Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Think I'll get me some Hate Chicken

Yup. Get me some Chick-Fil-A with waffle fries.

Of course it gets harder and harder to get it because the lines are always as long as the day is because they serve some pretty good chicken and Fries.

Of course the SJWs all seem to scream about how awful the Chick-Fil-A people are and babble on about how they hate gays.

What seems interesting to me is that they appear to hire an awful lot of members of the LGBTQ community and I also hear that a lot of them frequent the place. 

A lot of people call the place 'Hate Chicken' as somewhat of a joke. That came a few years back when they espoused Christian values. For example the place is closed on Sundays. A few years ago one of the muckety mucks said he was opposed to gay marriage.

The latter comment was snapped up by the SJWs and taken out of context and the SJWs started screaming that Chick-Fil-A was hateful toward gays.

Guess what? I'm for the government staying out of the marriage business. If you want to be married go see a preacher that's willing to marry you. Government should simply offer civil unions to any two humans that want one. 

Does that make me hateful toward gays? 

I suppose the SJWs will say so because it doesn't fit into their neat little niche and makes them think which is something they don't seem to do very often. They also seem to hate people that make them think so I guess I'm in on page one.

So let's take a look at all the spiteful things that Hate Chicken does. 

First they deal with both customers and employees with dignity and respect. The don't have a mission statement, but their purpose is written here: "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.” 

You don't glorify God by being cruel to gays or for that matter anyone else that has behaved themselves in a reasonably civil manner.

Sounds to me that the SJWs as usual are just looking to create a stink where there is clean fresh air. What's new?

The moniker "Hate Chicken" was given to them as a joke after the SJWs started crying and bellyaching. The place is anything but. It's kind of like the biggest guy on the team being called "Tiny'.

Yum. I'm off to get me some Hate Chicken.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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