation was over he found an excellent job in a nuclear electric plant and retired from that. He said he was hired over a couple of college grads because he has several years of practical experience from being assigned to nuclear submarines. 

I had a doctor work on me several years ago that had been drafted. The army needed combat medics and he was smart enough so they sent him to Ft Sam for basic medic training. In Vietnam he shone and was offered a green to gold opportunity. He took it and kept climbing the ladder and became an orthopedic surgeon, retiring as a full colonel. He never lost the common touch and I really liked his style.

I know that I had no dreams of an army career but I did take advantage of a number of schools that were offered me. The first school was a management course that lasted for two weeks. Being my first shot at a school I busted my ass and became an Outstanding Graduate which pissed a lot of people off because I had been told to simply pass the course because they didn't want it known I was an acting sergeant but in reality a PFC. It was a sergeant level course.

I was ordered to report to the Battalion Commander but he was not in so I reported to the XO who was supposed to raise hell with me.

He looked at me with an evil smirk and called S-3 and told them to send me to a knife fighting/snake eating school. He also unknown to me had my Battery Commander promote me to Sp/4.

 I did well at the school. but almost got busted for whipping out a hidden dagger on the judo instructor when he used me to demonstrate s judo throw on.

On Day one they had told us we were supposed to be unpredictable and when I got hauled up before The Man I told him I was in compliance of my orders to be unpredictable. He turned red and told the angry judo instructor to be better prepared for the unexpected. 

Later on I put in for SERE school, survival, escape, resistance and evasion. I managed to escape the first day and that opened a can of worms because policy was that anyone that managed to escape from the Rangers running the school didn't have to go through the rest of it. I simply buried myself and waited them out for a very long day, wetting my pants in the process so as not to give myself away. Late that night, eighteen hours later I crawled out and made a break for it in the middle of the night. I've posted this story before. I returned to my unit and the Battery Commander got stuck in the middle of it all. The Battalion Commander didn't know what to do and the Battalion XO told me he was proud of me.

I later got sent to sniper school and did well there because I am by nature a sneaky bastard. I did well there, passing with flying colors. What is interesting is the school was all about woodcraft. We never fired a shot.

The management course was worth college credit which was nice. I got credit for it when I got out at the local community college.

The point of this is that the services are really quite a field of opportunity. While I took advantage of schools that I found as fun and interesting most of which had no value outside the service the fact remains that most of the deadbeats I was with would have rather hung around the barracks shining their shoes and doing as little as possible until their enlistments expired. These are the people that a lot of people think about when they think about military life. 

I had fun and learned a few things. 

The fact remains that there is opportunity in the service that is not available on the outside. It is one of the few places left that a person can enter with a GED and work his way up as far as his ambition and talent can take him.

A lot of people don't know, for example, that Al Gray who was the Commandant of the Marine Corps. He enlisted as a private.

The woods are full of people that served and either took advantage of the programs offered or didn't. One thing about any schooling of any type one got in the service is that it goes with the person for life.

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Monday, November 12, 2018

So you want a civil war, huh?

Think you can sit back and watch the fireworks, huh?

One night when I was in the service I had a long, boring night of duty as a radio watch. The evening wasn't very busy and the senior NCO was a man with a thick Hungarian accent that had immigrated (legally) to the States.

He had been a participant in the Hungarian revolution in 1956 and told me about burning a couple of Russian soldiers to death simply by pouring gasoline on them from a second story porch and tossing a burning rag atop them. If I recall he was sixteen years old at the time and he said he never lost any sleep over it because they were legitimate combatants.

What caused him nightmares were the civilian deaths he saw.

He had a couple relatives murdered by the Soviets because someone that didn't like them reported them to the Russians as being involved with the Hungarian rebels. The squealers were promptly found out about and were murdered by the Hungarian rebels, the entire family. Men, women and children.

Both sides played for keeps and innocence or guilt had nothing to do with it. It was common knowledge among the troops that he had problems sleeping and the guys attributed it to Vietnam. He quietly told me otherwise that night. He had been assigned to some headquarters or another in Vietnam and had not been in extensive combat in Vietnam.

A few years back I ran into a man from Eastern Europe that had been through s civil war in the Balkens. He was an American citizen now and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and confessed he had some thing 'put away' in case of trouble here.

He described a world where he had been burned out and his family had retreated to a relatives where everyone banded together. He explained that the very first thing he acquired was an AK-47 for home defense and insurance. 

He described to me a world gone mad where money was next to useless, the public utilities out of commission and lawlessness the norm. People were being murdered over something as petty as a can of spaghetti. The economy was pretty much all barter and stealing and robbing were quite the norm.

They hauled water from a nearby river and their toilet was a five gallon lidded bucket that was emptied into a hole dug in the yard and buried periodically. They didn't even have bathroom tissue.

He said his AK-47 accompanied him everywhere when he did business to make sure the deals he made were kept on the up and up. He'd actually have his relatives armed in the background to assure there were no shenanigans. Simply trading for food to eat was a risky proposition. 

In the house he lived in and adult was always up, armed and alert at all times. It was one hell of a place to live. He spoke of the bodies of men, women and children littering the streets on a regular basis. His immediate neighborhood was an armed camp. Gunfire rang out periodically at all sorts of odd hours.

Of course, if you are in a middle or upper middle class neighborhood you think you are safe. You're not. This guy had been in upper management of a fairly large company and his upper middle class neighborhood and his home bad been burned.

Then again there are some of you that picture a civil war where the men all go off to someplace far away and line up like they did at Gettysburg and shoot it out.

Guess again. It won't happen that way. 

A civil war isn't anything like you picture it. It will be a giant $hit sandwich and every single one of us is going to have to take a big bite.

Make sure you really do want a civil war before you talk about one.

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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Someone on an internet board said where he lives it is illegal to live off the grid.

His jaw dropped when I asked him how they would catch anyone doing this.

Most people don't seem to remember that the Unibomber did just that. The only way he got caught is that his brother ratted him out.

I have a friend that is living off of the grid and the only way I can stay in touch with him is to send a letter to a mutual friend.

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Illegally influencing an election.

I know a poll worker that I do not share political views with which is OK. Although she is of a different view there is one thing we share and that is that we both believe in a fair and honest elections.

She's really quite adamant about it and told me that one of the candidates had someone bust in demanding a list of registered voters and who had not voted yet.

They refused and shortly thereafter he showed up with an order from a crooked judge to give him a list of everyone that didn't vote so he could drag them off to the polls to vote for a certain someone.

They gave the list to him because of the court order and his girl lost anyway.

While this isn't much, it is election interference and a direct blow to my privacy. I did vote but I have a right not to vote also. It's none of anyone's business who I voted for or even IF I voted.

It won't be long before our electoral system is destroyed and when that happens a lot of people are going to suffer.

I see that it appears to have happened in a few places and I do believe that the 2nd Amendment was put in place insure things were kept on the up and up.

Anyone that interferes with the electoral process is a tyrant and deserves to be treated as one.  

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I wish pride parades would go away.

About the only parade I care about anymore is the St. Patrick's Day parade which is nothing more than an excuse to have some Guinness and Jameson's. 

I don't care if you're gay. I don't give a damn what color you are. I don't care if you are proud of what you are or not. I find many of them to be obnoxious, especially the gay parades. I wish they would simply go about their business quietly.

In fact with Veterans Day coming up I'll tell you one thing.

Most veterans really don't like being in parades.

They had to go on so many long hikes that they'd really rather sit another parade out. In fact back when they were in the service most of them would do anything to get out of being in a parade. 

They would probably rather sit on the sidelines with a cold beer and watch everyone that didn't serve go marching by.

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Friday, November 9, 2018

I have a know in my stomach as I see the election cheating going on in Georgia, Florida and Arizona.

In Broward county, Florida they are not even trying to hide the cheating. There have been photos taken of boxes of ballots being hauled in to be counted even though the election was Tuesday.

The same holds true in Arizona and Georgia.

Locally in my part of Pittsburgh a poll worker reported to me some shenanigans for a state representative. Someone showed up at the place I vote demanding a list of all registered voters that had not yet voted. They refused and shortly thereafter they showed up with a court order. 

Apparently the guy wanted a list of the Democrats that had not voted so he could cart them to the polls. The judge should be booted off of the bench and disbarred at the very least.

Personally I think that ANYBODY that interferes with any election should he publicly hanged during the half time on Superbowl Sunday. If that became policy I would certainly watch the half time.

I have a right to a secret ballot and I also have a right to simply not vote. It is nobody's business and my right to privacy has just been invaded.

The poll worker has been one for some time and is a registered Democrat which is fine because she is at least sane.  She was as livid as I was because she believes in fair elections free of all shenanigans. It speaks highly of her.

I am seeing that the first of the three boxes that protect our freedoms are not working very well. The Soapbox is being overrun by ANTIFA, the jury box is tainted by crooked judges and the ballot box is being tampered with. It is getting closer and closer to being time to open the cartridge box and when that happens an awful lot of people are going to regret tampering with the electoral process.

If Floridians pulled the crooked election people out of Dade and Broward counties and hanged them I would not care. Not even a little bit. The vote is sacred and tampering with it should be a capital crime. It is the basis of a free people and anyone that tries to circumvent it is a tyrant.

More people ought to familiarize themselves with the battle for Athens, Tennessee. The battle of Athens, Tennessee compliments of JPFO.   Here's another from a non political standpoint.

Unlike a lot of people I know how to fight a civil war and it isn't very pretty. Most people don't have the stomach for it.

As time goes on I get more and more sure that Trump won the legal popular vote. I am surer and surer that the system has been so corrupted that I am rapidly losing faith in it.

As of now I do believe we are close if not already an illegitimate government. It is getting near the point where I will feel no duty to obey laws enacted by an illegitimate government.

This does not mean I will go around committing crimes against humanity. I will continue to lead a responsible life but I will discreetly ignore the laws enacted by an illegitimate government.

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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Indians. Dot, Feather or Cleveland?

I have said time and again the Columbus was lost. He thought he was in India. That is why our Native Americans are called Indians.

There are basically three types if Indians in the country. 

First there are Native Americans, secondly there are people that came here from India. The latter could probably be called "Columbus Indians" because that's  what Columbus thought they were. 

There are also sports team Indians like the Atlanta Braves, thee Cleveland Indians etc. No telling about these Indians because the teams themselves are of mixed race, creed, color etc.

I have only once heard Native Americans gripe about sports teams named after them. It was at a college and if I recall it was in Colorado. They protested it by naming their team the 'Fighting Whiteys'. The mascot picture was one of a late 50s, early 60s business type with short hair and a necktie.

Like a lot of things, it backfired. Instead of outrage a lot of people embraced it and it took off. They grew a huge fan base.They sold a boatload of T-shirts and laughed all the way to the bank although I imagine they were a tad confused. They took the money they made and started a minority scholarship fund. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

As a white male I think it's hilarious. Any sports team of pretty much whatever that's not some kind of hate group can feel free to name themselves that. 

Actually naming sports teams after Native Americans is somewhat of a compliment. Sports teams are supposed to be strong, powerful and capable and by naming a team after Native Americans it imparts these values on them. Actually it's the other way around. Indians are looked on as having these values and hopefully they will be given to the team that names it after them. It really isn't an insult.

Years ago a Mad Magazine artist named Don Martin took a look at Indians with a series of hilarious cartoons that made me laugh like hell. He wasn't making fun of Indians as such. He was making fun of Hollywood and the stereotypes they made of Indians

One such cartoon had a lone Indian looking at a wagon train from the top of a cliff, followed by six or eight, followed by a couple of hundred. The fourth frame had thousands and Indians falling off the cliff and someone shouting back telling them to "Quit that pushing back there." It was a spoof of an old tired movie scene. I found it quite amusing and in no way insulting to anyone except for those idiots in Hollywood.

A couple of years ago I told a group of US Marines that if they ever were in danger of being over run they should call the nearest Cavalry unit. After all, never in the history of the motion picture industry has the US Cavalry ever been too late. Another Hollywood western movie stereotype. The US Cavalry always managed to chase the Indians away from the settlement at the last minute.

As far as the Indians from India are concerned, they are often given the designation of being 'Dot Indians' as opposed to 'Feather Indians'. Of course the feather designation is used for Native Americans. Neither of these are really accurate but do serve as simple designate-rs.  A handful of Native American tribes didn't wear feathers. The dot is a Hindu thing and an India Indian could be, say, a Roman Catholic and is still going to be referred to as a 'Dot' Indian. It is a  geographical designation more than anything else. I have heard neither kind of Indian complain about it for quite some time.  Both parties appear to take it for what it is, a simple term used to avoid confusion that was started by some Italian navigator that was lost.

Incidentally I suppose that if Columbus thought he was in Subic Bay the kids would be playing Cowboys and Filipinos. Actually that does have a nice ring to it. "Filipinos! Draw the wagons up into a circle!"

I recently swapped emails with a Navajo ham operator after we made a QSO. He referred to himself as a "Feather not dot Indian" and celebrates Indigenous People's Day. I can't say as I blame him. I often call it Lost Italian Day. I'm no fan of Christopher Columbus.

Anyway, there are three kinds of Indians in the country and it takes all types to make us what we are.  

As an after thought. the people that object to Indian names for sports teams are generally whiners that truly need something to bitch about. Let's give them something.

Rename ALL the teams after various racial slurs. Picture a sports recap like this: Washington Wops beat the Kansas City Kikes 3-1, Charleston Coons topped the San Diego Spics 4-2 while the Georgia Gooks trounced the Frisco Frogs 9-0.

We could get EVERYONE all worked up over nothing and that's fine by me.

I will, of course, show up in a Fighting Whites T-shirt.

Why not?

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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

There are just some plain answers that must be used.

I have said before that the French Foreign Legion saved my life simply by answering an inquisitive letter I wrote and advising me not to look for a game warden job in Africa.

When I tell the story I have to begin it by saying a Legionnaire sent me a letter that eventually saved my life. That is because if I simply state the Foreign Legion saved my life people will instantly ask for details.

Of course when they do that I am honor bound to start with "I was in French Morocco and fell in love with the Shiek of Araby's daughter and I stole his best horse and the two of us ran off together..."

Sometimes I add that I won the Legion of Honor by shooting 38 A-rabs* off the back of a camel. I for the life of me can not figure out how they could get 38 A-rabs* on the back of a camel.

It is a natural and a man has to do what he has to do.

Another thing is when I mention my motorcycle accident and someone asks me haw that came around.

"Well, I was being chased by a bunch of soldiers and the only way out was to get on the other side of this barbed wire fence..."

Anyone that has ever seen a motorcycle grins when I say that. It is another natural.

Still, the all time natural answer I occasionally give is when someone asks me why there is a minister sticker on the window of my pickup.

"Because I'm a f***ing minister, A$$hole!" is the automatic reply.

There are some things out there that just have to be said because they fit and I certainly don't want to let anybody down.

*A-rabs. A Hollywood creation. Not to be mistaken for Arabs that really exist.  

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Biting off more than you can chew.

My cousin's wife has built three boats, a canoe, a kayak and a small dinghy. She has a fourth in progress. She's quite a craftsman and quite a lady. I took one look at her and knew I'd like her.

The interesting thing is that she didn't just wake up and decide to build a boat, she did a little homework. She took a class to see what the first project entailed and see if she could realistically build a boat. Smart cookie.

Her boats are in the 8-12 foot range, light and beautifully crafted and of a size and difficulty level that she is capable of. In short, she was actually able to finish what she started.

I can think of very little that has contributed to the national firewood supply as unfinished boats have. A lot of people decide to start building a full sized replica of Noah's Ark or a 75 foot ketch and for reasons of lack of talent, time and money the project winds up in the fireplace or rotting away in someone's garage or yard.  

Still a few actually get finished.

I had a neighbor that was building a sailboat in his garage and I do believe he was the exception. For him it wasn't the dream if sailing off into the sunset in a hand built sailboat. For him it was the act of actually building it. It was a labor of love.

He had always wanted to build things with his hands but decided to do something more profitable to feed his family so the boat was his outlet. When he was transferred he took the unfinished project with him. I'm sure eventually he will finish it eventually.

While he was planking it I used to drop by and check it out. I'd take a pencil with me and put the date on the most recent plank he had installed and when I visited again I'd see there were a few more added on. I'd date the newest. It was fun to see the progress.

Still, he and my cousins wife are exceptions to the rule. The firewood supply is constantly being increased daily as dream boats go unfinished. (I wonder how low the completion rate for home built airplanes is)

There certainly is a lot more joy paddling a canoe across a mill pond somewhere than there is of dreaming about crossing an ocean in a home built 75 foot ketch.

I have to say that my cousin's wife has that part figured out and that speaks very highly of her. She can certainly chew what she bites off and that is one of the secrets to a happy life.


As a side bar here. 

In the mid 80s I bought a 24 foot 7 inch Sailstar Corsair in Everett, Washington and taught myself to sail on the way to Kodiak. 

I lived on board for a while and there were always people walking the docks checking out the various boats. I met a young couple that were interested in sailing the Seven Seas on their own boat and said they were saving up for the Big Fifty Footer.

They had somewhat of a snobby attitude toward my little pocket cruiser.

A few years back I ran into someone that told me the couple was still walking the docks and still dreaming about sailing thee Seven Seas on their Big Fifty Footer.

He looked at me and laughed. "They're still dreaming about it and you actually did it."

I guess that my expectations were actually reasonable. I do believe if I were still in Kodiak saving for a fifty footer I would still be walking the docks boatless. 

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Monday, November 5, 2018

There are a lot more deer on Boston's South Shore now

then there were the entire time I spent growing up here.

The deer population has flourished and it won't be long before people start hitting them in cars and raising hell if they have not already.

Yet these same people will bellyache about people harvesting them to eat.

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

I am in Massachusetts and out of the Boston area

and have run into a boatload of fairly conservative people which I find odd because the state is very blue.

The consensus of locals is that "They do their thing and we just ignore them." It makes me wonder about the attitude of the average smaller town LEO. The couple I have run into seem pretty laid back.

I would imagine things are different in Boston and Cambridge, though.

It seems that every time I want to write this place off something shines through and makes me wonder if there's a chance.

Although I see few Diehl signs, I see fewer for Elizabeth Warren. The people I run into think she's a total moonbat.

I have not brought up the gun control issue but it makes me wonder that the average guy thinks.

I have mentioned to a number of people that I left MA in 1973 and a lot of people have told me they don't blame me for an instant.

One thing I would like to do here is to set up a camp of sorts for about a month and chase down a lot of classmates and cousins that I have not seen in years. It's just too damned expensive around here to get a hotel room for a month.

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

What a day!

It is raining here and I am with my niece and nephew's kids and it is kind of a zoo. The two older ones are basic teenagers but there are also three toddlers that make mealtimes like a zoo which is OK because when it gets on my nerves I can just walk away and head off to the nearest place that sells liquor.

One of the things about staying in a place with a woman and two teenage girls is that I get pretty good at becoming somewhat invisible.

My lifestyle has been so hit or miss that my entire system adapts to my surroundings. I wake up early, pack up my stuff and stow it and then sneak off to Dunkin for a coffee and return when the girls have either settled down or left for school and then I have the bathroom to myself.

Decades of living rough have made situations like this second nature but I suppose has taken its toll as I look kind of rough for 67 years. I look rough because I have lived rough.

The other day I was talking with my niece and figure that as of 66 years I have spent at least 44 of them living in alternative places.

While I do have a nice home, work takes me away for well over half the time and from the time I was about 8 or 10 I have pretty much lived outside in one way or another.

My niece laughed and suggested I wouldn't have had it any other way and she's probably right.

Still, as an old man I can still take pretty good care of myself. It wasn't too long ago that I showed us and my niece commented that I looked like I had just stepped out of the shower. That's because about 30 minutes before I showed up I had bathed and shaved in the North River.

Yeah, I can still take care of myself.

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Friday, November 2, 2018

Still running

Running all over hell.

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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Busy roday

Running hard all day today

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